- Benedictus XVI, 265th Pope
- Georgette, victim of Jeanne Weber aka l’Ogresse de la Goutte d’Or
- Abbott, Bud, comedian and actor
- Abbott, Burton, kidnapper and murderer
- Abbott, Darrell aka Dimebag Darrell, guitarist and songwriter
- Abbott, Jack Henry, murderer and literary talent
- Abdulmutallab, Umar Farouk aka Omar Farooq al-Nigeri aka The Underwear Bomber, terrorist
- Abe, Sada, Geisha, prostitute, actress and murderess
- Abel, Ellen, victim of Bernd Bopp aka Der Hammermörder
- Abeling, Friedrich, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Aben, Catharina, victim of Maria Swanenburg aka Goeie Mie
- Abeyta, Roderick, murderer
- Abowath, Elyas, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Acconci, Vito, performance artist
- Acker, Kathy, feminist punk poet
- Action Directe,
- Adam, Therèse, victim of Marcel Barbeault aka Le Tueur de l’Ombre
- Adams, Agnes, victim of Gary Heidnik aka The Cellar of Horror Murderer
- Adams, Alan, murderer
- Adams, Caleb, child killer
- Adams, John, 2nd President of the United States
- Adams, John Bodkin, general practitioner and suspected serial killer
- Adams, John Quincy, 6th President of the United States
- Adamson, Joy, naturalist, artist and writer
- Adan, Richard, victim of Jack Henry Abbott known for The Belly of the Beast
- Adanandus, Dwight, murderer
- Adenauer, Konrad, first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany
- Ader, Bas Jan, artist
- Adkins, Orville, kidnapper and murderer
- Adodo, Tessy, Victim of Donato Bilancia aka Il Mostro della Liguria
- Adorno, Theodor, philosopher
- Africa, John, founder of MOVE black liberation group
- Ağa, Zaro aka The Longest Living Human Ever,
- Agan, Steven, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Ağca, Mehmet Ali, assassin and Grey Wolves member
- Agisheff, Amina, victim of Gary Ridgway aka The Green River Killer
- Agnew, Spiro, Vice-President under Richard Nixon
- Aguilar, Jesus, double murderer
- Aguirre, Frank, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Aime, Laura Ann, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Aimée, Anouk, actress
- Akiyama, Yoshimitsu, murderer
- al-Balawi, Humam aka Abu Dujana al-Khurasani, doctor and a double agent suicide bomber
- al-Ghamdi, Saeed, 9/11 terrorist
- al-Hakīm, Tawfīq aka The Enemy of Woman, writer and playwright
- al-Hazmi, Nawaf, 9/11 terrorist
- al-Hazmi, Salem, 9/11 terrorist
- al-Haznawi, Ahmed, 9/11 terrorist
- al-Hubal, Abdallah, serial killer
- al-Majid, Ali Hassan aka Chemical Ali, military commander and chief of the Iraqi Intelligence Service
- al-Mihdhar, Khalid, 9/11 terrorist
- al-Nami, Ahmed aka Abu Hashim, 9/11 terrorist
- al-Nazari, Mohammad, mass murderer
- al-Rashid, Harun aka Aaron the Upright, Aaron the Just or Aaron the Rightly Guided, fifth Arab Abbasid Caliph
- al-Shehhi, Marwan, 9/11 terrorist
- al-Shehri, Mohand, 9/11 terrorist
- al-Suqami, Satam, 9/11 terrorist
- al-Zarqawi, Abu Musab, Emir of Al Qaeda in the Country of Two Rivers
- al-Zawahiri, Ayman, al-Qaeda leader and Emir of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad
- Alaise, Aline, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Albermann, Gertrud, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Albers, Josef, artist
- Albert I, King of Belgium
- Albert II, 6th King of Belgium
- Albini, Steve, musician, record producer and audio engineer
- Albinoni, Tomaso, composer
- Albrecht, Susanne, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Albrecht, Theodor, entrepreneur
- Alda, Alan aka Hawkeye Pierce, actor
- Aldrich, Donald, murderer
- Aldrich, Robert, film director
- Aldrin, Edwin aka Buzz, astronaut
- Alekseyeva, Lyudmila, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Alexander, Frank, multiple murderer
- Alexander, Ross, actor
- Alexander I, King of Serbia
- Alexander III aka Alaxandair mac Alaxandair, King of Scots
- Alexander IV, 181st Pope
- Alexander the Great,
- Alexander VI, 214th Pope
- Alexander VII, 237th Pope
- Alexander VIII, 241st Pope
- Ali, Muhammad, boxer
- Allaway, Thomas, rapist and murderer
- Allen, Clarence Ray, triple murderer
- Allen, George, triple murderer
- Allen, Graham aka Puggy, victim of Dennis Nilsen aka Killing for Company
- Allen, Harry, chief executioner
- Allen, Margaret aka Bill, murderess
- Allen, Peter, murderer
- Allen, Walter, black
- Allen, Woody, actor and film director
- Allende, Salvador, 28th President of Chile
- Allitt, Beverley aka The Angel of Death, serial killer
- Allridge, James, murderer
- Allridge, Ronald, multiple murderer
- Alpert, Herb, musician
- Altiery, Andrea aka Enchantment aka Fish, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
- Altman, Robert, film director
- Alvarado, Lorenzo, mass murderer
- Alzheimer, Aloysius, psychiatrist and neuropathologist
- Amadeus I, Duke of Aosta
- Amala, feral girl
- Amer, Abdel Hakim, war leader
- Amin, Idi aka the Butcher of Uganda, 3rd President of Uganda
- Amis, Kingsley, writer
- Amos, Bernard, murderer
- Ampère, André-Marie, physicist and mathematician
- Amrani, Nordine, mass murderer
- Amundsen, Roald, explorer
- Amurao, Corazon, sole survivor of the Richard Speck-massacre in Chicago
- An unidentified man,
- An unidentified woman,
- Anastasia, Albert aka The One-Man Army, mobster and hitman
- Anastasius II, 50th Pope
- Ander, Johan, murderer
- Andersen, Hans Christian, writer of fairy tales
- Andersen, Stephen, mass murderer
- Anderson, Burt, murderer
- Anderson, Johnny, murderer
- Anderson, Joseph, murderer
- Anderson, Larry, murderer
- Anderson, Laurie, performance artist, composer and musician
- Anderson, Lindsay, film director
- Anderson, Newton, double murderer
- Anderson, Robert, child killer
- Anderson, Stephen Wayne, multiple murderer
- Andō, Momofuku, inventor of instant noodles
- Andrade, Richard, murderer
- Andrassy, Edward, victim of the Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run
- Andre, Carl, minimal artist
- Andre, Gwili aka Gurlie, model and actress
- Andreas-Salomé, Lou, psychoanalyst and writer
- Andress, Ursula, actress
- Andrews, Julie, actress and singer
- Andrews, Lee Lowell aka The Nicest Boy in Wolcott, triple murderer
- Andrews, Norman, murderer
- Andrews, William aka The Hi-Fi Murderer, triple murderer
- Andropov, Yuri, Soviet leader
- Angeli, Pier, actress
- Anger, Kenneth, film director
- Angerstein, Fritz, mass murderer
- Anka, Paul, singer-songwriter
- Ant, Adam, musician
- Antonioni, Michelangelo, film director
- Apel, Wilhelm, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Apollinaire, Guillaume, surrealist writer
- Appel, Karel, artist
- Applegate, Everett, murderer
- Applegate, Glenn, cop killer
- Applewhite, Marshall Herff aka Bo and Do, founder of Heaven's Gate religious cult
- Aquino, Benigno Jr. aka Ninoy, leader of the opposition
- Arafat, Yasser, Palestinian leader
- Aragon, Louis, poet and writer
- Aramburu, Pedro Eugenio, President of Argentina
- Arbuckle, Roscoe aka The Heavy-Weight Rapist, actor
- Arbus, Diane, photographer
- Arceneaux, Ann, victim of Gerald Stano aka Blind Fury
- Archambault, Marielle, victim of Wayne Boden aka The Vampire Rapist
- Brown, Archibald, crippled bully
- Archipenko, Alexander, artist
- Arcuri, Sam, victim of Daniel Blank aka The Parish River Killer
- Arinaitwe, Richard, serial killer
- Armani, Giorgio, fashion designer
- Armendáriz, Pedro, actor
- Armstrong, Edwin, electrical engineer and inventor
- Armstrong, Herbert Rowse, solicitor and murderer
- Armstrong, Louis aka Satchmo, Jazz trumpeter, composer and vocalist
- Armstrong, Neil, astronaut
- Arnd, Sigrun, victim of Clifford Olson aka The Vancouver Butcher
- Arne, Peter, actor
- Arnold, Jermarr, murderer
- Arp, Jean / Hans, artist
- Arrabal, Fernando, film director and writer
- Arregui, Jose Ignacio, member of the Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA)
- Artaud, Antonin, playwright, poet, actor and theatre director
- Arthur, Chester, 21st President of the United States
- Asahara, Shoko, doomsday cult leader
- Ashley, Laura, fashion designer
- Asimov, Isaac, science fiction writer and professor of biochemistry
- Askins, Jacqueline, victim of Gary Heidnik aka The Cellar of Horror Murderer
- Asperger, Hans, pediatrician
- Astaire, Fred, stage dancer, singer and actor
- Astin, Derek, victim of Donald Neilson aka The Black Panther
- Astrid of Sweden, Queen consort of the Belgians
- Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal aka Father of the Turks, army officer, revolutionary and first President of Turkey
- Atherton, Abel, murderer
- Atkins, Robin, victim of Alfred Gaynor aka The Springfield Strangler
- Atkins, Susan aka Sadie Mae Glutz, member of the 'Manson Family'
- Atkinson, Patricia, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Atkinson, Rowan, actor
- Atta, Mohamed, 9/11 terrorist
- Attenborough, Richard, actor
- Atwood, Angela aka General Gelina, founding member of the Symbionese Liberation Army
- Atwood, Frank, child killer
- Atworth, Robert, murderer
- Audette, Shirley, victim of Wayne Boden aka The Vampire Rapist
- Audran, René, senior official of the Ministry of Defence
- Austen, Jane, writer
- Austin, John, highwayman
- Autry, James David aka Cowboy, double murderer
- Auvinen, Pekka-Eric, school shooter
- Avalon, Frankie, teen idol
- Avedon, Richard, photographer
- Avery, Tex, animator, cartoonist, voice actor and director
- Axell, Evelyne, pop artist
- Ayers, Cherie, victim of Randall Woodfield aka the I-5 Killer
- Aznavour, Charles, singer-songwriter
- Baader, Andreas, leader of the Baader-Meinhof-Gruppe aka Rote Armee Fraktion
- Baba, Meher aka Avatar, spiritual master
- Babbitt, Manuel, murderer
- Babelay, Andrée-Anne, victim of Henri Désiré Landru aka Le Barbe-Bleue de Gambais
- Baby Fae,
- Bacall, Lauren, actress
- Bach, Johann Sebastian, composer
- Bach, Suzanne,
- Bacharach, Burt, singer-songwriter and composer
- Bachmann, Josef, assassin
- Bachmeier, Anna, victim of sex offender Klaus Grabowski
- Bachmeier, Marianne aka The Revenge Mother, vigilante
- Bacon, Francis, artist
- Badalamenti, Angelo, composer
- Baekeland, Leo aka The Father of the Plastics Industry, chemist
- Baer, Richard, SS Sturmbannführer and commander of Auschwitz KZ
- Baez, Joan, singer, songwriter, musician and activist
- Baghlani, Farid, serial killer
- Baglin, Carol Anne,
- Bagwell, Dennis, mass murderer
- Bailey, Billy, double murderer
- Bailey, Francis Lee, criminal defense attorney
- Bailey, James, black
- Bailey, Kenneth, murderer
- Baird, Nancy, possible victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Bakari, Bahia, plane crash survivor
- Baker, Josephine aka The Bronze Venus or The Black Pearl, dancer, singer and actress
- Baker, Lena, murderess
- Baker, Stanley, murderer
- Baker, Stanley Dean, murderer and cannibal
- Baker, Wimberly, FBI Special Agent
- Bakunin, Mikhail, revolutionary anarchist
- Balance, John, musician
- Baldree, Ernest, double murderer
- Baldwin, James, writer, poet and activist
- Ball, Brenda, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Ball, George aka George Sumner aka The Sack Murderer, murderer
- Ball, Ian, psychotic
- Ball, Joe Joseph D. aka The Alligator Man aka The Butcher of Elmendorf, serial killer
- Ball, John, Lollard priest
- Ball, Lucille, actress, comedian, model and producer
- Balla, Giacomo, artist
- Ballard, James Graham, writer
- Baltazar, John, murderer
- Bamber, Jeremy aka The White House Farm Murderer, mass murderer
- Banana, Anna, Mail and Performance artist
- Bancroft, Anne, actress
- Bancroft, Emmet, cop killer
- Banda, Esequel, murderer
- Bandara, Upadhya, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Baniszewski, Gertrude aka Gertrude Wright, murderess
- Banks, George, spree killer
- Banks, Parks, black
- Bannister, Alan, contract killer
- Baoshan, Bai, serial killer
- Bara, Theda aka The Vamp, actress and sex symbol
- Barbaro, Anthony, school shooter
- Barbeault, Marcel aka Le Tueur de L'Ombre, serial killer
- Barbee, Stephen, double murderer
- Barber, Danny Lee, multiple murderer
- Barber, James, murderer
- Barbie, Klaus aka The Butcher of Lyon, SS-Hauptsturmführer
- Barbier-Ponthus, Anna, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Barbosa, Daniel Camargo aka The Beast of Ecuador aka The Monster of Charquito, serial killer
- Barbusse, Henri, writer
- Bardot, Brigitte, actress
- Barefield, John, murderer
- Barefoot, Thomas, cop killer
- Barela, Rafael, murderer
- Barfield, Velma, serial killer
- Baribeault, Wendy, victim of Michael Ross aka The Roadside Strangler
- Barichievich, Antonio aka The Great Antonio, strongman and eccentric
- Barker, Ma, crime matriarch
- Barlow, Malcolm, victim of Dennis Nilsen aka Killing for Company
- Barnard, Christian Neethling, cardiac surgeon
- Barnard, Harold, murderer
- Barnes, John, murderer
- Barnes, Willis, rapist and murderer
- Barney, Jeffery, murderer
- Barret, George W. aka Diamond King, cop killer
- Barrett, Syd, musician
- Barrow, Clyde Chestnut, gangster
- Barthel, Regina, victim of Michael Wolpert aka Der Neu-Isenburger Frauenmörder
- Barthelemy, Helen, victim of Jack the Stripper
- Barthes, Roland, literary theorist, philosopher, linguist and semiotician
- Bartholdi, Frédéric Auguste, sculptor
- Bartholomew, Clifford, mass murderer
- Bartholomew, Lester, mass murderer
- Bartlett, John, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Bartók, Béla, composer
- Barton, Mark, mass murderer
- Bartsch, Jürgen aka Der Kirmesmörder, serial killer
- Basden, Ernest, murderer
- Basie, Count, musician and bandleader
- Basinger, Kim, actress
- Baskerville, John, printer and type designer
- Basom, Dawn, victim of Norman John Collins aka The Michigan Coed Killer
- Bass, Charles, cop killer
- Bassey, Shirley, singer
- Basso, Suzanne, murderess
- Bastianelli, Giannotto, composer
- Bastien-Thiry, Jean-Marie, lieutenant-colonel and military air weaponry engineer
- Bataille, Georges, writer and philosopher
- Bates, Cheri Jo, possible victim of the Zodiac Killer
- Bates, Joseph, murderer
- Bates, Martin, murderer
- Bates, William, victim of Paul John Knowles aka Killing Time
- Báthory, Erzsébet aka Die Blutfrau, countess and serial killer
- Baudelaire, Charles, poet and art critic
- Baudrillard, Jean, sociologist, philosopher and cultural theorist
- Bauer, Barbara, victim of Gerald Stano aka Blind Fury
- Baughn, Melvin, horse thief and murderer
- Baulch, Billy Gene, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Baulch, Michael, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Baum, Carter W., FBI Special Agent
- Baumeister, Herb aka The I-70 Strangler, serial killer
- Bavouzet, Auguste, victim of Jeanne Weber aka l’Ogresse de la Goutte d’Or
- Bayly, Alfred, murderer
- Beach, Gary, mass murderer
- Beadle, William, mass murderer
- Beale, Laura Ernestine, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Beard, Elizabeth, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Bearden, Leonard, hijacker
- Beardsley, Aubrey, artist
- Beathard, James, triple murderer
- Beatty, Tracy, murderer
- Beatty, Warren, actor
- Beaumont, Florence, Unitarian peace activist
- Beaupied, Claudius, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Beausoleil, Bobby aka Cupid aka Bummer Bob aka Tophat aka Bobby Snofox, musician, actor and murderer
- Beavers, Richard, murderer
- Beazley, Napoleon, murderer
- Bécaud, Gilbert aka Monsieur 100.000 Volts, singer and actor
- Bechet, Sidney, musician
- Beck, Frank, victim of Jurgen Bartsch aka Der Kirmesmörder
- Beck, Konrad, mass murderer
- Beck, Martha aka The Lonely Hearts Killers (with Raymond Fernandez), serial killer
- Becker, Charles, lieutenant in the New York City Police Department, racketeer and murderer
- Becker, Verena, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Beckett, Samuel, writer and playwright
- Beckmann, Max, painter, draftsman, printmaker, sculptor and writer
- Beckurtz, Karl Heinz, physicist and research manager
- Beets, Betty Lou, murderess
- Behringer, Earl, double murderer
- Bei, Wang, pop star
- Beilke, Max, Master Sergeant
- Beineman, Karen, victim of Norman John Collins aka The Michigan Coed Killer
- Béjart, Maurice, dancer and choreographer
- Belafonte, Harry, singer, songwriter, musician and activist
- Belknap, Daniel, farmer, mechanic, militia captain, poet and singer-songwriter
- Belknap, Raymond, Heavy Metal fan
- Bell, Alexander Graham, scientist, inventor, engineer and innovator
- Bell, Edwin, mass murderer
- Bell, Gertrud, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Bell, Gertrude aka The Uncrowned Queen of Iraq, writer, traveller, political officer, administrator, spy and archaeologist
- Bell, John, rapist
- Bell, Larry, kidnapper and multiple murderer
- Bell, Mabel, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Bell, Mary aka Child of Hell, child killer
- Bellen, Michel aka The Strangler of the Left Bank, serial killer
- Bellingham, John, assassin
- Bellow, Saul, writer
- Belmondo, Jean-Paul, actor
- Belushi, John, comedian and actor
- Belyayev, Pavel, cosmonaut
- Belyeu, Clifton, murderer
- Bembenek, Laurie aka Run, Bambi, Run, murderess
- Ben-Gurion, David aka Israel's Founding Father, first Prime Minister of Israel
- Bénady, Elsa, victim of Guy Georges aka Le Tueur de la Bastille
- Benaim, Alice, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Benchley, Peter, writer
- Benedictus V, 132nd Pope
- Benedictus XI, 194th Pope
- Benedictus XIII, 245th Pope
- Benedictus XIV, 247th Pope
- Benedictus XV, 258th Pope
- Benjamin, Walter, philosopher
- Bennen, Hermann, victim of Rudolf Pleil aka Der Großsten Todmacher
- Bennett, Whitney, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Bennett, David, heart patient
- Bennett, John, rapist
- Bennett, John Herbert, murderer
- Bennett, Keith, victim of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley aka The Moors Murderers
- Bennett, Taunja, victim of Keith Jesperson aka The Happy Face Killer
- Bentley, Derek, cop killer
- Bentley, John Irving, physician
- Benz, Carl, automobile designer and manufacturer
- Berdella, Robert aka The Kansas City Butcher, serial killer
- Berg, Alban, composer
- Bergkotte, Levent, planespotter and journalist
- Bergman, Ingmar, film director
- Bergman, Ingrid, actress
- Bergwall, Sture aka Thomas Quick aka Sätermannen, imaginary serial killer
- Berio, Luciano, composer
- Berkman, Patricia Vinico aka Pnina, victim of Eric Edgar Cooke aka The Australian Nightmare
- Berkowitz, David aka Son of Sam, serial killer
- Berlin, Irving, composer
- Berliner, Emile, inventor
- Berlioz, Hector, romantic composer
- Bern, Paul, film director and Jean Harlow’s husband
- Bernardo, Paul aka The Scarborough Rapist aka The Schoolgirl Killer, serial killer
- Bernhard, Thomas, writer
- Bernhardt, Sarah aka The Divine Sarah, actress
- Bernstein, Leonard, composer
- Berry, Andrew, murderer
- Berry, Chuck, singer-songwriter and musician
- Berry, Wilford aka The Volunteer, murderer
- Bertillon, Alphonse, law enforcement officer and biometrics researcher
- Bertolucci, Bernardo, film director
- Bertrand, Pascal aka The Back-Packer Murderer, serial killer
- Besant, Annie, theosophist, writer and women's rights activist
- Bessener, Sigurd, victim of Waldemar Stepinski aka The Doorbell Killer
- Besumer, Louis, victim of The Axeman of New Orleans
- Bethea, Rainey, murderer
- Bettelheim, Bruno, psychologist and writer
- Beuys, Joseph, artist and pedagogue
- Beverly, Chastine, murderer
- Bhutto, Benazir,
- Bianchi, Kenneth aka The Hillside Strangler, serial killer
- Bianchi, Maurizio aka MB, musician
- Bich, Marcel, manufacturer of the 'Bic'
- Bickrest, Susan, victim of Gerald Stano aka Blind Fury
- Biegenwald, Richard aka The Jersey Shore Thrill Killer, serial killer
- Biermann, Wolf, singer-songwriter
- Biggs, Ronnie, Great Train Robber
- Bijak, Genowefa, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Bikila, Abebe, Olympic marathon champion
- Biko, Steve, anti-apartheid activist
- Bilancia, Donato aka Il Mostro della Liguria, serial killer
- Bilansky, Ann, poisoner
- Billings, Jewry, victim of Harvey Louis Carignan aka The Want-Ad Killer
- Billy the Kid aka William H. Bonney aka Kid Antrim, outlaw, gunfighter and folk icon
- Bilovetsky, Ivan, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Faisal, King of Saudi Arabia
- bin Laden, Osama, founder of al-Qaeda
- Binder, Gustav, SS-Unterscharführer
- Bintanja, Henk, victim of Charles Sobhraj aka Bad Blood
- Binz, Dorothea, Aufseherin in Ravensbrück KZ
- Bird, Derrick, spree killer
- Bird, Jerry, murderer
- Birger, Charles, bootlegger and murderer
- Birkin, Jane, actress and singer
- Biryuk, Lyubov, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Bishop, Arthur Gary aka The Mormon Murderer, child molester and serial killer
- Bishop, Arthur Henry, murderer
- Bishop, Bridget,
- Bisset, Jacqueline, actress
- Bissette, Patricia, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Bixby, Bill, actor
- Bizet, Georges, composer
- Bjorkland, Penny, murderess
- Black, Christopher, triple murderer
- Black, Edward, murderer
- Black, Robert, murder plotter
- Black September Organization, Palestinian militant organization
- Blackburn, Charles, murderer
- Blackburn, Dorothy, victim of Arthur Shawcross aka The Genesee River Killer
- Blackburn, Raymond, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Blackmon, Ricky, murderer
- Blackwell, Renee, victim of Hubert Geralds aka The Englewood Rapist
- Blades, Albert, black
- Blaiberg, Philip, dentist
- Blair, Tony, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
- Blake, Helen, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Blake, Jack, victim of Arthur Shawcross aka The Genesee River Killer
- Blake, Joseph aka Blueskin, highwayman
- Blake, Robert, actor
- Blake, William, poet and painter
- Blanco, Luis Carrero, 1st Duke of Carrero Blanco and Grandee of Spain
- Blank, Daniel aka The Parish River Killer, serial killer
- Blavatsky, Helena aka Madame Blavatsky, theosophist, occultist and spirit medium
- Blériot, Louis, aviation pioneer
- Bloch, Robert, writer
- Block, David, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Block, Lynda, cop killer
- Blomqvist, Tilda, victim of Sigvard Thurneman aka The Doctor
- Blumenthaler, Ilse, victim of Thomas Rath aka Der Moormörder
- Bobet, Louis aka Zonzon, cyclist
- Boca, Steve, victim of The Axeman of New Orleans
- Boccioni, Umberto, artist
- Bock, Hermann, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Bočková, Blanka, victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet
- Boden, Wayne aka The Vampire Rapist, serial killer
- Boeing, William, aviation pioneer
- Boersig, Louis, double murderer
- Bogarde, Dirk, actor
- Bogart, Humphrey, actor
- Bogdanovich, Peter, film director
- Boggess, Clifford, double murderer
- Bohlmann, Hans-Joachim, serial art vandal
- Bohn, Gabriella, victim of Bernd Bopp aka Der Hammermörder
- Bohn, Martine, victim of Le Dépeceur de Mons aka The Trash Bag Killer
- Bohr, Niels, physicist
- Bokassa, Jean-Bédel, self-proclaimed Emperor of Central Africa
- Bolan, Marc, singer-songwriter and musician
- Boleyn, Anne, second wife of King Henry VIII
- Bolin, Patty, triple murderess
- Boling, Tommy, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Böll, Heinrich, writer
- Boltanski, Christian, artist
- Bolton, Daren, child killer
- Bolton, Mildred, murderess
- Bombas, Emmanuel, mutineer and murderer
- Bonaparte, Napoléon, war leader
- Bonaventura, Sheryl, victim of Christopher Wilder aka The Beauty Queen Killer
- Bonham, Antonio, rapist and murderer
- Bonifatius IX, 203rd Pope
- Bonifatius VII, antipope
- Bonin, William aka The Freeway Killer, serial killer
- Bonnard, Pierre, artist
- Bonner, Debra, victim of Gary Ridgway aka The Green River Killer
- Bonnin, Michael, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Bonnot, Jules aka Le Bourgeois, illegalist
- Bono, Sonny, musician and born-again politician
- Bontems, Roger, criminal
- Boock, Peter-Jürgen, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Booher, Vernon, mass murderer
- Boole, George, mathematician, philosopher and logician
- Boone, Pat, singer and actor
- Booth, Arnett, kidnapper and murderer
- Booth, John Wilkes aka The Man Who Shot President Abraham Lincoln, actor and assassin
- Booth, William, founder of the Salvation Army
- Bopp, Bernd aka Der Hammermörder, serial killer
- Borchardt, Ludwig, Egyptologist
- Borden, Andrew, victim of axe murderess Lizzie Borden
- Borden, Lizzie, presumed axe murderess
- Borel, Éric, spree killer
- Borgia, Cesare, Duke of Valentinois
- Borgia, Giovanni, 2nd Duke of Gandia
- Borgia, Lucrezia, Duchess of Bisceglie, Ferrara, Modena and Reggio, Princess of Salerno and femme fatale
- Bormann, Johanna aka Wiesel, KZ-Aufseherin in Ravensbrück, Auschwitz-Birkenau and Bergen-Belsen
- Bormann, Martin, Nazi official and private secretary to Adolf Hitler
- Borms, August, Flemish nationalist leader
- Borodin, Alexander Porfiryevich, composer
- Bosch, Hieronymus, painter
- Bösel, Greta, Arbeitseinsatzführerin in Ravensbrück KZ
- Boston, Patience, murderess
- Botticelli, Sandro, Renaissance painter
- Boudewijn, 5th King of Belgium
- Bouglione, Joseph aka The King of Circus, circus acrobat and director
- Boulez, Pierre, composer
- Boulin, Robert, Minister of Labour
- Boulle, Pierre, writer
- Bourdieu, Pierre, sociologist, anthropologist and philosopher
- Bourgeois, Barbara, victim of Daniel Blank aka The Parish River Killer
- Bourgeois, Louise aka Spiderwoman, artist
- Bourvil, André, actor
- Bouvier, Jacqueline aka Jackie Kennedy, First Lady of the United States
- Bow, Clara aka The It Girl, actress and sex symbol
- Bower, Robert, victim of Sean Sellers aka Web of Darkness
- Bowers, John, actor
- Bowers, Robert, mass murderer
- Bowie, David, musician and actor
- Bowles, Paul, composer and writer
- Bowman, James, rapist and murderer
- Bowman, Margaret, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Bowman, Matthew, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Boy George, musician
- Boyce, Albert, murderer
- Boyd, Arthur, murderer
- Boyd, Charles aka The Bathroom Slayer, triple murderer
- Boyd, Kenneth, double murderer
- Boyer, Charles, actor
- Boyle, Benjamin, double murderer
- Bradbury, Ray, science fiction writer
- Bradehoft, Joseph, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Bradley, Omar aka The G.I. 's General, war leader
- Bradley, Perry, victim of Colin Ireland aka The Gay Slayer
- Brady, Fred, murderer
- Brady, Ian aka The Moors Murderers (with Myra Hindley), serial killer
- Brahms, Johannes, romantic composer
- Braille, Louis, inventor
- Brain, George, murderer
- Brakhage, Stan, experimental filmmaker
- Branca, Glenn, avant-garde composer and guitarist
- Brâncuși, Constantin, sculptor
- Brandes, Bernd, victim of Armin Meiwes aka Der Metzgermeister
- Brando, Cheyenne, daughter of actor Marlon Brando
- Brando, Christian, only child of actor Marlon Brando and Anna Kashfi
- Brando, Marlon, actor and film director
- Brandt, Karl, SS-Gruppenführer and leader of the Aktion T4 euthanasia program
- Branson, Olive, eccentric painter
- Brant, Isabella, artist's model and first wife of Peter Paul Rubens
- Braque, Georges, artist
- Brasillach, Robert, writer and journalist
- Braun, Eva, wife of Adolf Hitler for one day
- Braunberger, Paul, victim of Marcel Petiot aka The Triangular Chamber of Death Murderer
- Bray, Peter, murderer
- Brayton, Georgina aka Soror Capricornus, founder of the Solar Lodge secret society
- Brearley, Harry, metallurgist
- Brecht, Bertolt, poet, playwright and theatre director
- Breker, Arno, sculptor
- Brel, Jacques, singer-songwriter
- Bremer, Arthur, would-be assassin
- Breslin, Jimmy, journalist and writer
- Breton, André aka The Father of Surrealism, surrealist writer
- Breugnot, André, victim of Charles Sobhraj aka Bad Blood
- Brewer, David, murderer
- Brewer, Jillian, victim of Eric Edgar Cooke aka The Australian Nightmare
- Brewer, John, murderer and necrophiliac
- Brezhnev, Leonid, Soviet statesman
- Briddle, James, double murderer
- Bridge, Warren, murderer
- Bridgeford, Shirley, victim of Harvey Glatman aka The Pin-Up Killer
- Bridges, Beau, actor
- Bridges, Daniel, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Briley, James, spree killer
- Briley, Linwood, spree killer
- Brimage, Richard, murderer
- Brinkley, Richard, murderer
- Brinkmann, Heinz, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Britten, Benjamin, composer
- Broadwater, Emma, the longest ever living woman in the USA
- Broadway, Brenda, victim of Michael Sharp
- Brock, Albert, murderer
- Brock, Joan, victim of Daniel Blank aka The Parish River Killer
- Brock, Leslie, victim of Harvey Louis Carignan aka The Want-Ad Killer
- Brodsky, Joseph, poet
- Bronichewski, Paul, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Bronson, Charles, actor
- Brontë, Charlotte aka Currer Bell, poet and writer
- Brontë, Emily aka Ellis Bell, poet and writer
- Bronzich, Connie, victim of Charles Sobhraj aka Bad Blood
- Brood, Herman, musician and painter
- Broodthaers, Marcel, poet and artist
- Brook, Laura, victim of Harvey Louis Carignan aka The Want-Ad Killer
- Brooke, Tyler, actor
- Brooks, Charles aka Shareef Ahmad Abdul-Rahim, murderer
- Brooks, Mel, film director, actor and comedian
- Broussard, Windell, double murderer
- Brown, Arthur aka The God of Hellfire, musician
- Brown, Arthur Ross, murderer
- Brown, Carl Robert, mass murderer
- Brown, David aka Dawud Abdullah Muhammad, double murderer
- Brown, Ernest, murderer
- Brown, Frances, victim of William Heirens aka Catch Me Before I Kill More
- Brown, Frances, victim of Arthur Shawcross aka The Genesee River Killer
- Brown, Gary, murderer
- Brown, James aka The Godfather of Soul, singer-songwriter, dancer and bandleader
- Brown, Jeff, black
- Brown, John, murderer
- Brown, Joseph, murderer
- Brown, Louise Joy, first in-vitro baby
- Brown, Martin, victim of Mary Bell aka Child of Hell
- Brown, Mary, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Brown, Mauriceo, murderer
- Browne, Frederick, cop killer
- Browne, Tracy, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Browning, John, firearms designer
- Browning, Tod, film director
- Brownlee, Albert, cop killer
- Bruce, Jean aka Jean Alexandre, Jean Alexandre Brochet, Jean-Martin Rouan or Joyce Lindsay, writer
- Bruce, Kenneth, murderer
- Bruce, Lenny, stand-up comedian, social critic and satirist
- Bruckner, Anton, composer
- Bruder, Barbara, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Brudos, Jerry aka The Lust Killer, foot fetishist and serial killer
- Brummell, Beau, men’s fashion pioneer
- Brunais, April, victim of Michael Ross aka The Roadside Strangler
- Bruneau, Albert aka The Murderous Priest, murderer
- Brunner, Mary aka Marioche aka Mother Mary, member of the 'Manson Family'
- Bruno, Giordano, philosopher, mathematician and astrologer
- Brus, Günter, Wiener Aktionist
- Brüsewitz, Oskar, Lutheran pastor
- Brust, Albert, murderer
- Bryant, Anita, singer and anti-gay rights activist
- Bryant, Charlotte, murderess
- Bryant, Martin, mass murderer
- Brynner, Yul, actor
- Buback, Siegfried, Attorney General of Germany
- Buchalter, Louis, mobster and head of the Mafia hit squad Murder, Inc
- Buchanan, James, 15th President of the United States
- Buck, Pearl S. aka Sai Zhenzhu, writer
- Bucklew, Russell, murderer
- Buckley, Homer, murderer
- Buckley, Tim, musician
- Budd, Grace, victim of Albert Fish aka The Cannibal
- Budlick, Maria aka Maria Butlies, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Budzinski, Frau, victim of Paul Ogorzow aka Der Schnell-Bahn Mörder
- Buell, Robert Anthony, multiple child murderer
- Buenoano, Judy aka Florida's Black Widow, presumed multiple murderess
- Buffet, Claude, murderer
- Bugatti, Ettore, automobile designer and manufacturer
- Bugdalle, Richard aka Bruttalle, SS-Oberscharführer and guard at Mauthausen KZ
- Bugliosi, Vincent, attorney and writer
- Buisson, Célestine, victim of Henri Désiré Landru aka Le Barbe-Bleue de Gambais
- Buisson, Émile aka Mimile, gangster and French public enemy No. 1 for 1950
- Buisson, Olympe, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Bükow, Hedda, victim of Waldemar Stepinski aka The Doorbell Killer
- Bukowski, Charles aka Hank, poet and writer
- Bulger, James, victim of Robert Thompson and Jon Venables
- Bulubili, Ayub, mass murderer
- Bum-kon, Woo, spree killer
- Bunckley, Homer, murderer
- Bundy, Ted aka The Only Living Witness, serial killer
- Bunker, Chang and Eng, Siamese twins
- Bunsen, Robert, chemist
- Buñuel, Luis aka Le Chien Andalou, surrealist filmmaker
- Buono, Angelo aka The Hillside Strangler, serial killer
- Burchfield, Ben aka The Bristol Axe Murderer, mass murderer
- Burda, Aenne, women's magazine publisher
- Burden, Chris, performance and installation artist
- Bureau, Laurent, victim of Francis Heaulme aka The Emmaus Murderer
- Burgess, Anthony, writer
- Burgunder, Robert, double murderer
- Burke, Charles, murderer
- Burke, David, mass murderer
- Burke, Elmer aka Trigger, hit man
- Burke, William aka The Body Snatchers (with William Hare), serial killer
- Burks, John, murderer
- Burnett, Chester Arthur aka Howlin' Wolf, musician
- Burnett, Henry John, murderer
- Burnham, Alice, victim of George Joseph Smith aka The Brides in the Bath Murderer
- Burns, George, comedian, actor and singer
- Burns, William, murderer
- Burroughs, Edgar Rice, writer
- Burroughs, William S., writer, painter and spoken word performer
- Burroughs, William Seward, inventor of the calculating machine
- Burrows, Albert, multiple murderer
- Burrus, Joseph aka Amazing Joe, escape artist
- Burton, Arthur, murderer
- Burton, Gwen, victim of Harvey Louis Carignan aka The Want-Ad Killer
- Burton, Richard, actor
- Burton, Willis, murderer
- Busby, Jasen, double murderer
- Buse, William, murderer
- Bush, Edwin, murderer
- Bush, George H. W., 41st President of the United States
- Bushnell, Bennie, victim of Gary Gilmore aka The Executioner's Song
- Butchek, John, murderer
- Butkovich, John, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Butler, Jerome, double murderer
- Butterfield, Paul, musician
- Butterworth, Charles, actor
- Buttho, Zulfikar Ali, founder of the Pakistan People's Party
- Buxton, Lawrence, murderer
- Buysse, Cyriel, naturalist writer
- Byars, James Lee, artist
- Byck, Samuel, tire salesman and would-be assassin
- Byrd, John William, murderer
- Byrne, David, musician
- Byrne, Edward, murderer
- Byron, George aka Lord Byron, poet
- Bywaters, Frederick, murderer
- Błaszczyk, Maria, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- C., Vrouw, victim of Michel Bellen aka The Strangler of the Left Bank
- Caballé, Montserrat, soprano
- Cabie, Rudy, Simpletone
- Cabot, Susan, actress
- Cadman, Josiah, forger
- Caesar, Julius, dictator of the Roman Empire
- Caffrey, Raymond, FBI Special Agent
- Cage, John, composer, music theorist and artist
- Cagney, James, actor
- Cain, James, writer
- Calder, Alexander, sculptor
- Caldwell, Erskine, writer
- Caldwell, Jeffery, triple murderer
- Cale, John, musician
- Caligula, Roman Emperor
- Calise, Ralph, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Callas, Maria aka La Divina, soprano
- Calley, William, American hero and mass murderer
- Callins, Bruce, murderer
- Callixtus III, 209th Pope
- Calvert, Louie, double murderess
- Colvert, Robert, victim of Charles Starkweather aka Little Red
- Camacho, Genaro Ruiz, gang leader and multiple murderer
- Cambi, Susanna, victim of Il Mostro di Firenze
- Campbell, Caryn, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Campbell, Charles, triple murderer
- Campbell, Henry Colin aka The Torch Murderer, presumed multiple murderer
- Campbell, Naomi, fashion model, actress and businesswoman
- Camus, Albert, writer
- Canary, Martha Jane aka Calamity Jane, frontierswoman and professional scout
- Canetti, Elias, writer
- Cannon, Joseph, murderer
- Cannon, Mary, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Cannon, Robert, multiple murderer
- Cannon, Ross, hair stylist and experimental filmmaker
- Cantu, Andrew, triple murderer
- Cantu, Domingo, rapist and murderer
- Cantu, Ivan, double murderer
- Cantu, Ruben, murderer
- Canu, Giangiorgio, Victim of Donato Bilancia aka Il Mostro della Liguria
- Capone, Al aka Scarface, gangster, bootlegger and racketeer
- Capote, Truman, writer and playwright
- Capra, Frank, film director
- Caracalla aka Marcus Aurelius Severus Antoninus Augustus, Roman Emperor
- Caracciolo, Francesco, saint and founder of the Congregation of the Clerics Regular Minor
- Caravaggio, Michelangelo, artist
- Cardin, Pierre, fashion designer
- Cardinale, Claudia, actress
- Carette, Pierre, leader of Les Cellules Communistes Combattantes
- Carignan, Harvey aka The Want-Ad Killer aka Harv the Hammer, serial killer
- Caritativo, Bart, double murderer
- Carlier, Peter, murderer
- Carlisle, John, murderer
- Carlos I of Portugal aka o Diplomata aka o Martirizado, king
- Carmen, William, victim of Kenneth Erskine aka The Stockwell Strangler
- Carmichael, Stokely aka Kwame Ture, Honorary Prime Minister of the Black Panther Party
- Carnot, Sadi, 4th President of France
- Carol, Martine, actress
- Carpenter, David aka The Trailside Killer, serial killer
- Carpenter, John, film director
- Carpenter, Karen, musician
- Carpenter, Mary,
- Carpenter, Richard, musician
- Carpenter, Scott, murderer
- Carr, Amanda, victim of Paul John Knowles aka Killing Time
- Carr, Carswell, victim of Paul John Knowles aka Killing Time
- Carr, John aka Wheaties, neighbour to David Berkowitz aka Son of Sam
- Carr, Maryann, victim of Richard Cottingham aka The Torso Killer
- Carr, Michael, neighbour to David Berkowitz aka Son of Sam
- Carr, Royal, murderer
- Carr, William, black meat thief
- Carradine, David aka The Barefoot Legend, actor
- Carraher, Patrick aka The Fiend of the Gorbals, murderer
- Carrein, Jérôme, child killer
- Carrol, William, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Carroll, Jessie, murderer
- Carroll, Lewis, writer, mathematician and photographer
- Carson, Johnny, television host
- Carson, Kit, frontiersman, fur trapper and wilderness guide
- Carter, Desmond, murderer
- Carter, Howard, archaeologist and Egyptologist
- Carter, Jimmy, 39th President of the United States
- Carter, Robert, murderer
- Carter, Robert Earl, mass murderer
- Cartier-Bresson, Henri aka The Master of Candid Photography, photographer
- Cartwright, Richard, murderer
- Caruso, Enrico, tenor
- Caruthers, Alexander aka Gus, murderer
- Casanova, Giacomo, adventurer, writer and sexual athlete
- Caserio, Sante Geronimo, anarchist and assassin
- Casey, Gerald, murderer
- Cash, Johnny aka The Man in Black, singer-songwriter
- Cassavetes, John, actor and film director
- Cassel, Joyce, victim of Jerry Brudos aka The Lust Killer
- Cassidy, David, actor and singer
- Castaneda, Carlos, writer
- Castillo, David, murderer
- Castro, Fidel, 15th President of Cuba
- Castro, John, double murderer
- Catalina de Aragón, Princess of Wales and first wife of Henry VIII
- Catherine the Great, Russian monarch
- Cavaness, John aka Doc, double murderer
- Cavell, Edith, nurse
- Caven, Ingrid, actress and singer
- Cazazza, Monte, electronic music pioneer
- Ceaușescu, Nicolae aka The Genius of the Carpathians, General Secretary of the Romanian Communist Party
- Ceja, Jose, double murderer
- Celentano, Adriano, singer and actor
- Celestinus IV, 179th Pope
- Celestinus V, 192nd Pope
- Celine, Louis-Ferdinand, writer
- Celsius, Anders, astronomer, physicist and mathematician
- Cendrars, Blaise, writer
- Centanaro, Giorgio, Victim of Donato Bilancia aka Il Mostro della Liguria
- Cepeda, Dolores, victim of Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono aka The Hillside Stranglers
- Cermak, Anton,
- Cézanne, Paul, artist
- Chabanceau de La Barre, Joseph, composer
- Chabrol, Claude, film director
- Chadwick, Nancy,
- Chagall, Marc, artist
- Chako, Stephen, victim of Louis Peoples
- Chamberlain, Azaria aka The Dingo Baby,
- Chamberlain, Richard, actor
- Chambers, Marilyn, porn actress
- Chambers, Tony, child killer
- Chan, Ting Chon aka Steven Chan, drug trafficker
- Chance, James aka James White, musician
- Chandler, Raymond, writer
- Chanel, Coco, fashion designer
- Chaney, Anthony, cop killer
- Chang, Iris, journalist, writer and political activist
- Change, Kathy, performance artist and political activist
- Chantrelle, Eugène-Marie, murderer
- Chapin, Charles aka The Rose Man of Sing Sing, murderer
- Chaplin, Charles, actor and film director
- Chaplin, Geraldine, actress
- Chapman, Annie aka Dark Annie, victim of Jack the Ripper
- Chapman, George aka The Borough Poisoner, serial poisoner
- Chapman, Marcia, victim of Gary Ridgway aka The Green River Killer
- Chapman, Mark David aka The Man Who Shot John Lennon, murderer
- Chappell, William, triple murderer
- Charles, Prince of Wales
- Charles, Ray aka The Genius, singer-songwriter and composer
- Charteris, Francis aka The Rape-Master General, soldier and adventurer
- Charters, Spencer, actor
- Chartrand, Louise, victim of Clifford Olson aka The Vancouver Butcher
- Chase, Richard aka The Vampire of Sacramento, serial killer and cannibal
- Chatterton, Thomas, poet and forger of pseudo-medieval poetry
- Chavez, Juan aka The Thrill Killer, multiple murderer
- Chavez, N. B., cop killer
- Che Guevara, Ernesto, Marxist revolutionary, guerrilla leader and military theorist
- Cheetah-Mike aka Org, chimpanzee
- Chekhov, Anton, writer
- Chenault, Marcus, deranged gunman
- Chengyong, Gao aka The Chinese Jack the Ripper, serial killer
- Chepel, Alexander, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Cher aka The Goddess of Pop, singer and actress
- Chernenko, Konstantin, Soviet leader
- Chernozemski, Vlado aka Vlado the Chauffeur, anarchist and assassin
- Chessman, Caryl aka The Red Light Bandit, robber and rapist
- Cheung, Leslie aka Gor-Gor (Elder Brother), singer-songwriter
- Cheung, Maggie, actress
- Chevalier, Maurice, actor, singer and entertainer
- Chevrolet, Arthur, racecar driver and automobile manufacturer
- Chevrolet, Louis-Joseph, racer and automobile manufacterer
- Chi, Yulian, Falun Gong practicer
- Chichester, Francis, aviator and solo sailor pioneer
- Chikatilo, Andrei aka The Rostov Ripper, serial killer
- Chin, Shew, murderer
- Cho, Diane, victim of Timothy Spencer aka The Southside Strangler
- Cho, Seung-Hui aka Ismail Ax aka the School Shooter, mass murderer
- Chomsky, Noam aka The Father of Modern Linguistics, linguist, philosopher and cognitive scientist
- Chop-off, Charlie, unidentified serial killer
- Chopin, Frédéric, composer
- Choy, Marise, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Christgen, Eric, victim of Charles Ray Hatcher aka Evil Incarnate
- Christian, Virginia, murderess
- Christie, Agatha, writer
- Christie, John aka The Strangler of 10 Rillington Place, serial killer
- Christo, Javacheff, artist
- Christofi, Styllou, murderess
- Christopherson, Peter aka Sleazy, musician
- Chubbuck, Christine, news reporter
- Chubby Checker, rock 'n roll singer and dancer
- Churchill, Christopher, mass murderer
- Churchill, James, victim of Charles Ray Hatcher aka Evil Incarnate
- Churchill, Winston, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
- Cibulka, Heinz, photographer and Wiener Aktionist model
- Ciccone, Madonna aka Madonna, singer-songwriter and actress
- Cicero, June, victim of Arthur Shawcross aka The Genesee River Killer
- Cicero, Marcus Tullius, philosopher
- Cigrand, Emeline, victim of Henry Howard Holmes aka The Torture Doctor
- Cioran, Emil, philosopher
- Citroën, André, automobile designer and manufacturer
- Ciucci, Vincent, mass murderer
- Clanton, Earl, murderer
- Clapton, Eric aka Slowhand, guitarist and singer-songwriter
- Clarence 13X aka The Father, Founder of the Five-Percent Nation
- Clark, Barney, artificial-heart patient
- Clark, David, double murderer
- Clark, Elijah, black child rapist
- Clark, Henry, murderer
- Clark, Jack, murderer
- Clark, James Dean, mass murderer
- Clark, James Lee, double murderer
- Clark, Jim, Formula One racer
- Clark, John, murderer
- Clark, Mark, Black Panther
- Clark, Petula, singer and actress
- Clark, Robert, serial rapist and murderer
- Clark, Sophie, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Clarke, Arthur C., science fiction writer, futurist, inventor, undersea explorer and television series host
- Clarke, Bob Carlos, photographer
- Clarkson, Lana, actress and fashion model
- Clauberg, Carl, Nazi doctor
- Claudel, Camille, sculptor
- Claus, Emanuel, gang leader and multiple murderer
- Claxton, Marcella, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Clay, Keith, murderer
- Clayton, James, murderer
- Clayton, Robert, murderer
- Cleaver, Eldridge, Minister of Information of the Black Panthers
- Cleese, John, actor
- Clemens IV aka Guy le Gros, 183rd Pope
- Clemens IX, 238th Pope
- Clemens V, 195th Pope
- Clemens VII, 219th Pope
- Clemens VIII, 231st Pope
- Clemens X, 239th Pope
- Clemens XI, 243rd Pope
- Clemens XII, 246th Pope
- Clemens XIII, 248th Pope
- Clemens XIV, 249th Pope
- Clement, Jean-Joseph, victim of Francis Heaulme aka The Emmaus Murderer
- Clemm, Virginia Eliza, wife of Edgar Allan Poe
- Cleopatra VII Philopator, last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt
- Cleveland, Grover, 22nd and 24th President of the United States
- Clift, Montgomery, actor
- Cline, Claude, double murderer
- Clinton, Bill, 42nd President of the United States
- Cloer, Betty, possible victim of the Zodiac Killer
- Clover, Matilda, victim of Thomas Neill Cream aka The Strychnine Specialist
- Clozza, Albert, murderer
- Club Moral, noise music band
- Clues, Mary,
- Cluverius, Thomas, murderer
- Cobain, Kurt aka The Pope of Grunge, musician
- Cobble, Charles, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Coburn, James, actor
- Cocaign, Nicolas aka Le Cannibale de Rouen, murderer and cannibal
- Cochcrane, Gladys, widow
- Cochran, Eddie, singer-songwriter and musician
- Cochrane, Roland aka Charles E. Stevens, murderer
- Cocker, Joe, singer and musician
- Cockett, Janet, victim of Kenneth Erskine aka The Stockwell Strangler
- Cockrum, Johnny, murderer
- Cocteau, Jean, poet, writer, artist and filmmaker
- Coddington, James, murderer
- Cody, Archie, cop killer
- Cody, William Frederick aka Buffalo Bill, bison hunter and showman
- Coe, Kevin aka the South Hill Rapist, serial rapist
- Coe, Robert Glen, child killer
- Coetzee, Samuel aka Kim, transvestite serial killer
- Coey, Leonard, murderer
- Cohen, Leonard, singer-songwriter and poet
- Cohen, Rachel, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Colburn, James, rapist and murderer
- Cole, Carroll aka Silent Rage, serial killer
- Cole, Grady, murderer
- Cole, Nat King, musician
- Coleman, Alton, spree killer
- Coleman, Clydell, murderer
- Coleman, Lindsey, murder suspect
- Coleman, Roger Keith, murderer
- Coleman, Travis, victim of Christine Falling aka The Babysitter Killer
- Coles, Frances, prostitute
- Collier, Andrew, victim of Colin Ireland aka The Gay Slayer
- Collier, James, double murderer
- Collins, George, bank robber and murderer
- Collins, Joan, actress
- Collins, John Norman aka The Ypsilanti Killer, serial killer
- Collins, Phil, musician
- Collison, Merle, victim of Charles Starkweather aka Little Red
- Collomb, Anne, victim of Henri Désiré Landru aka Le Barbe-Bleue de Gambais
- Colombier, Michel aka Fusion-sama, composer
- Colombo, Joseph, mobster and crime boss
- Colt, Samuel, firearms designer and industrialist
- Columbus, Christophorus, explorer, navigator, cartographer and captain
- Combs, Jessi aka the fastest woman on four wheels, race car driver and TV personality
- Comer, Robert, rapist and murderer
- Como, Perry, singer and television personality
- Compton, Veronica, serial killer groupie
- Confucius aka Kongzi, Chinese teacher and philosopher
- Conley, Darlene aka Sally Spectra, actress
- Connery, Sean, actor
- Conniff, Ray, bandleader and composer
- Connor, Frank, murderer
- Connor, Julia, victim of Henry Howard Holmes aka The Torture Doctor
- Connors, Mike, actor
- Conrad, Joseph, writer
- Conrad, William aka 'Cannon', actor and producer
- Constable, John, painter
- Contaoe, Marciano, rampage killer
- Conté, Nicolas-Jacques, painter, balloonist, army officer and inventor
- Coo, Eva aka Madame aka The Mallet Murderess, murderess
- Cook, Anthony, murderer
- Cook, Billy aka Billy Boy Cockeyed Cook, spree killer
- Cook, Bobby, murderer
- Cook, James, explorer, navigator, cartographer and captain
- Cook, John, victim of William Palmer aka The Prince of Poisoners
- Cook, Robert, mass murderer
- Cooke, Eric Edgar aka The Australian Nightmare aka The Nedlands Monster, serial killer
- Cooke, Isabelle, victim of Peter Manuel aka The Monster in Human Shape aka The Beast of Birkenshaw
- Cooke, Sam, singer-songwriter
- Cooks, Vincent, cop killer
- Cooley, Melanie, possible victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Coolidge, Calvin, 30th president of the United States
- Cooney, Agnes, victim of the Bible John Killer
- Cooper, Alice aka The Godfather of Shock Rock, musician
- Cooper, D.B., hijacker
- Cooper, Edwin aka Bozo the Clown, actor
- Cooper, Gary, actor
- Cooper, Ronald, child killer and would-be serial killer
- Cooper, Tommy, actor and comedian
- Copernicus, Nicolaus, mathematician and astronomer
- Copland, Aaron, composer
- Copperfield, David, illusionist
- Coppi, Fausto aka Il Campionissimo, cyclist
- Coppola, Francis Ford, film director
- Corbin, Evelyn, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Corbitt, James, murderer
- Corcoran, Joseph, mass murderer
- Corday, Charlotte aka l'Ange de l'Assassinat, assassin
- Corder, Frank, army veteran and suicide pilot
- Corder, William aka The Red Barn Murderer, murderer
- Cordova, Gary, victim of Randy Kraft aka The Scorecard Killer
- Cordova, Joe, murderer
- Cordova, Jorge aka Spiderman, murderer
- Corll, Dean aka The Candyman, serial killer
- Corman, Roger aka The Pope of Pop Cinema, film director
- Cornell, George, victim of the Kray Twins aka The Profession of Violence
- Corona, Juan aka The Machete Murderer, serial killer
- Cortázar, Julio aka The Simón Bolívar of the Novel, writer
- Cortimiglia, Mary, victim of The Axeman of New Orleans
- Corwin, Daniel Lee, serial killer
- Costello, Elvis, singer-songwriter
- Costello, Lou, actor and comedian
- Costner, Kevin, actor and film director
- Cotten, Joseph, actor
- Cottingham, Richard aka The Torso Killer, serial killer
- Cotton, Marcus, murderer
- Cotton, Mary Ann, serial poisoner
- Couffy, Joseph, victim of Eugen Weidmann aka The Handsome Devil
- Coulson, Catherine,
- Coulson, Robert, mass murderer
- Courbet, Gustave, painter
- Couronne, Yvonne, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Courson, Pamela, wife of Jim Morrison
- Court, Ada, victim of Clifford Olson aka The Vancouver Butcher
- Courths-Mahler, Hedwig, writer
- Courvoisier, François, murderer
- Covell, Arthur, murder plotter
- Cowan, Fred, self-styled Nazi and mass murderer
- Cowan, Lola, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Coward, Noël, playwright, director, actor and singer
- Cox, David, murderer
- Cox, Johnie, triple murderer
- Craft, Lonnie, murderer
- Cranach der Ältere, Lucas, painter
- Crane, Alvin, cop killer
- Craven, Wes, horror film director
- Crawford, Hilton, kidnapper and child murderer
- Crawford, Joan, actress
- Cream, Thomas Neill aka The Strychnine Specialist, serial killer
- Crean, Anthony, Roman Catholic priest and victim of Patrick Mackay aka Franklin Bollvolt the First
- Creffield, Edmund aka Joshua, founder of the Bride of Christ Church
- Creighton, Mary aka The Long Island Borgia, murderess
- Cremer, Jan, writer and painter
- Crété, Dominique, victim of Philippe Pacque aka L'Épervier d'Amiens
- Creuziger, Caspar aka Cruciger the Elder, theologian and church reformer
- Crippen, Hawley Harvey aka Dr. Crippen, physician and poison murderer
- Crisp, Quentin, raconteur
- Croce, Jim, singer-songwriter
- Crockett, Davy aka King of the Wild Frontier, folk hero, frontiersman, soldier and politician
- Crockett, Steven, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Cromwell, Thomas, 1st Earl of Essex
- Cronenberg, David aka Dave Deprave aka The Baron of Blood, film director
- Cronkite, Walter aka The Most Trusted Man in America, CBS anchorman
- Crooks, Thomas Matthew, would-be assassin
- Cropper, Steven, victim of Charlie Chop-off
- Crosby, Bing, singer and actor
- Crosby, David, singer-songwriter and musician
- Cross, Philip aka The Coachford Poisoner, murderer
- Crotwell, Keith, victim of Randy Kraft aka The Scorecard Killer
- Crowley, Aleister aka The Great Beast, occultist, ceremonial magician, poet, painter and mountaineer
- Crowley, Astarte, daughter of Aleister Crowley aka The Great Beast
- Cruz, David, rapist and murderer
- Cruz, Javier, double murderer
- Csatáry, László, alleged Nazi war criminal
- Cuevas, Ignacio, murderer and prison rioter
- Cummins, Gordon aka The Blackout Ripper, serial killer
- Cunanan, Andrew aka American Gigolo/American Psycho, serial killer
- Cunningham, Charles, murderer
- Cunningham, Graeme, victim of Arthur Gary Bishop aka The Mormon Murderer
- Cunningham, Harvey, murderer
- Cunningham, Julie, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Curie, Marie, physicist and chemist
- Curie, Pierre, magnetism, piezoelectricity and radioactivity pioneer
- Curry, Alva, murderer
- Curry, Izola, would-be assassin
- Curry, Shirley, mass murderess
- Curtis, Alice, victim of Paul John Knowles aka Killing Time
- Curtis, Ian, musician
- Curtis, Jamie Lee, actress
- Curtis, Tony, actor
- Cushing, Peter, actor
- Czolgosz, Leon aka The Man who shot William McKinley, assassin
- D'Annunzio, Gabriele aka Principe di Montenevoso aka The High Priest of Erotica, writer, poet, journalist and soldier
- da Gama, Vasco, explorer
- da Vinci, Leonardo, artist, scientist, engineer, mathematician, inventor and polymath
- Daglis, Andonis aka The Athens Ripper, serial killer
- Dahl, Roald, writer
- Dahlman, Albert Gustaf, executioner
- Dahlstedt, Arthur, victim of Vaughn Greenwood aka The Skid Row Slasher
- Dahmer, Jeffrey aka The Milwaukee Cannibal, serial killer and cannibal
- Daignault, Colleen, victim of Clifford Olson aka The Vancouver Butcher
- Daimler, Gottlieb, engineer and automobile developer
- dal Santo, Marianne, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Dale Selby, Pierre, triple murderer
- Dalí, Gala, wife and muse of Salvador Dalí
- Dalí, Salvador, surrealist artist and first Marqués de Dalí de Pubol
- Dalida, singer and actress
- Dalla Chiese, Carlo, general of the Italian carabinieri
- Daltrey, Roger, musician
- Damasus II, 151st Pope
- Dandridge, Dorothy, actress, singer and dancer
- Daniels, Alonzo, victim of Arthur Gary Bishop aka The Mormon Murderer
- Daniels, Jennifer, victim of Christine Falling aka The Babysitter Killer
- Daniels, John, murderer
- Daniels, Loretta, victim of Alfred Gaynor aka The Springfield Strangler
- Dante Alighieri aka Il Sommo Poeta, poet and writer
- Darden, Willie, murderer
- Dardenne, Sabine, victim of Marc Dutroux
- Darin, Bobby aka The Dream Lover, singer-songwriter
- DaRonch, Carol, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Darrow, Clarence, lawyer
- Darty, Lillie, victim of Henry Lee Lucas aka The Hand of Death
- Darwin, Charles, naturalist, geologist and evolutionary theorist
- Darwin, John aka The Canoe Man, fraudster
- Darwood, Salney, victim of Robert Maudsley aka The Brain Eater
- Dassault, Marcel, aircraft designer
- Dassin, Joe, singer-songwriter
- Daugherty, Jeffrey, multiple murderer
- Daugherty, John, murderer
- David, Jacques-Louis, painter
- Davidson, Frederick, school shooter
- Davidson, Harold aka The Prostitutes’ Padre, entertainer, priest and womanizer
- Davidson, Muriel aka The Thursday Woman, mystery writer
- Davies, Ray, musician
- Davis, Allen aka Tiny, triple murderer
- Davis, Angela, writer and political activist
- Davis, Bette, actress
- Davis, Danny, victim of Arthur Gary Bishop aka The Mormon Murderer
- Davis, Debbie, victim of Timothy Spencer aka The Southside Strangler
- Davis, Gary Lee, murderer
- Davis, James, triple child killer
- Davis, Miles, musician
- Davis, William, murderer
- Davis Jr., Sammy, actor, singer and entertainer
- Davison, Emily, heroine of the women's suffrage movement
- Davisson, Rollin, cop killer
- Dawson, Ann, victim of Paul John Knowles aka Killing Time
- Day, Doris, actress, singer and animal rights activist
- Day, Jack, murderer
- Day, John, murderer
- Dayan, Moshe, Israeli military leader and politician
- de Acosta, Mercedes, poet and Lesbian Rights pioneer
- de Aragón, Catalina, first wife of Henry VIII
- de Balzac, Honoré, writer and playwright
- de Beauharnais, Joséphine, first wife of Napoleon Bonaparte
- de Beauvoir, Simone, philosopher, political activist, feminist and social theorist
- de Bergerac, Cyrano, writer and duelist
- De Bodt, Richard aka De Beul van Breendonk, SS-Rottenführer
- de Bruijn, Reyer, victim of Hans van Zon
- de Carvajal y Gorosábel, Cristóbal Colón, 18th Duke of Veragua
- de Carvajal y Maroto, Cristóbal Colón, 17th Duke of Veragua
- de Cervantes, Miguel, writer
- de Chateaubriand, François-René aka The Father of Romanticism, writer, politician, diplomat and historian
- de Chirico, Giorgio, surrealist artist
- de Cleyre, Voltairine, anarchist writer and feminist
- de Falla, Manuel, composer
- de Funès, Louis aka FuFu, actor
- De Gaulle, Charles, 18th President of the French Republic
- de Gouges, Olympe, feminist, activist, playwright and abolitionist
- De Gruchy, Michael, victim of the Geoffrey Hammond Gang
- de Havilland, Olivia, actress
- De Hees, Arend, victim of Maria Swanenburg aka Goeie Mie
- De Hees, Willem, victim of Maria Swanenburg aka Goeie Mie
- De Hees - Van Der Linden, Cornelia, victim of Maria Swanenburg aka Goeie Mie
- De Hert, Robbe, film director
- de Kaplany, Geza aka The Acid Doctor, murderer
- de Kaplany, Hajna, fashion model and beauty queen
- de Kooning, Willem, abstract expressionist painter
- de Koven, Jean, victim of Eugen Weidmann aka The Handsome Devil
- De La Cruz, Jose, murderer
- de la Cruz, Juana aka The Mexican Phoenix, nun, writer and women's rights activist
- de La Fontaine, Jean, fabulist
- De La Roche jr., Harry, mass murderer
- De La Rosa, Jesse, murderer
- De La Torre, Humberto, mass murderer
- de la Tourette, Gilles, neurologist
- de Lautréamont, Isidore Ducasse, poet
- de Maupassant, Guy, writer
- de Melker, Daisy, trained nurse and triple murderess
- de Molay, Jacques, 23rd and last Grand Master of the Knights Templar
- De Niro, Robert, actor
- de Palma, Brian, film director
- De Pillecyn, Filip aka De Prins der Nederlandse Letteren, writer
- De Quincey, Thomas, writer
- de Rais, Gilles aka Gilles de Retz, baron, knight, companion-in-arms of Jeanne D'Arc and serial killer of children
- de Sade, Donatien Alphonse François aka Marquis de Sade, revolutionary politician, philosopher and writer
- de Saint Phalle, Niki, artist
- de Saint-Exupéry, Antoine, aristocrat, writer, poet and aviation pioneer
- de Sepulveda, Maria,
- De Sica, Vittorio, neorealist film director
- de Staël, Germaine aka Madame de Staël, writer
- de Staël, Nicolas, artist
- de Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri, impressionist painter
- de Vries, Erich, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- De Winne, Dirk, mass murderer
- de Zwijger, Willem aka William the Silent, Prince of Orange
- Dean, James, actor
- Dearman, Derrick, mass murderer
- DeBardeleben, Mike aka The Lethal Shadow, serial rapist and murderer
- Debonny, Celina, victim of Nestor Pirotte aka Le Tueur Fou
- Debord, Guy, theorist, writer, filmmaker and founding member of the Situationist International
- Debus, Sigurd, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Debussy, Claude, composer
- Deckers, Jeanine aka Sœur Sourire aka The Singing Nun, singer-songwriter
- Dee, John, mathematician, astronomer, astrologer and occult philosopher
- Deelder, Jules aka De Nachtburgemeester van Rotterdam, poet and writer
- Deeming, Frederick Bailey aka Albert Williams aka Baron Swanston, mass murderer
- DeFeo, Ronald aka The Amityville Horror Murderer, mass murderer
- Defoe, Daniel, trader, writer, journalist, pamphleteer and spy
- DeFreeze, Donald aka Field Marshal Cinque Mtume, founding member of the Symbionese Liberation Army
- Degas, Edgar, impressionist artist
- Degauque, Muriel aka Maryam, suicide bomber
- Degnan, Suzanne, victim of William Heirens aka Catch Me Before I Kill More
- Degrelle, Léon, Rexist and Belgian Waffen SS leader
- DeGrimston, Mary Ann, founder of The Process Church of The Final Judgment
- DeGrimston, Robert aka The Teacher aka Robert Moor, founder of The Process Church of The Final Judgment
- Deitsch, Juliette, victim of Etienne Deschamps aka The Magnetic Doctor
- Dekker, Desmond, musician
- Delacroix, Eugène, romantic painter
- Delaunay, Robert, painter
- Deleuze, Gilles, philosopher
- Delhez, Laetitia, victim of Marc Dutroux
- Delisle, Annick, victim of Marcel Barbeault aka Le Tueur de l’Ombre
- Delisse, Mr, victim of Nestor Pirotte aka Le Tueur Fou
- Delk, Monty, murderer
- Dellwo, Karl-Heinz, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Delomme, Eugénie, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Delon, Alain, actor
- DeLuca, Mary, victim of Joel Rifkin aka The Long Island Ripper
- DeLuna, Carlos, presumed murderer
- Delvaux, André, film director
- Delves Broughton, Jock aka Sir Murder, baronet and murderer
- DeMille, Cecil Blount, film director
- Demjanjuk, John, guard at Sobibór KZ
- Demme, Jonathan, film director
- Demouchette, James aka Doom, triple murderer
- Denaro, Carl, victim of David Berkowitz aka Son of Sam
- Deneuve, Catherine, actress
- Denke, Karl aka Papa Denke, serial killer and cannibal
- Dennett, Daniel, philosopher and cognitive scientist
- Dennis, Andrew, murderer
- Denny, Martin aka The Father of Exotica, composer
- Denver, John, singer-songwriter
- Depardieu, Gérard, actor
- Depp, Johnny, actor
- Derek, Bo, model and actress
- Deren, Maya, experimental filmmaker
- Derrick, Mikel, murderer
- Derrida, Jacques aka The Father of Deconstructionism, philosopher
- DeSalvo, Henry aka The Boston Strangler aka The Measuring Man aka The Green Man, serial killer
- Descartes, René, philosopher, mathematician and scientist
- Deschamps, Etienne aka The Magnetic Doctor, sex killer
- Desfourneaux, Jules-Henri aka Monsieur de Paris, chief executioner
- Devereux, Arthur, multiple murderer
- Devine, Michael, Irish republican hunger striker
- DeVito, Danny, actor
- Devos, Danny aka DDV, performance artist
- Dewaere, Patrick, actor
- Dhingra, Madan Lal, assassin
- Diamond, Neil, singer-songwriter
- Dick, Philip K., science fiction writer
- Dickens, Charles aka Boz, writer and social critic
- Dickerson, Roger, victim of Randy Kraft aka The Scorecard Killer
- Dickerson-Peay, Joyce, victim of Alfred Gaynor aka The Springfield Strangler
- Dickinson, Angie, actress
- Dickman, John, murderer
- Dickson, Ryan, double murderer
- Dickson, William, murderer
- Diddley, Bo aka The Originator, musician
- Diderot, Denis, writer and philosopher
- die Rote Armee Fraktion aka Baader-Meinhof Gruppe,
- Diesel, Rudolf, inventor and mechanical engineer
- Dietrich, Marlene, actress and singer
- Dietz, Paula, wife of Dennis Rader aka The BTK Killer
- DiGirolamo, Marietta, victim of the Black Zebra Killers
- Dillinger, John, bank robber
- Dillingham, Jeffrey, murderer
- Diltwer, Milton, murderer
- DiMaggio, Joe aka Joltin' Joe aka The Yankee Clipper, baseball player
- Dine, Jim, pop artist
- Ding-Schuler, Erwin, Oberstabsarzt in Buchenwald
- Dinkins, Richard Eugene, double murderer
- Dinsfriend, Karen, victim of Bobby Joe Long aka The Adman Rapist
- Dior, Christian, fashion designer
- Dipendra of Nepal, king
- Disney, Walt, film director and animator
- Distin, Joseph, murderer
- Dix, Otto, painter and printmaker
- Dixon, Clarence, rapist and murderer
- Djandoubi, Hamida, murderer
- Döblin, Alfred, writer
- Docker, Patricia, victim of the Bible John Killer
- Dodd, Westley aka The Vancouver Child Killer, child molester and serial killer
- Dodge, Horace, automobile manufacturing pioneer
- Dodge, John, automobile manufacturing pioneer
- Doherty, Denny, singer-songwriter and musician
- Doherty, Kieran, Irish republican hunger striker
- Dohrn, Bernardine, leader of the Weather Underground
- Doi, William, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Dolby, Thomas, musician
- Dolezal, Frank, Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run suspect
- Dollfuss, Engelbert, Chancellor of Austria
- Dolly, the first succesfully cloned sheep
- Domingo, Plácido, tenor
- Dominguez, Pedro, murderer
- Dominici, Gaston, presumed murderer
- Domino, Fats, singer-songwriter and musician
- Donaldson, Ian Stuart, White Power punk rocker
- Donghi, Dianne aka Dianne Marie Spiegel aka Dianne Donghi Oberman, member of Students for a Democratic Society and the Weather Underground
- Dönitz, Karl, Commander of the Kriegsmarine and successor of the Führer
- Donjoux, Estelle, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Donnelly, Edward, murderer
- Donnelly, Robert, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Donovan, singer-songwriter
- Donse, Jan aka Oom Cupido, victim of Hans van Zon
- Donworth, Ellen, victim of Thomas Neill Cream aka The Strychnine Specialist
- Doolittle, Hilda aka H. D., poet and writer
- Doppler, Christian, mathematician and physicist
- Dorf, Ernst, victim of Kurt-Friedhelm Steinwegs aka Die Bestie vom Niederrhein
- Dornier, Christian, spree killer
- Dorr, William, murderer
- Dörrier, Elisabeth, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, writer
- Doty, Thomas, mass murderer
- Dougal, Samuel aka The Moat Farm Murderer, womanizer and murderer
- Dougherty, Jack, actor
- Dougherty, Jeffrey, serial killer
- Doughtie, Jeffrey, double murderer
- Douglas, Donald, aircraft designer
- Douglas, Donald Wills, aircraft designer and manufacturer
- Douglas, Kirk, actor
- Douglas, Louis, murderer
- Douglas, Michael, actor
- Doumer, Paul, 13th President of the Third Republic and 14th President of France
- Downey, Lesley Ann, victim of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley aka The Moors Murderers
- Downs, Rosemary, victim of Alfred Gaynor aka The Springfield Strangler
- Downs, William, victim of Kenneth Erskine aka The Stockwell Strangler
- Dowthitt, Dennis, rapist and murderer
- Doxtator, James, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Doyle, Arthur Conan, writer
- Drake, Jessica, porn actress
- Drake, Sir Francis aka el Draque, Sea Captain, slaver and pirate
- Drayton, Leroy aka Ricky, murderer
- Dreesman, Robert, mass murderer
- Dreiser, Theodore, naturalist writer
- Dresch, Lillian, victim of Bernd Bopp aka Der Hammermörder
- Drew, Robert, murderer
- Dreyer, Carl Theodor, film director
- Dreyfus, Alfred, artillery officer and presumed traitor
- Dreymala, James, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Drinkard, Richard, triple murderer
- Driscoll, Bridget,
- Driscoll, Daniel, murderer
- Druitt, Montague, Jack the Ripper suspect
- Drumm, Máire, Vice President of Sinn Féin
- Drummond, Jack, biochemist
- du Maurier, Daphne, writer and playwright
- Duarte, Frank, murderer
- Dubuffet, Jean, Art Brut artist
- Duchamp, Marcel aka Rrose Sélavy, Dada artist
- Ducharme, Frederick, rapist and murderer
- Duchovny, David, actor
- Dudley, Deborah, victim of Gary Heidnik aka The Cellar of Horror Murderer
- Dudley, Marion, multiple murderer
- Duell, William, rapist and murderer
- Duff-Smith, Markham, multiple murderer
- Duffey, Martyn, victim of Dennis Nilsen aka Killing for Company
- Dugan, Eva, murderess
- Dukes, James, cop killer
- Dull, Judy, victim of Harvey Glatman aka The Pin-Up Killer
- Dumas, Alexandre, writer
- Dumas, Roy, victim of George Putt aka The Memphis Murderer
- Dümlein, Christine, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Dunant, Henri, founder of the Red Cross
- Dunaway, Faye, actress
- Dunbar, Reuben, double murderer
- Duncan, Elizabeth aka Ma Duncan, murderess
- Duncan, Isadora aka The Mother of Modern Dance, dancer
- Duncan, John, artist
- Duncan, Richard, double murderer
- Dunkins, Horace, murderer
- Dunlop, John, inventor
- Dunn, Christopher, victim of Colin Ireland aka The Gay Slayer
- Dunn, Henry Earl, murderer
- Dunn, Kenneth, murderer
- Dunne, Reginald, Irish Republican Army volunteer
- Dupay, Andrew, postman to David Berkowitz aka Son of Sam
- Durand-Deacon, Olive, victim of John George Haigh aka The Acid Bath Murderer
- Durante, Jimmy aka The Great Schnozzola, comedian and actor
- Duras, Marguerite, writer and experimental filmmaker
- Dürer, Albrecht, painter and printmaker
- Durrant, Theodore aka The Demon in the Belfry, double murderer
- Dury, Ian, musician
- Duryea, Frank, automobile manufacturing pioneer
- Dutronc, Jacques, singer-songwriter and actor
- Dutroux, Marc, kidnapper, serial killer and child molester
- Dutschke, Rudi aka Rote Rudi, student leader
- Duty, John David, murderer
- Duvalier, François aka Papa Doc, President of Haiti
- Duvall, Shelley, actress and singer
- Dvořák, Antonín, composer
- Dwyer, Budd, Treasurer of Pennsylvania
- Dyakonov, Aleksandr, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Dyer, Amelia aka The Ogress of Reading, baby farm murderess
- Dylan, Bob, musician
- Eady, Muriel, victim of John Christie aka The Strangler of 10 Rillington Place
- Earhart, Amelia, aviation pioneer
- Earhart, James, murderer
- Easlund, Roxanne, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
- Eastman, George, innovator and entrepreneur
- Eastwood, Clint, actor and film director
- Eaton, Dennis, multiple murderer
- Ebauer, Hedwig, victim of Paul Ogorzow aka Der Schnell-Bahn Mörder
- Eckard, Donna, victim of Randall Woodfield aka the I-5 Killer
- Eckwerth, Edward, murderer
- Eddowes, Catherine, victim of Jack the Ripper
- Eddy, Duane, guitarist
- Edison, Thomas aka The Wizard of Menlo Park, inventor
- Edmunds, Wilhelmina, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Edward III, King of England
- Edward IV, King of England
- Edward VII aka Bertie, King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions and Emperor of India
- Edward VIII aka The Duke of Windsor, King of the United Kingdom
- Edwards, Buster, Great Train Robber
- Edwards, Edgar, triple murderer
- Edwards, Isaac, murderer
- Edwards, Thomas, murderer
- Egbert, H. D., murderer
- Eggar, Samantha, actress
- Ehlers, Ernst aka der Endlöser von Belgien, SS-Obersturmbannführer
- Ehrenberg, Ernst, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Eichhorn, Johann aka Die Bestie aus Aubing, serial killer and rapist
- Eichmann, Adolf, SS-Obersturmbannführer
- Eicke, Theodor, SS-Obergruppenführer and first commander of Dachau-KZ
- Eid, Hildegard, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Eiffel, Gustave, engineer and architect
- Einstein, Albert, theoretical physicist
- Eisenhower, Dwight aka Ike, 34th President of the United States
- Eisenstein, Sergeï, film director
- Eisler, Hanns, composer
- Ekberg, Anita, actress and sex symbol
- Ekland, Britt, actress and sex symbol
- Eliot, Thomas Stearns aka T. S. Eliot, poet and playwright
- Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom
- Elizalde, Jaime, double murderer
- Elkins, Jane, slave and murderess
- Elkins, Michael, murderer
- Ellington, Duke, bandleader and composer
- Elliot, Cass aka Mama Cass, singer-songwriter
- Elliott, John aka Jackie, murderer
- Elliott, Robert, New York State Electrician aka executioner
- Elliott, Vicky, victim of Bobby Joe Long aka The Adman Rapist
- Ellis, Albert, psychologist
- Ellis, Edward, murderer
- Ellis, Henry Havelock, sexologist
- Ellis, Ruth, murderess
- Elsas, Ferdi, kidnapper and murderer
- Elsschot, Willem, writer
- Éluard, Paul, surrealist poet
- Elwell, Joseph Bowne, bridge player, tutor and womanizer
- Emerick, Megan, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
- Emerson, Keith, musician
- Emery, Jeff, murderer
- Emms, Nancy, victim of Kenneth Erskine aka The Stockwell Strangler
- Endlicher, Stephan, botanist, numismatist and Sinologist
- Engelbrecht, Dieter, kidnapper
- Engelhardt, Alwin, executioner
- Engels, Friedrich, philosopher
- Ennis, William, murderer
- Eno, Brian, musician
- Ensor, James, artist
- Ensslin, Gudrun, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Entress, Friedrich, camp doctor in Auschwitz and Mauthausen
- Entwistle, Peg, stage actress
- Enzensberger, Hans Magnus, writer and poet
- Epstein, Brian aka The Beatle-Making Prince of Pop, music entrepreneur
- Epsztejn, Estera, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Erasmus, Desiderius, humanist and theologian
- Erdner, Wilhelm, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Erika, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Eriksson, Sven, victim of Sigvard Thurneman aka The Doctor
- Ernst, Max, surrealist artist
- Eroglu-Sladky, Karin, victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet
- Ershov, Vadim aka The Krasnoyrask Beast, serial killer
- Erskine, Kenneth aka The Stockwell Strangler, serial killer
- Escarfail, Pascale, victim of Guy Georges aka Le Tueur de la Bastille
- Escher, Maurits Cornelis aka M. C. Escher, artist
- Escobar, Pablo, drug lord
- Esquivel, Rudy, cop killer
- Essex, Mark, spree killer
- Etheridge, Gary, murderer
- Etxebarrieta, Txabi aka Xabier Etxebarrieta Ortiz, member of the Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA)
- Eugenius III aka Bernardo da Pisa, 167th Pope
- Eugenius IV, 207th Pope
- Euskadi Ta Askatasuna aka ETA, Basque nationalist and separatist organization
- Eutychianus, 27th Pope
- Evangelista, Benny, Divine Prophet
- Evans, Beryl, victim of John Christie aka The Strangler of 10 Rillington Place
- Evans, Donald Leroy aka The Rest Area Killer, serial killer
- Evans, Edward, victim of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley aka The Moors Murderers
- Evans, Gary, serial killer
- Evans, Geraldine, victim of John Christie aka The Strangler of 10 Rillington Place
- Evans, Gwynne, murderer
- Evans, John Louis, robber, kidnapper and murderer
- Evans, Michael, double murderer
- Evans, Timothy aka The Innocent Strangler of 10 Rillington Place, Miscarriage of justice victim
- Evans, Wilbert, cop killer
- Everest, George, surveyor and geographer
- Everly, Don, singer-songwriter
- Everly, Phil, musician
- Evers, Medgar, African American civil rights activist
- Exley, Shannon, victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet
- Eyler, Larry aka The Leather Boy Killer, serial killer
- Fabiola, Queen of Belgium
- Fabro, Luciano, Arte Povera artist
- Fagan, Michael, intruder
- Fahrenheit, Daniel, physicist, engineer and glass blower
- Fairbanks, Douglas, actor
- Fairchild, Barry Lee, kidnapper, rapist and murderer
- Fairchild, Richard, child killer
- Fairley, Guy, murderer
- Faisal II, Last King of Iraq
- Faithfull, Marianne, singer-songwriter
- Faithfull, Starr aka The Drowned Girl, actress
- Falk, Peter, actor
- Fallaci, Oriana, journalist and writer
- Falling, Christine aka The Babysitter Killer, serial killer
- Fanon, Frantz, revolutionary philosopher and psychiatrist
- Faraday, David, victim of the Zodiac Killer
- Faraday, Michael, physicist
- Fare, John aka John Fahey or John Faré, fictional artist
- Farinelli, castrato singer
- Farran, Rex,
- Farrell, John, victim of Robert Maudsley aka The Brain Eater
- Farris, Troy Dale, cop killer
- Farrow, Mia, actress and political activist
- Fasching, Maria, victim of Joseph Kallinger aka The Shoemaker
- Fasquel, Marc, sadist murderer
- Fassbinder, Rainer Werner, film director
- Father Damiaan aka The Apostle of the Lepers, Catholic priest and missionary
- Faugeron, Marcel, murderer
- Faulder, Stanley, murderer
- Faulkner, Richard, murderer
- Faulkner, William, writer
- Fauntleroy, Henry, banker and forger
- Faure, Félix, 7th President of France
- Favorito, John, murderer
- Fawcett, Farrah, actress
- Fawcett, Percy, geographer, artillery officer, cartographer, archaeologist and explorer of South America
- Fawkes, Guy, Catholic conspirator
- Fay, Janet, victim of Martha Beck and Raymond Fernandez aka The Lonely Hearts Killers
- Fearance, John, murderer
- Fearn, Donald, murderer
- Fechter, Peter, bricklayer and first victim of the Berlin Wall Border Guard
- Feder, Irmgard, victim of Manfred Wittmann aka The Beast of Oberfranken
- Fefferman, Steven, victim of Ricky Green
- Feguer, Victor, murderer
- Feigl, Franz, artist and event organiser
- Felder, Sammie, murderer
- Feldman, Andrea aka Whips, Andy Warhol Superstar
- Feldman, Marty, comedian and actor
- Fellini, Federico, film director
- Feltrinelli, Giangiacomo, anarchist publisher and millionaire
- Fender, Leo, guitar amplification pioneer
- Fenton, Robert, murderer
- Ferguson, Colin aka The Long Island Rail Road Shooter, mass murderer
- Ferguson, Terry, victim of Christopher Wilder aka The Beauty Queen Killer
- Fern, Donald, murderer
- Fernandel, actor and singer
- Fernández, Florencio aka El Vampiro de la Ventana, vampire and serial killer
- Fernandez, Raymond aka The Lonely Hearts Killers (with Martha Beck), serial killer
- Ferrage, Blaise aka Seyé, cannibal
- Ferranti, Nicholas, murderer
- Ferrari, Lolo, dancer, pornographic actress, actress and singer
- Ferrero, Michele, chocolate maker
- Ferri, Gian Luigi, mass murderer
- Ferrin, Darlene, victim of the Zodiac Killer
- Ferris, Andrew, robber
- Ferris, James, victim of Robert Berdella aka The Kansas City Butcher
- Ferry, Bryan, singer-songwriter and musician
- Fesch, Jacques, cop killer
- Fest, Joachim, historian and journalist
- Field, Frederick, double murderer
- Field, Jack, murderer
- Fields, Barbara, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
- Fields, W. C., comedian, actor and juggler
- Figg, Elisabeth aka Ann Philips, victim of Jack the Stripper
- Filiaggi, James, murderer
- Fillmore, Millard, 13th President of the United States
- Finalteri, Berthe, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Finch, James, murderer
- Fintor, Andrea, victim of András Pándy aka Father Bluebeard
- Fintor, Edit, second wife and victim of András Pándy aka Father Bluebeard
- Fischer, Bobby, chess grandmaster
- Fish, Albert aka The Cannibal aka The Werewolf of Wysteria aka The Moon Maniac, serial killer, child rapist and cannibal
- Fisher, Willie, murderer
- Fitzgerald, Scott F., writer
- Fix, Darci, victim of Randall Woodfield aka the I-5 Killer
- Frau Flake, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Flanagan, Barry, sculptor
- Flaubert, Gustave, writer
- Flavin, Dan, minimal artist
- Flegenheimer, Arthur aka Dutch Schultz, mobster
- Fleischer, Richard, film director
- Fleischer, Willi, victim of Kurt-Friedhelm Steinwegs aka Die Bestie vom Niederrhein
- Fleming, Alexander, biologist, pharmacologist and botanist
- Fleming, Ian, writer, journalist and naval intelligence officer
- Flemming, Mary aka Mary Turner, victim of Jack the Stripper
- Fleszar, Mary, victim of Norman John Collins aka The Michigan Coed Killer
- Flink, Mattias, spree killer
- Flint, Keith, musician
- Flores, Andrew, murderer
- Flores, Miguel, kidnapper, rapist and murderer
- Flowers, Sam, murderer
- Floyd, Pretty Boy, bank robber
- Fluke, Mabel, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Flynn, Errol, actor
- Fock, Carin, first wife of Hermann Göring
- Fogleman, Olin, murderer
- Foley, Robert, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Folk, Carl, murderer
- Folkerts, Knut, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Folkes, Robert, murderer
- Fomin, Ivan, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Fonda, Henry, actor
- Fonda, Jane, actress, political activist and fitness guru
- Fonda, Peter, actor
- Ford, Gerald, 38th President of the United States
- Ford, Henry, automobile manufacturing pioneer
- Ford, John, film director
- Ford, Priscilla, mass murderess
- Ford, Wayne aka The Breast Severer, serial killer
- Foreman, George aka Big George, boxer
- Forman, Miloš, film director
- Forster, George aka The Galvanised Corpse, murderer
- Forsyth, Francis aka Flossie, murderer
- Forsyth, Frederick, writer, journalist and former spy
- Fosse, Bob, choreographer and film director
- Foster, Emmit aka John Lee, murderer
- Foster, Jodie, actress
- Foster, Richard, murderer
- Foucault, Michel, philosopher
- Foucault, Suzanne, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Fourment, Hélène, second wife of Peter Paul Rubens
- Fourniret, Michel aka The Ogre of the Ardennes, serial killer
- Foust, Aaron aka Ace, murderer
- Fowler, Henry, murderer
- Fowles, John, writer
- Fox, Hardy, musician and founder of The Residents
- Fox, Richard, murderer
- Fox, Sidney, murderer
- Fra Angelico, Renaissance painter
- Francis, David, victim of Robert Maudsley aka The Brain Eater
- Franco, Domingo, murderer
- Franco, Francisco, Caudillo de España y de la Cruzada
- François, Claude aka Cloclo, musician
- François II, King of France
- Frank, Anne, diarist
- Frank, Julian, mass murderer
- Frank, Leo aka Max the Jew, alleged child killer
- Franke, Elfriede, victim of Paul Ogorzow aka Der Schnell-Bahn Mörder
- Franke, Fritz, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Frankenhuizen-Van Der Linden, Mien, victim of Maria Swanenburg aka Goeie Mie
- Frankhuizen, Hendrik, victim of Maria Swanenburg aka Goeie Mie
- Franklin, Aretha aka The Queen of Soul, singer and musician
- Franklin, Benjamin aka The First American, Founding Father of the United States
- Franklin, Donald, child rapist and murderer
- Franklin, Joseph Paul aka The Racist Killer, White-supremacist serial killer
- Franks, Bobby, victim of Leopold & Loeb aka The Perfect Murderers
- Frankum, Wade aka The Strathfield Killer, mass murderer
- Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria-Este and Royal Prince of Hungary and Bohemia
- Frau Jablinski, victim of Paul Ogorzow aka Der Schnell-Bahn Mörder
- Frau Sch., victim of Rudolf Pleil aka Der Großsten Todmacher
- Frazier, Derrick, double murderer
- Frazier, John, murderer
- Frazier, John Linley aka The Killer Prophet, mass murderer
- Freed, Alan aka Moondog, disc jockey and radio presenter
- Freedman, Maurice, murderer
- Freeman, John, mass murderer
- Freeman, William, victim of Charles Ray Hatcher aka Evil Incarnate
- Frege, Gottlob aka The Father of Analytic Philosophy, philosopher, logician and mathematician
- French, Kristen, victim of Paul Bernardo aka The Scarborough Rapist aka The Schoolgirl Killer and Karla Homolka
- Frese, Peter, victim of Jurgen Bartsch aka Der Kirmesmörder
- Freud, Sigmund aka The Father of Psychoanalysis, neurologist
- Freund, Christine, victim of David Berkowitz aka Son of Sam
- Frias, George, victim of Vaughn Greenwood aka The Skid Row Slasher
- Friedrich, Caspar David, romantic landscape painter
- Friedrich, Ralf Baptist, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Frinking, Hélène, victim of Guy Georges aka Le Tueur de la Bastille
- Fritsch, Gerhard, writer
- Frizell, Claudius, murderer
- Fromm, Erich, social psychologist, psychoanalyst, sociologist and humanistic philosopher
- Fromme, Lynette aka Squeaky, member of the 'Manson Family'
- Frommer, Fritz, victim of Eugen Weidmann aka The Handsome Devil
- Frost, David, television host, media personality and journalist
- Frye, Dwight aka The Man with the Thousand-Watt Stare aka The Man of a Thousand Deaths, actor
- Frye, Ronald, murderer
- Frykowski, Wojciech, victim of The Manson Family
- Fu-zhen, Tang, anti-government protester
- Fuchs, Franz, xenophobic serial bomber
- Fuchs, Peter, victim of Jurgen Bartsch aka Der Kirmesmörder
- Fuentes, Anthony, murderer
- Fuerst, Ruth, victim of John Christie aka The Strangler of 10 Rillington Place
- Fugate, Caril Ann, accomplice of spree killer Charles Starkweather aka Little Red
- Fujima, Seiha, multiple murderer
- Fujinami, Yoshio, double murderer
- Fujishiro, Yasutaka, mass murderer
- Fukawa, Hiroki, double murderer
- Fukuoka, Michio, multiple murderer
- Fuller, Aaron, murderer
- Fuller, Garfield aka C. R. 'Dad' Davis, murderer
- Fuller, Justin, murderer
- Fuller, Samuel, film director
- Funchess, David, double murderer
- Furney, Charles, pirate
- Futrell, Lisa, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
- Gabin, Jean, actor
- Gable, Clark aka The King of Hollywood, actor
- Gábor, Zsa Zsa aka Sári Prinzessin von Anhalt, actress
- Gacy, John Wayne aka The Killer Clown, serial killer
- Gaevskaya, Olga, student and unofficial prostitute
- Gaffney, William, victim of Albert Fish aka The Cannibal
- Gagarin, Yuri, cosmonaut
- Gainsbourg, Serge, singer-songwriter, actor and poet
- Galante, Carmine aka The Cigar aka Lilo, mobster and boss of the Bonanno crime family
- Galazka, Marysa, victim of Łucjan Staniak aka The Red Spider of Katowice
- Galileo, Galilei aka The Father of Science, astronomer, engineer, philosopher and mathematician
- Gall, France, yé-yé singer
- Gallagher, John, murderer
- Gallamore, Samuel, triple murderer
- Gallego, Alejandro, murderer
- Galtseva, Olga, victim of Alexander Spesivtsev aka The Siberian Tiger
- Gamsakhurdia, Zviad, first democratically elected President of Georgia in the post-Soviet era
- Gandhi, Indira, first female Prime Minister of India
- Gandhi, Mahatma aka The Apostle of Non-violence, Indian nationalist leader
- Ganz, Bruno, actor
- Garbacz, Zofia, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Garbo, Greta, actress
- Garcia, Homer, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Garcia, Jerry aka Captain Trips, musician
- Garcia, Joseph, mass murderer
- García Romero, Jesús aka Ríos Romero, cop killer
- Gardner, Ava, actress
- Gardner, Billy, murderer
- Gardner, Erle Stanley, lawyer and writer
- Gardner, John, triple murderer
- Gardner, Margery, victim of Neville Heath aka The Sadistic Romeo
- Gardner, Ronnie, double murderer
- Garfield, James, 20th President of the United States
- Garfunkel, Art, singer-songwriter
- Garland, Judy, actress, singer and vaudevillian
- Garnier, Gilles aka The Werewolf of Dôle, serial killer and cannibal
- Garrett, Johnny, murderer
- Garza, Juan, triple murderer
- Gąsiorowska, Eleonora, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Gaskins, Donald Henry aka Pee Wee Gaskins aka the Meanest Man in America, serial killer
- Gassmann, Florian, composer
- Gates, Bill, business magnate
- Gatlin, Ronald, victim of William Bonin aka The Freeway Killer
- Gaudí, Antoni aka God's Architect, architect
- Gaughan, Michael, Irish republican hunger striker
- Gauguin, Paul, painter
- Gautrais, Celestin, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Gautsch, Josef, spree killer
- Gauvette, Joseph, murderer
- Gaye, Marvin aka The Prince of Motown, singer-songwriter and musician
- Gaynor, Alfred aka The Springfield Strangler, serial killer
- Gebbia, Leonardo, kidnapper and child murderer
- Gee, Jon, murderer
- Geiger, Hans, physicist
- Geiger, Susan, victim of Richard Cottingham aka The Torso Killer
- Gein, Ed aka America’s Most Bizarre Murderer, murderer and body snatcher
- Geller, Uri, illusionist, magician, television personality and self-proclaimed psychic
- Gemayel, Bachir, Commander of the Lebanese Forces and President-elect of Lebanon
- Genet, Jean, writer, thief and political activist
- Genovese, Kitty, bar manager
- Genovese, Vito aka Don Vito, mobster and crime boss
- Gentry, Kenneth, murderer
- George V, King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions and Emperor of India
- Georges, Guy aka Le Tueur de la Bastille, serial killer
- Geórgios II, King of the Hellenes
- Geraghty, Christopher, murderer
- Geralds, Hubert aka The Englewood Rapist, serial killer
- Gere, Richard, actor
- Gerecht, Marion, victim of Egidius Schiffer aka Der Würger von Aachen
- Gerekens, Robert, student
- Géricault, Théodore, artist
- Gerlaugh, Darrick, murderer
- Germany, Nathaniel, murderer
- Germond, Geneviève, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Geronimo aka The One Who Yawns, Bedonkohe Apache leader
- Gershwin, George, composer
- Gery, Alexandra, possible victim of the Zodiac Killer
- Getty, Jean Paul aka The Richest Living American, industrialist
- Getty, John Paul, playboy
- Giacometti, Alberto, sculptor
- Gibbs, David, triple murderer
- Gibbs, Tina, victim of Wayne Ford aka The Breast Severer
- Gibson, Elizabeth, victim of Arthur Shawcross aka The Genesee River Killer
- Gibson, Ervin, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Gibson, Mel, actor
- Gibson, Violet, would-be assassin
- Gide, André, writer
- Gielgud, John, actor
- Gierek, Jolanta, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Giese, Petra, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Giffard, Miles, cricketer and murderer
- Gillespie, Dizzy, musician and bandleader
- Gillette, Chester aka An American Tragedy, murderer
- Gillibrand, Meriora aka Mr. Arthur Hawarden, French aristocrat and possible murderess
- Gillies, Jess James, murderer
- Gilmore, Gary aka The Executioner’s Song, double murderer
- Gilmore, George, multiple murderer
- Gilroy, Robert, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Gimondi, Felice aka The Phoenix, cyclist
- Ginsberg, Allen, Beat poet
- Giovanni XXIII aka Il Papa Buono,
- Girard, Roger, mass murderer
- Giraud, Marie-Louise, abortionist
- Glass, James, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Glass, Jimmy, double murderer
- Glass, Philip, minimal composer
- Glass, Robert Frederick aka Slowhand, murderer
- Glatman, Harvey aka The Pin-Up Killer, serial killer
- Gleim, Valentine, victim of Kenneth Erskine aka The Stockwell Strangler
- Glenn, John, United States Marine Corps aviator, engineer and astronaut
- Glitter, Gary aka Paul Raven, Rubber Bucket, Paul Monday or Paul Russell, singer-songwriter
- Glöde, Gertrud, victim of Rudolf Pleil aka Der Großsten Todmacher
- Glover, John Wayne aka The Granny Killer aka The Monster of Mosman, serial killer
- Godard, Jean-Luc aka the Father of the Nouvelle Vague film movement, film director
- Godfrey, Elisabeth, murderess
- Godse, Nathuram, assassin of Mahatma Gandhi
- Godzik, Gregory, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Goebbels, Joseph, Nazi leader and Reichspropagandaleiter
- Goetz, Bernhard aka The Subway Vigilante,
- Goetz, Cecilia, victim of Richard Arinaitwe
- Goetz, Ingeborg, victim of Paul Ogorzow aka Der Schnell-Bahn Mörder
- Goeyvaerts, Karel, composer
- Goff, David, murderer
- Goff, Glenda, victim of Henry Lee Lucas aka The Hand of Death
- Gogol, Nikolai, writer
- Gokkel, Paul, art vandal
- Gold, Abraham, murderer
- Goldberg, Whoopi, actress and television host
- Golden, Andrew aka Drew Douglas Grant, school shooter
- Goldhausen, Anna, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Golding, Paula, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
- Golding, William, writer
- Goldman, Emma, anarchist, political activist and writer
- Goldstein, Baruch, religious extremist and mass murderer
- Goldthorpe, Norman, murderer
- Goldwyn, Samuel aka Samuel Goldfish, film producer
- Golosovskaya, Natalya, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Gomółka, Maria, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Gomułka, Władysław, communist activist and politician
- Goncalves, Julia, victim of Marcel Barbeault aka Le Tueur de l’Ombre
- Gonzales, Francisco, hijacker and mass murderer
- Gonzales, Joe, murderer
- Gonzales, Rosario aka Chary, victim of Christopher Wilder aka The Beauty Queen Killer
- Gonzalez, Daniel aka The Freddy Krueger Killer, spree killer
- Gooch, Arthur, kidnapper
- Goodale, Robert, murderer
- Goodarzi, Deedeh, victim of Richard Cottingham aka The Torso Killer
- Goode, Arthur Frederick, child molester and killer
- Goodman, Benny aka The King of Swing, musician and bandleader
- Goodman, Spencer, murderer
- Goodwin, Alvin, murderer
- Goodyear, Charles, engineer and chemist
- Goold, Vere St. Leger, tennis player and murderer
- Gorbachev, Mikhail, 8th and last President of the Soviet Union
- Gorbachova, Raisa,
- Gordon, William, highwayman
- Gore, Lesley, singer
- Gore-Graham, James, furniture designer, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament sympathiser and art vandal
- Gorguloff, Paul, assassin
- Göring, Hermann, Reichsmarschall and Nazi leader
- Gorky, Arshile, painter
- Gorky, Maxim, writer and political activist
- Gorni, Enzo,
- Gosch, Lesley, murderer
- Goslett, Arthur, murderer
- Gosmann, Klaus aka Der Mittagsmörder, serial killer
- Goss, Cornelius, murderer
- Gottfried, Gesche aka Der Engel von Bremen, serial poisoner
- Gottfried, Michael, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Gough, Alfred, child killer
- Gould, Glenn, pianist
- Gowdie, Isobel,
- Goya, Francisco, painter and printmaker
- Grable, Betty aka The Girl with the Million Dollar Legs, actress, dancer, singer and sex symbol
- Grabowski, Klaus, child rapist and murderer
- Grabs, Marcus, victim of William Bonin aka The Freeway Killer
- Gracián, Baltasar, writer and philosopher
- Gräf, Richard, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Graff, Joann, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Graham, Barbara aka Bloody Babs, murderess
- Graham, Billy aka America's Pastor, evangelist
- Graham, Harrison, serial killer
- Graham, Jack, mass murderer
- Graham, Stanley, spree killer
- Grammer, George, murderer
- Grams, Wolfgang, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Granados, Carlos, child killer
- Grandier, Urbain aka The Devil of Loudun, priest and philanderer
- Grans, Hans, accomplice of serial killer Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Grant, Cary, actor
- Grant, Donald, double murderer
- Grant, John, murderer
- Grant, Shauna aka Callie Aimes, nude model and pornographic performer
- Grant, Ulysses, 18th President of the United States
- Grant, Virginia, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Granviel, Kenneth, mass murderer
- Graßmann, Manfred, victim of Jurgen Bartsch aka Der Kirmesmörder
- Grass, Günter, writer and playwright
- Gravlin, William, mass murderer
- Gray, David, spree killer
- Gray, Eileen, architect and furniture designer
- Gray, Henry Judd aka The Putty Man, murderer
- Gray, Jimmy Lee, child killer
- Gray, Spalding, writer
- Gray, William, murderer
- Graziano, Rocky, boxer
- Green, Dominique, murderer
- Green, Edward aka Peanut, double murderer
- Green, G. W., murderer
- Green, Harvey, double murderer
- Green, Larry Craig aka The Zebra Killer, serial killer
- Green, Leslie, murderer
- Green, Norman, murderer
- Green, Ricky, multiple murderer
- Greenawalt, Randy, serial killer
- Greene, Graham, writer
- Greenglass, Ethel, American Communist and wife of Soviet spy Julius Rosenberg
- Greenlee, Karen, necrophiliac
- Greenwood, Vaughn aka The Skid Row Slasher, serial killer
- Greer, Germaine, feminist theorist and writer
- Gregorius III, 90th Pope
- Gregorius IX, 178th Pope
- Gregorius V, 138th Pope
- Gregorius VII, 157th Pope
- Gregorius XI, 201st Pope
- Gregorius XII,
- Gregorius XIII, 226th Pope
- Gregorius XIV, 229th Pope
- Gregorius XV, 234th Pope
- Gregorius XVI aka Mauro, 254th Pope
- Gregsten, Michael, victim of James Hanratty aka The A6 Lay-By Murderer
- Grese, Irma aka Die Hyäne von Auschwitz, KZ-Aufseherin in Ravensbrück, Auschwitz-Birkenau and Bergen-Belsen
- Gresnick, Antoine-Frédéric, composer
- Gretzler, Douglas, serial killer
- Grey, Lita, actress
- Gribble, Timothy, double murderer
- Grieg, Edvard, composer
- Griffin, Ambrose, victim of Richard Chase aka The Vampire of Sacramento
- Griffin, Jeffery, triple murderer
- Griffin, Jim, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Griffin, John Howard, journalist and writer
- Griffin, Robert, double murderer
- Griffith, D. W. aka The Inventor of Hollywood, film director and Hollywood pioneer
- Griffiths, Eric, guitarist
- Griffiths, Isabella, victim of Patrick Mackay aka Franklin Bollvolt the First
- Griffiths, Peter, child killer
- Griffiths, Stephen aka The Crossbow Cannibal, serial killer
- Grimm, Jacob, philologist, folklorist and mythologist
- Grimm, Wilhelm, folklorist and mythologist
- Grinder, Martha aka The Pittsburgh Poisoner, serial killer
- Grissom, William, victim of Danny Rolling aka The Gainesville Ripper
- Groesbeek, Maria, murderess
- Gromov, Vadim, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Gromyko, Andrei, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet
- Gröning, Bruno, Heilstrom mystic
- Gropius, Walter, architect
- Gröpler, Carl aka Der Rote Richter, executioner
- Gros, Antoine-Jean, painter
- Großmann, Karl aka Die Bestie vom Schlesischen Bahnhof, serial killer and cannibal
- Gross, Hans, criminologist
- Grotowski, Jerzy, theatre director
- Grover, Linda, victim of Christopher Wilder aka The Beauty Queen Killer
- Gruen, Gertrude, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Grunert, Ruth, victim of Thomas Rath aka Der Moormörder
- Grynszpan, Herschel, assassin of Ernst vom Rath
- Guattari, Félix, psychotherapist, philosopher and semiologist
- Guay, Albert, mass murderer
- Gudkov, Igor, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Guerrero, Richard, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Guggenheim, Peggy, art collector, bohemian and socialite
- Guglielmo, Frank, murderer
- Guilfoyle, Mary, victim of Herbert Mullin aka The Hippie Killer
- Guillaume, Laurence, victim of Francis Heaulme aka The Emmaus Murderer
- Guillin, Marie-Angélique, victim of Henri Désiré Landru aka Le Barbe-Bleue de Gambais
- Guillotin, Joseph-Ignace, physician
- Guinnes, Alec, actor
- Guinness, Arthur, brewer, visionary and philantropist
- Guiteau, Charles, writer, lawyer and assassin
- Gulyaeva, Irina, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Gumtow, George, double murderer
- Güney, Yılmaz, film director and murderer
- Ewen, Günter, mass murderer
- Günther, Rolf, Evangelical priest
- Gurdjieff, George, occult teacher
- Guschinow, Joachim, victim of Marcel Petiot aka The Triangular Chamber of Death Murderer
- Gutenberg, Johannes, blacksmith, goldsmith, inventor, printer and publisher
- Guthrie, Arlo, singer-songwriter
- Guthrie, Woody, singer-songwriter
- Gutierrez, Jessie, murderer
- Gutierrez, Vincent aka Flako, murderer
- Guttierrez, Jose, murderer
- Gyatso, Tenzin, 14th Dalai Lama
- Gysin, Brion aka The Father of Cut-up, artist, writer and sound poet
- H., Inge, victim of Rudolf Pleil aka Der Großsten Todmacher
- Ha-ra, Goo, K-pop star
- Haarmann, Fritz aka Der Hannover Werwolf, serial killer
- Habel, Gerhard, victim of Peter Hößl aka Der Wochenendmörder
- Hackman, Gene, actor
- Hadid, Zaha, architect
- Hadley, Paul aka Dr. William E. Estaver aka The Claw, double murderer
- Hadrianus, Roman Emperor
- Hadrianus I, 95th Pope
- Hadrianus V, 186th Pope
- Hadrianus VI, 218th Pope
- Haemers, Patrick aka Le Grand Blond, gangster and gang leader
- Hafdahl, Randall aka Jack Douglas Cone, cop killer
- Hager-Segov, Elly, victim of Hans van Zon
- Hagger, Harold aka Sidney Sinclair, murderer
- Haggerty, Owen, murderer
- Hagman, Larry, actor
- Hague, Quita, victim of the Black Zebra Killers
- Hahn, Anna Marie aka Arsenic Anna aka The Blonde Borgia, serial poisoner
- Hahn, Maria, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Haiden, Hans Christoph, composer
- Haigh, John George aka The Acid Bath Murderer, serial killer
- Hailey, Arthur, writer
- Haisman, Robert, philatelist and forger
- Hakamada, Iwao, boxer and presumed mass murderer
- Hakim, Vitali, victim of Charles Sobhraj aka Bad Blood
- Hakim Bey, anarchist author and poet
- Hale, Audrey, school shooter
- Hale, Nathan, America's first spy
- Haley, Bill, musician
- Hall, Archibald aka The Monster Butler aka Roy Fontaine, serial killer
- Hall, Camilla aka Gabi, founding member of the Symbionese Liberation Army
- Hall, Carl aka John James Byrne, kidnapper and murderer
- Hall, Edward, reverend
- Hall, Lee, murderer
- Hallbauer, Erich, victim of Klaus Gosmann aka Der Mittagsmörder
- Hallett, Sara, victim of Edmund Kemper aka The Co-ed Killer
- Halley, Edmond, astronomer, geophysicist, mathematician and meteorologist
- Hallyday, Johnny aka The French Elvis, singer-songwriter and musician
- Hamacher, Gertrud, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Hamann, Annie, victim of Christa Lehmann aka The Mass Poisoner of Worms
- Hamar, Emanuel, murderer
- Hamilton, David, photographer and film director
- Hamilton, Evelyn, victim of Gordon Cummins aka The Blackout Ripper
- Hamilton, Richard, pop artist
- Hamilton, Thomas, mass murderer
- Hammarskjöld, Dag, second Secretary-General of the United Nations
- Hammerer, Heidemarie, victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet
- Hammett, Samuel Dashiell, writer
- Hammill, Peter, singer-songwriter and musician
- Hammond, Karl, murderer
- Hampton, Fred, deputy chairman of the Black Panthers
- Hampton, Lionel aka Gates aka Hamp, musician and bandleader
- Hampton, Lloyd, murderer
- Hamsun, Knut, writer
- Hancock, Herbie, musician, bandleader and composer
- Hancock, Tony, comedian and actor
- Hand, Eula Jo, victim of Harvey Glatman aka The Pin-Up Killer
- Händel, Georg Friedrich, composer
- Handke, Peter, writer and political activist
- Hanjour, Hani, 9/11 terrorist
- Hanks, Tom, actor
- Hannappel, Adolf, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Hannwacker, Carola, victim of Klaus Gosmann aka Der Mittagsmörder
- Hanratty, James aka The A6 Lay-By Murderer, murderer
- Hansel, Oswald, murderer
- Hansen, Beck, singer-songwriter and musician
- Hansen, Derrick, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Hansen, Robert aka The Aviation Hunter, serial killer
- Har, Jew, murderer
- Harden, Glenda, victim of George Putt aka The Memphis Murderer
- Hardin, John Wesley aka Little Arkansaw, outlaw, gunfighter and folk icon
- Hardin, Tim, musician
- Harding, Donald, multiple murderer
- Harding, Warren, 29th President of the United States
- Hardy, Françoise, singer-songwriter
- Hardy, Oliver, actor
- Hardy, Thomas, poet
- Harke, Ilona, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Harlow, Jean aka The Blonde Bombshell, actress and sex symbol
- Harold, Margaret, victim of Melvin Rees aka The Sex Beast
- Harper, George, ship's captain
- Harpin, Germania, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Harrell, Isaac, double murderer
- Harrell, Tyrie, murderer
- Harris, Addie aka Micki Harris, singer
- Harris, Carlyle, medical student and murderer
- Harris, Curtis, murderer
- Harris, Danny, murderer
- Harris, David, murderer
- Harris, Emily aka Yolanda, member of the Symbionese Liberation Army
- Harris, Emmylou, singer-songwriter
- Harris, Eric aka The Columbine High School Killer, mass murderer
- Harris, Kenneth, murderer
- Harris, Norman aka Flash, murderer
- Harris, Robert Alton, double murderer
- Harris, Thomas, murderer
- Harrison, Benjamin, 23rd President of the United States
- Harrison, George, guitarist and singer-songwriter
- Harrison, Rex, film and stage actor
- Harrison, William Henry, 9th President of the United States
- Harry, Debbie aka Blondie, singer-songwriter
- Hart, Fred, murderer
- Hartevelt, Renee, victim of Issei Sagawa aka The Loving Cannibal
- Hartigan, Edward, murderer
- Hartman, Edward, murderer
- Hassel, William, murderer
- Hatcher, Charles Ray aka Evil Incarnate, serial killer
- Hathaway, Henry, film director
- Hau, Frau, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Haught, John aka Christopher Jesus aka Zero, victim of The Manson Family
- Haule-Frimpong, Eva, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Hauptfleisch, Petrus, murderer
- Hauptmann, Bruno, kidnapper
- Hauser, Kaspar aka The Wild Child, foundling
- Hausner, Siegfried, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion and Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv
- Havel, Václav, 1st President of the Czech Republic
- Hawking, Stephen, theoretical physicist, cosmologist and author
- Hawkins, Don, murderer
- Hawkins, Georgann, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Hawkins, Jalacy aka Screamin' Jay Hawkins, musician
- Hawkins, Robert aka The Omaha Mall Gunman, mass murderer
- Hawkins, Samuel, double murderer
- Haydn, Franz Joseph aka The Father of the Symphony, composer
- Hayes, Christie, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
- Hayes, Larry, double murderer
- Hayes, Rutherford, 19th President of the United States
- Hays, Clyde, victim of Vaughn Greenwood aka The Skid Row Slasher
- Hays, Henry, Ku-Klux-Klan member and murderer
- Hayward, Greta, victim of Gordon Cummins aka The Blackout Ripper
- Hayworth, Rita aka The Love Goddess, actress and pin-up model
- Hazlewood, Lee, singer-songwriter
- Heady, Bonnie, kidnapper and murderess
- Healy, Ed, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Healy, Linda Ann, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Hearst, Patty, newspaper heiress, kidnap victim and member of the Symbionese Liberation Army
- Hearst, William Randolph, newspaper publisher
- Heartfield, John, collage artist
- Heath, Neville aka The Sadistic Romeo, sex killer
- Heaulme, Francis aka The Emmaus Murderer aka Le Routard du Crime, serial killer
- Hedden, William, triple murderer
- Hedren, Tippi, actress and animal rights activist
- Hefner, Hugh, adult magazine publisher
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, philosopher
- Heidegger, Martin, philosopher
- Heidemann, Hannelore, victim of Ludwig Tessnow aka The Mad Carpenter
- Heidnik, Gary aka The Cellar of Horror Murderer, serial killer
- Heijn, Gerrit Jan, businessman
- Heine, Heinrich, poet
- Heinlein, Robert A. aka The Dean of Science Fiction Writers, writer
- Heirens, William aka Catch Me Before I Kill More, serial killer
- Heiselbetz, Earl, double murderer
- Helbing, Monika, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Hell, Richard, singer-songwriter and musician
- Hellams, Susan, victim of Timothy Spencer aka The Southside Strangler
- Heller, Joseph, writer and playwright
- Hellmann, Ulrike, victim of Bernd Bopp aka Der Hammermörder
- Hembree, Richard, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Hemingway, Ernest, writer
- Hemker, Cornelia aka Cocky, victim of Charles Sobhraj aka Bad Blood
- Henderson, Archibald, victim of John George Haigh aka The Acid Bath Murderer
- Henderson, John, murder suspect
- Henderson, Wardell, murderer
- Hendrix, Jimi, guitarist and singer-songwriter
- Henlein, Konrad, Gauleiter of Sudetengau
- Henley, Elmer Wayne, serial killer
- Henley, John, robber
- Hennard, George, mass murderer
- Hennies, Adolf, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Hennig, Curt aka Mr. Perfect, wrestler
- Henry, Mark, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Henry, Palmira aka Pal, fashion model
- Henry, Pierre, composer and electronic music pioneer
- Henry, Robert, double murderer
- Henry, Toni Jo, murderess
- Henry VI of England, King of England
- Henry VIII of England, King of England
- Hensley, Donna, victim of Gerald Stano aka Blind Fury
- Henson, Jim, puppeteer, cartoonist, screenwriter and film director
- Héon, Berthe-Anna, victim of Henri Désiré Landru aka Le Barbe-Bleue de Gambais
- Hepburn, Audrey, actress
- Hepburn, Katharine, actress
- Heppeard, Susie, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
- Hepper, William Sanchez de Pina, painter and child murderer
- Herbert, Frank, science fiction writer
- Herman, David Lee, murderer
- Hermans, Willem Frederik, writer
- Hernandez, Adolph, murderer
- Hernandez, Fred, murderer
- Hernandez, Ramon, murderer
- Hernandez, Rodolfo, multiple murderer
- Herreman, Christiane, victim of Michel Bellen aka The Strangler of the Left Bank
- Herrera, Gustavo, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Herrera, Leonel, cop killer
- Herrhausen, Alfred, Vorstandssprecher der Deutschen Bank
- Herrmann, Bernard, composer
- Herron, Jermaine, double murderer
- Herz, Alice, anti-war protester
- Herzl, Theodor, journalist, playwright, political activist and writer
- Herzog, Werner, film director
- Hess, Rudolf, Nazi leader and Stellvertreter des Führers
- Hesse, Eva, postminimal sculptor
- Hesse, Hermann aka Emil Sinclair, writer
- Heston, Charlton, actor and political activist
- Hettgen, Maria, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Heyde, Werner aka Fritz Sawade, Nazi psychiatrist
- Heydrich, Reinhard, Nazi leader and SS-Gruppenführer
- Heyerdahl, Thor, adventurer and ethnographer
- Hickman, William aka The Fox, kidnapper and child murderer
- Hickock, Richard aka In Cold Blood, mass murderer
- Hickok, Bill, lawman, gunfighter and gambler
- Hicks, Charlynn, victim of Paul John Knowles aka Killing Time
- Hicks, David, rapist and murderer
- Hicks, Steven, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Hidaka, Hiroaki, serial killer
- Hidde, Caecili, victim of Waldemar Stepinski aka The Doorbell Killer
- Higgins, Alex aka Hurricane, snooker player
- Higgins, Patrick, double murderer
- Higgins, Patty, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Higgs, Dustin, murder plotter
- Highsmith, Patricia, writer
- Hilarius, 46th Pope
- Hill, Benny, comedian and actor
- Hill, Betty & Barney,
- Hill, Graham, racecar driver
- Hill, Jacqueline, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Hill, Joe, songwriter and labor activist
- Hill, Karen, victim of Arthur Shawcross aka The Genesee River Killer
- Hill, Mack, double murderer
- Hill, Terence, actor and film director
- Hill, Walter, multiple murderer
- Hill, Zane, murderer
- Hillary, Edmund, mountaineer, explorer and philanthropist
- Hilley, Audrey, serial poisoner
- Hilliard, Edward, victim of Paul John Knowles aka Killing Time
- Hilligiest, David, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Hilton, Conrad, hotelier
- Hilton, Paris, heiress and media personality
- Himmler, Heinrich, Reichsführer of the Schutzstaffel (SS)
- Hinckley, John, would-be assassin
- Hindemith, Paul, composer
- Hindley, Myra aka The Moors Murderers (with Ian Brady), serial killer
- Hinds, Cynthia, victim of Gary Ridgway aka The Green River Killer
- Hinks, Reginald, murderer
- Hinman, Gary, music teacher and victim of the Manson Family
- Hinojosa, Richard, rapist and murderer
- Hirano, Isamu, double murderer
- Hirasawa, Sadamichi, tempera painter and presumed mass poisoner
- Hirohito aka Emperor Shōwa, Emperor of Japan
- Hirschfeld, Magnus, physician and sexologist
- Hirst, Damien, artist
- Hiss, Alger, government official and presumed Soviet spy
- Hitchcock, Alfred aka The Master of Suspense, film director
- Hitchen, John, carpenter
- Hite, Shere, sex researcher
- Hitler, Adolf, Führer and Reichskanzler of Germany
- Hitler, Paula aka Paula Wolf, younger sister of Reichsführer Adolf Hitler
- Hittle, Daniel, multiple murderer and cop killer
- Ho Chi Minh aka Nguyễn Tất Thành aka Nguyễn Ái Quốc, Vietnamese Communist revolutionary leader
- Hoch, Johann Otto aka The Bluebeard Murderer, bigamist and multiple murderer
- Hoch, Roland, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Hockney, David, painter
- Hodge, Arthur William, plantation farmer and slave owner
- Hodler, Ferdinand, artist
- Hoefgen, Ernest, murderer
- Hoeoek, Tuula, victim of Edward Paisnel aka The Beast of Jersey
- Hoffa, Jimmy, labour union leader
- Hoffman, Abbie, political and social activist and anarchist
- Hoffman, Dustin, actor
- Hoffman, Henriette, writer and wife of Baldur von Schirach
- Hogan, Mary, victim of Ed Gein aka America’s Most Bizarre Murderer
- Hogefeld, Birgit, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Hogrefe, Alfred, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Hogue, Jerry, murderer
- Höhler, Albrecht aka Ali, assassin of SA-leader Horst Wessel
- Holbert, Luther, sharecropper and murderer
- Holden, George, black
- Holden, William, actor
- Hölderlin, Friedrich, poet
- Holderman, Scott, murderer
- Holiday, Billie aka Lady Day, singer-songwriter
- Holland, Arthur aka Bud, B-52 pilot
- Holland, David, double murderer
- Holland, John, sodomite
- Holland, Mary, victim of Leslie Irvin aka The Mad Dog Killer
- Hollander, Xaviera aka The Happy Hooker, call girl
- Holley, U.L., murderer
- Holloman, Maryann, victim of Joel Rifkin aka The Long Island Ripper
- Holloway, John, murderer
- Holly, Buddy, singer-songwriter and musician
- Holmes, Henry Howard aka The Torture Doctor, serial killer
- Holmes, John aka Johnny Wadd, pornographic actor
- Holmes, Stephen, victim of Dennis Nilsen aka Killing for Company
- Holt, Frederick, murderer
- Honda, Soichiro, engineer and industrialist
- Honecker, Erich, General Secretary of the East German Socialist Unity Party
- Honegger, Arthur, composer
- Honka, Fritz aka Der Frauen-Schlächter von St. Pauli, serial killer
- Honken, Dustin, multiple murderer
- Hood, Wade, murderer
- Hooijmaijers, Frans aka Dikke Frans De Spuitreus, serial killer
- Hoolhouse, Robert, murderer
- Hooper, John aka Johan Hoperis, churchman, Anglican Bishop, Protestant reformer and martyr
- Hooper, Murray, double murderer
- Hooper, Tobe, cult film director
- Hoops, Kimberly aka Sugar, victim of Bobby Joe Long aka The Adman Rapist
- Hoover, Herbert, 31st President of the United States
- Hoover, John Edgar, 1st Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Hope, Bob, comedian, actor, singer and dancer
- Hopf, Karl, serial killer
- Hopkins, Anthony, actor
- Hopkins, Bobby, double murderer
- Hopper, Dennis, actor and film director
- Hopper, Edward, artist
- Hopper, George, murderer
- Hopper, Hugh, musician
- Horion, Freddy aka De Zonnebril, mass murderer
- Hormisdas, 52nd Pope
- Horn, Tom, Old West scout and hired gunman
- Hornberg, Benjamin, victim of Vaughn Greenwood aka The Skid Row Slasher
- Horowitz, Vladimir, composer
- Hosein, Arthur, kidnapper and murderer
- Hosein, Nizamodeen, kidnapper and murderer
- Hosking, Gladys, victim of Edward Leonski aka The Singing Strangler
- Hößl, Peter aka Der Wochenendmörder, serial killer
- Höss, Rudolf, SS-Obersturmbannführer and longest serving commandant of Auschwitz-KZ
- Hotin, Denise, victim of Marcel Petiot aka The Triangular Chamber of Death Murderer
- Houdini, Harry aka The Handcuff King, illusionist, magician and escapologist
- Houellebecq, Michel, writer
- Houston, Whitney, singer, actress and model
- Hovey, Doris, victim of Paul John Knowles aka Killing Time
- Hoveyda, Amir-Abbas, 42nd Prime Minister of Iran
- Howard, Catherine aka The Rose without a Thorn, fifth wife of Henry VIII
- Howard, George, murderer
- Howard, Jackson, murderer
- Howard, Ronald, cop killer
- Howarth, Kay, murderer
- Howe, Brian, victim of Mary Bell aka Child of Hell
- Howell, Jerry, victim of Robert Berdella aka The Kansas City Butcher
- Hoxha, Enver, First Secretary of the Party of Labour of Albania
- Huanming, Wu, school attacker
- Hubalek, Kaspar, victim of Karl Denke aka Papa Denke
- Hubbard, Ron, founder of the Church of Scientology
- Hubbard, Wendell, victim of Charlie Chop-off
- Hubble, Edwin, astronomer and cosmologist
- Huber, Johann, victim of Peter Hößl aka Der Wochenendmörder
- Huberty, James aka Hunting Humans, mass murderer
- Hübner, Sieglinde, victim of Manfred Wittmann aka The Beast of Oberfranken
- Hudson, Rock, actor
- Hudspeth, Cindy, victim of Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono aka The Hillside Stranglers
- Hudzinski, Veronica, victim of William Heirens aka Catch Me Before I Kill More
- Huges, Bart, self-trepanation pioneer
- Hughes, Anthony, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Hughes, Billy, cop killer
- Hughes, Francis, Irish republican hunger striker
- Hughes, Howard, business magnate, aviator, aerospace engineer, film director and eccentric
- Hughes, Mark, founder of Herbalife International Ltd
- Hughes, Robert Earl, the heaviest human being recorded in the history of the world
- Hughes, Tommie, double murderer
- Hugo, Victor, romantic poet and writer
- Hull, Shari, victim of Randall Woodfield aka the I-5 Killer
- Hultén, Karl aka The Murderous GI, murderer
- Humbert, Madeleine, victim of Nestor Pirotte aka Le Tueur Fou
- Hummel, John, triple murderer
- Humperdinck, Engelbert, singer
- Hundley, John, murderer
- Hunley, Eileen Marie, victim of Harvey Louis Carignan aka The Want-Ad Killer
- Hunt, Henry Lee, double murderer
- Hunt, Leamon, US-Diplomat
- Hunter, Holly, actress
- Hunter, Meredith aka Murdock, black art student and music fan
- Huppert, Isabelle, actress
- Hurson, Martin, Irish republican hunger striker
- Hurt, John, actor
- Hus, Jan, theologian and church reformer
- Hussein, Saddam, Dictator of Iraq
- Huston, John, film director
- Hutchins, James, triple cop killer
- Hutchinson, John, mass poisoner
- Huxley, Aldous, writer
- Huysmans, Joris-Karl, writer
- Hyden, Donald, victim of William Bonin aka The Freeway Killer
- Ibsen, Henrik, poet and playwright
- Idol, Billy, musician
- Iglesias, Julio, singer-songwriter and former professional footballer
- Ignatius de Loyola, founder of the Jesuits
- Ikemoto, Noboru, triple murderer
- Il Mostro di Firenze, unidentified serial killer
- Illarionov, Dmitriy, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Ilyin, Viktor, would-be assassin
- Ilyushin, Sergey, engineer and aircraft designer
- Immendorff, Jörg, artist
- Inderbieten, Michael, victim of Randy Kraft aka The Scorecard Killer
- Ingenito, Ernest, spree killer
- Ingle, Albert, FBI Special Agent
- Ingle, Phillip Lee, multiple murderer
- Inman, John aka Mr. Humphries, actor
- Innocentius IV, 180th Pope
- Innocentius IX, 230th Pope
- Innocentius VI, 199th Pope
- Innocentius VII, 204th Pope
- Innocentius VIII, 213th Pope
- Innocentius X, 236th Pope
- Innocentius XI aka The Blessed,
- Innocentius XII, 242nd Pope
- Innocentius XIII, 244th Pope
- Interior, Lux, musician
- Ioannes Paulus I, 263rd Pope
- Ioannes Paulus II,
- Ioannes XIII, 133rd Pope
- Ioannes XIV, 136th Pope
- Ioannes XXI, 187th Pope
- Ioannes XXIII aka The Blessed, 261st Pope
- Ionesco, Eugène, playwright
- Ionesyan, Vladimir aka Mosgaz aka Iwan the Axeman, serial killer
- Iqbal, Javed, serial killer
- Ireland, Colin aka The Gay Slayer, serial killer
- Irga, Ida, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Irvin, Leslie aka The Mad Dog Killer, serial killer
- Irwin, Robert aka The Mad Sculptor, artist, recurring mental hospital patient and murderer
- Ivan the Terrible, Grand Prince of Moscow and Tsar of Russia
- Ives, Charles, modernist composer
- Ives, Edward, cop killer
- Ives, Patricia, victim of Arthur Shawcross aka The Genesee River Killer
- Iwamoto, Yoshio, murderer
- Jack the Ripper, unidentified serial killer
- Jack the Stripper, unidentified serial killer
- Jacks, Terry,
- Jackson, Andrew aka Old Hickory, 7th President of the United States
- Jackson, Charles, victim of Vaughn Greenwood aka The Skid Row Slasher
- Jackson, Curtis aka 50 Cent, rapper
- Jackson, Debra aka Orange Socks, victim of Henry Lee Lucas aka The Hand of Death
- Jackson, Donell, murderer
- Jackson, Emily, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Jackson, George aka Soledad Brother, Black Panther
- Jackson, Henry, murderer
- Jackson, James Lewis aka Big Jack, triple murderer
- Jackson, Janet, singer-songwriter
- Jackson, Leila, victim of George Putt aka The Memphis Murderer
- Jackson, Michael aka The King of Pop, singer-songwriter and actor
- Jackson, Tommy, rapist and murderer
- Jacobs, Barbara, victim of Joel Rifkin aka The Long Island Ripper
- Jacobs, Bruce, murderer
- Jacobs, Jesse DeWayne, murderer
- Jacoby, Henry, murderer
- Jagger, Mick, singer-songwriter and musician
- Jakubowska, Françoise, victim of Marcel Barbeault aka Le Tueur de l’Ombre
- Jamal, Syed, murderer
- James, Jesse, outlaw, gang leader, bank robber, train robber and murderer
- James, Johnny, murderer
- Janáček, Leoš, composer
- Janecka, Allen, multiple murderer
- Jansky, Karl Guthe, physicist and radio engineer
- Jarrah, Ziad, 9/11 terrorist
- Jarry, Alfred aka The Father of Pataphysics, symbolist writer
- Jaume, Louise-Joséphine, victim of Henri Désiré Landru aka Le Barbe-Bleue de Gambais
- Jaurès, Jean, socialist leader
- Jean le Bon, King of France
- Jeanne d'Arc aka La Pucelle d'Orléans, heroine
- Jeffers, Jimmie, murderer
- Jefferson, Thomas, Founding Father and 3rd President of the United States
- Jégado, Hélène, serial poisoner
- Jelinek, Elfriede, writer
- Jenkins, Charles, murderer
- Jenkins, Joshua aka The Teenage Annihilator, mass murderer
- Jenkins, Leo, double murderer
- Jenney, William aka The Father of the American Skyscraper, architect and engineer
- Jennings, Desmond, multiple murderer
- Jensen, Betty Lou, victim of the Zodiac Killer
- Jensen, Max, victim of Gary Gilmore aka The Executioner's Song
- Jensen, Robert, victim of Charles Starkweather aka Little Red
- Jernigan, Joseph, murderer
- Jesperson, Keith aka The Happy Face Killer, serial killer
- Jesus Christ,
- Jett, Joan aka Godmother of Punk, singer-songwriter and musician
- Jin-ri, Choi aka Sulli, singer, songwriter, actress and K-pop star
- John, Elton, singer-songwriter and composer
- Moody, John, murderer
- Johns, Jasper, drip artist
- Johnson, Andrew, 17th President of the United States
- Johnson, Carl, murderer
- Johnson, Cassidy aka Muffin, victim of Christine Falling aka The Babysitter Killer
- Johnson, Corey, multiple murderer
- Johnson, Curtis, murderer
- Johnson, David, murderer
- Johnson, Dorsie, murderer
- Johnson, Eddie, triple murderer
- Johnson, Elliot, murderer
- Johnson, Ernest, triple murderer
- Johnson, Frank aka Luther Derril, murderer
- Johnson, Jack aka The Galveston Giant, boxer
- Johnson, John, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Johnson, Kia, murderer
- Johnson, Larry, murderer
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 36th President of the United States
- Johnson, Mitchell, school shooter
- Johnson, Virginia, victim of Bobby Joe Long aka The Adman Rapist
- Joiner, Orien, double murderer
- Jolivet, André, composer
- Jolson, Al aka The World's Greatest Entertainer, singer, actor and comedian
- Jones, Aaron, double murderer
- Jones, Brian, Rolling Stone
- Jones, Cadwallader, murderer
- Jones, Charley, black
- Jones, Claude, murderer
- Jones, Constantia, prostitute
- Jones, Grace aka Grace Mendoza, model, singer-songwriter and actress
- Jones, Harold aka Desire to Kill, double murderer
- Jones, Jack, murderer
- Jones, Jim, founder and leader of the Peoples Temple
- Jones, Judge, black
- Jones, Marty, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Jones, Millicent, victim of Hubert Geralds aka The Englewood Rapist
- Jones, Quintin, murderer
- Jones, Raymond, murderer
- Jones, Richard, murderer
- Jones, T. J., murderer
- Jones, Tom, singer
- Jones, William, murderer
- Jones, Willie, double murderer
- Jong, Erica, writer
- Joplin, Janis, singer-songwriter
- Jordan, Chester, murderer
- Jordan, Jean, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Jordan, John, victim of Kenneth Erskine aka The Stockwell Strangler
- Jordan, Richard, murderer
- Jordan, Robert, mass murderer
- Jouannet, Doris aka Doris Robson, victim of Gordon Cummins aka The Blackout Ripper
- Jouret, Luc, leader of the l'Ordre International Chevaleresque de Tradition Solaire cult
- Jouret, Roger aka Plastic Bertrand, musician and songwriter
- Joyce, James, poet and writer
- Judd, Donald, minimal artist
- Judd, Winnie Ruth aka The Trunk Murderess, murderess
- Judy, Steven, mass murderer
- Julius II, 216th Pope
- Julius III, 221st Pope
- Jumblatt, Kamal,
- Jung, Carl Gustav, psychiatrist and psychotherapist
- Jung, Klaus, victim of Jurgen Bartsch aka Der Kirmesmörder
- Junge, Traudl, Adolf Hitler's last private secretary
- Junkers, Hugo, engineer and aircraft designer
- Jünschke, Klaus, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion and Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv
- Jurblum, Marjem, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Kaczynski, Theodore aka The Unabomber, mathematician and serial bomber
- Kadyrov, Ramzan, Head of the Chechen Republic
- Kafka, Franz, writer
- Kahlo, Frida, painter
- Kahlweiß, Ulrich, victim of Jurgen Bartsch aka Der Kirmesmörder
- Kai-shek, Chiang, Chairman of the Nationalist Government of China
- Kalanta, Romas aka The Young Man with the Mesmerizing Eyes, student and hero of the Lithuanian resistance
- Kalashnikov, Mikhail, weapon designer
- Kaliniak, Aniuta, victim of Łucjan Staniak aka The Red Spider of Katowice
- Kallinger, Joey, son and victim of Joseph Kallinger aka The Shoemaker
- Kallinger, Joseph aka The Shoemaker, serial killer
- Kallinger, Michael, son of Joseph Kallinger aka The Shoemaker
- Kalom, Alice, victim of Norman John Collins aka The Michigan Coed Killer
- Kamala, feral girl
- Kampusch, Natascha aka The Girl in the Cellar, kidnap victim
- Kandinsky, Wassily, painter and art theorist
- Kane, Bob, comic book artist
- Kant, Immanuel, philosopher
- Kantor, Tadeusz, theatre director, painter, sculptor and set designer
- Kaplan, Fanya aka The Woman Who Tried to Kill Lenin, revolutionary
- Kaplan, Lazare, diamond merchant
- Kappler, Herbert, Sicherheitspolizei commander
- Karabelnikova, Irina, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Karl V, Holy Roman Emperor
- Karloff, Boris, actor
- Karnes, Albert, murderer
- Kasab, Ajmal, Lashkar-e-Taiba Islamist terrorist
- Kasabian, Linda, member of the 'Manson Family'
- Kasteleyn, Charles-Louis, multiple murderer
- Kastin, Lissa, victim of Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono aka The Hillside Stranglers
- Katagiri, Misao, cop killer
- Katō, Tomohiro, mass murderer
- Kaurismäki, Aki, film director
- Kawalerowicz, Jerzy, film director
- Kawara, On, conceptual artist
- Kawka, Zofia, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Kaye, Danny, actor, singer, dancer, comedian and musician
- Kazan, Elia, film director
- Kearney, Patrick aka The Freeway Killer aka The Trash Bag Killer, serial killer
- Keaton, Buster aka The Great Stone Face, actor, film director and stunt performer
- Keaton, Diane, actress
- Keaton, John, highwayman
- Kecinski, Harry, mass murderer
- Keel, Joseph, murderer
- Keeler, Christine, model and topless showgirl
- Keeler, Dorothy, victim of Arthur Shawcross aka The Genesee River Killer
- Kehoe, Andrew, mass murderer
- Keimes, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Keitel, Harvey, actor
- Kellerman, Mary, Tylenol poisoning victim
- Kelley, Ellsworth, murderer
- Kelley, Levi, murderer
- Kelley, Mike, artist
- Kellogg, John, advocate of dietary reform
- Kellogg, Will, industrialist in food manufacturing
- Kelly, Carl, double murderer
- Kelly, Gene, dancer, actor, singer, film director and choreographer
- Kelly, George aka Machine Gun Kelly, gangster
- Kelly, Grace, actress and Princess of Monaco
- Kelly, James, murderer
- Kelly, Mary Jane aka Marie Jeanette Kelly, Fair Emma, Ginger or Black Mary, victim of Jack the Ripper
- Kelly, Ned, bushranger, outlaw and gang leader
- Kelly, Petra, activist and founder of Die Grünen
- Kemmler, William aka John Hart, murderer
- Kemper, Edmund aka The Co-ed Killer, serial killer
- Kendrick, Darin, victim of William Bonin aka The Freeway Killer
- Kennedy, John Fitzgerald aka JFK, 35th President of the United States
- Kennedy, Robert, politician
- Kennedy, William, cop killer
- Kenny, Anna, victim of the Bible John Killer
- Kensit, John, Founder of the Protestant Truth Society
- Kent, Debra, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Kenyon, Elizabeth, victim of Christopher Wilder aka The Beauty Queen Killer
- Kepler, Johannes, astronomer, mathematician, astrologer, philosopher and writer on music
- Kerby, Elvie, cop killer
- Kerouac, Jack, writer, poet and pioneer of the Beat Generation
- Kerr, Isabella, common-law wife and victim of Dr. Buck Ruxton
- Kerr, Wesley, victim of Leslie Irvin aka The Mad Dog Killer
- Kesey, Ken, writer
- Kessel, Albert, multiple murderer
- Kessel, Joseph, writer and journalist
- Ketchum, Tom, outlaw and murderer
- Ketter, Marion, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Kevorkian, Jack aka Doctor Death, pathologist and euthanasia activist
- Khait, Marthe, victim of Marcel Petiot aka The Triangular Chamber of Death Murderer
- Khamrab, Panya, mass murderer
- Khan, Genghis, 1st Khagan of the Mongol Empire
- Khan, Gul, murderer
- Khobotov, Alexey, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Khomeini, Ruhollah, Founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran
- Khovananth, Chainarong, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Khrushchev, Nikita, First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
- Kiel, Barbara, victim of Bernd Bopp aka Der Hammermörder
- Kienholz, Ed, installation artist
- Kier, Udo, actor
- Kierkegaard, Søren, philosopher, theologian and social critic
- Kieślowski, Krzysztof, film director
- Kilbride, John, victim of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley aka The Moors Murderers
- Kilmer, Val, actor
- Kilroy, Mark, human sacrifice
- Kim, Daul, fashion model
- Kim, Hyun-Hui aka Ok Hwa, North Korean Agent
- Kim, Il-sung, first Supreme Leader of North Korea
- Kim, Jong-il, second Supreme Leader of North Korea
- Kim, Jong-un, supreme leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
- Kim, Seung Il aka Shinichi Hachiya, North Korean Agent
- Kinck, Gustave, victim of Jean-Baptiste Troppmann aka Le Massacreur de Pantin
- Kinck, Hortense, victim of Jean-Baptiste Troppmann aka Le Massacreur de Pantin
- Kinck, Jean, victim of Jean-Baptiste Troppmann aka Le Massacreur de Pantin
- Kincy, Kevin, murderer
- Kindlinger, Matthias aka Der Blaubart von Schrems, multiple murderer
- Kindred, William aka Billy Shotgun, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- King, Alberta, mother of Martin Luther King
- King, B. B. aka The King of the Blues, singer-songwriter and musician
- King, Calvin, murderer
- King, Jane, victim of Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono aka The Hillside Stranglers
- King, Larry, television host
- King, Leon, murderer
- King, Martin Luther, activist and African-American Civil Rights Movement leader
- King, Raymond, victim of Clifford Olson aka The Vancouver Butcher
- King, Stephen aka The King of Horror, horror fiction writer
- King, William, sodomite
- King III, Alvin aka The Daingerfield Church Shooter, mass murderer
- Kingsley, Ben, actor
- Kingsley, James, cop killer
- Kinkel, Kip aka The Thurston High School Shooter, school shooter
- Kinnamon, Raymond, murderer
- Kinsey, Alfred, sexologist
- Kinski, Klaus, actor
- Kinski, Nastassja, actress
- Kipling, Rudyard, writer
- Kippenberger, Martin, artist
- Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig, expressionist painter
- Kissinger, Henry, politician and diplomat
- Kitaj, R. B., artist
- Kitchens, William aka Red, rapist and murderer
- Kjellberg, Axel, victim of Sigvard Thurneman aka The Doctor
- Klar, Christian, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Klebold, Dylan, school shooter
- Klee, Paul, artist
- Klein, Calvin, underwear designer
- Klein, Christine, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Klein, Yves, artist
- Kleine, Friedrich, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Klimek, Dagmar, victim of Heinrich Pommerenke aka The Beast of the Black Forest
- Klimt, Gustav, symbolist painter
- Kline, Franz, abstract expressionist painter
- Klump, Andrea, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Knef, Hildegard, actress and singer
- Kneiding, Maxson, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Kneller, Greta, victim of Marcel Petiot aka The Triangular Chamber of Death Murderer
- Kneller, Kurt, victim of Marcel Petiot aka The Triangular Chamber of Death Murderer
- Knievel, Evel, daredevil and entertainer
- Knight, David, murderer
- Knight, Gladys, singer-songwriter
- Knight, Julian, mass murderer
- Knight, Madge,
- Knodt, Manuela, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Knowles, Paul John aka The Casanova Killer, serial killer
- Knowlton, Teresa, victim of Charles Sobhraj aka Bad Blood
- Knox, Clark, murderer
- Knox, James Roy, murderer
- Koch, Beate, kidnap victim
- Koch, Erich, Gauleiter in East Prussia
- Koch, Friedrich, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Koch, Heinrich, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Koch, Ilse aka Die Hexe von Buchenwald aka Die Buchenwälder Schlampe, wife of camp commandant and human-skin-handywoman
- Koch, Karl-Otto, SS Standartenführer
- Koch, Robert, bacteriologist
- Kochwald, Ulrich, sex researcher
- Kodály, Zoltán, composer
- Koestler, Arthur, journalist and writer
- Köhler, Gundolf, German right-wing extremist
- Kokoraleis, Andrew, serial killer and member of the Ripper Crew or Chicago Rippers
- Kokoschka, Oskar, artist
- Kol, Francis, murderer
- Kollwitz, Käthe, artist
- Komarov, Vladimir, test pilot, aerospace engineer and cosmonaut
- Konen, Jeffrey, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Konno, Mari, victim of Tsutomu Miyazaki aka The Little Girl Murderer
- Konsalik, Heinz, writer
- Koo, Aiko, victim of Edmund Kemper aka The Co-ed Killer
- Kopechne, Mary Jo, political campaign specialist for Robert F. Kennedy
- Kordiyeh, Ali Reza aka The Tehran Vampire, serial killer
- Koresh, David, leader of the Branch Davidians religious sect
- Korfman, Michelle, victim of Christopher Wilder aka The Beauty Queen Killer
- Korostik, Svetlana, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Kosecki, Mira, victim of Metod Trobec aka The Monster of Dolenja Vas
- Kosiński, Jerzy, writer
- Kosygin, Alexei, Soviet statesman
- Kounellis, Jannis, Arte Povera artist
- Kozielska, Janina, victim of Łucjan Staniak aka The Red Spider of Katowice
- Krabbe, Hanna, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion and Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv
- Kraft, Randy aka The Scorecard Killer, serial killer
- Krause, Dagmar, singer
- Kravchenko, Aleksandr, innocent murderer
- Kravchenko, Andrey, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Kray, Reginald aka Reggie Kray, gangster
- Kray, Ronald aka Ronnie Kray, gangster
- Kren, Kurt aka Lord of the Frames, experimental filmmaker
- Krenwinkel, Patricia, leading member of the 'Manson Family'
- Kretschmer, Tim, spree killer and mass murderer
- Kreuger, Ivar aka The Match King, civil engineer, financier, entrepreneur and industrialist
- Krishna Venta, founder of the Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith and Love Fountain of the World cult
- Krishnamurti, Jiddu, spiritual leader
- Kristel, Sylvia, actress
- Kristina Augusta, Queen of Sweden
- Kroll, Joachim aka Jockel aka Der Ruhrkannibale, serial killer
- Kropotkin, Pyotr aka The Anarchist Prince, activist, revolutionary, scientist, geographer and philosopher
- Krupp, Friedrich Alfred, arms manufacturer
- Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, Alfried, industrialist
- Kubrick, Stanley, film director
- Kucianka, Jadwiga, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Kühn, Apollonia, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Kühnen, Michael, German neo-Nazi leader
- Kulagina, Nina, psychic
- Kulthum, Umm aka The Nightingale of the Nile, singer and actress
- Kuma, Michitoshi, double murderer
- Kunkle, Troy aka The No Remorse killer, murderer
- Kupczyk Duncan, Olga, victim of Elisabeth Duncan
- Kuprina, Olga, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Kurosawa, Akira, film director
- Kürten, Peter aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf, serial killer
- Kutzner, Richard William, double murderer
- Kuzikov, Ilshat, cannibal
- Kyle, Carol, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Kłossowski, Balthasar aka Balthus, artist
- L'Ordre International Chevaleresque de Tradition Solaire aka Ordre du Temple Solaire, secret society
- Laak, Aleksander, commander of KZ Jägala
- Laaksonen, Touko aka Tom of Finland, creator of gay pornographic images
- Labbe, Denise, murderess
- LaBelle, Patti aka The Godmother of Soul, singer
- LaBianca, Leno, victim of The Manson Family
- LaBianca, Rosemary, victim of The Manson Family
- Laborde-Line, Thérèse, victim of Henri Désiré Landru aka Le Barbe-Bleue de Gambais
- Labrette, Virginie, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- LaBruce, Bruce, film director
- Lacan, Jacques, psychoanalist
- Lacenaire, Pierre François, philosopher, poet and murderer
- Lackey, Clarence, rapist and murderer
- Lacy, Oliver aka Birdie, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Ladam, Andrée, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Lagerfeld, Karl, fashion designer
- LaGrand, Karl-Heinz, murderer
- LaGrand, Walter, murderer
- Lagrue, David, murderer
- Lahiff, Mary,
- Lahiri, Bappi, singer, composer and record producer
- Laika aka Barker, Soviet space dog
- Laine, Frankie aka Old Leather Lungs, singer and actor
- Laing, Ronald David, psychiatrist
- Lake, Leonard aka The Eye of Evil, serial killer
- Lake, Nora,
- LaMarca, Angelo, kidnapper and child murderer
- Lamb, John, murderer
- Lamborghini, Ferruccio, industrialist
- Lammers, James, mass murderer
- Lamont, Blanche, victim of Theodore Durrant aka The Demon in the Belfry
- Lamson, George aka The Slight-of-Hand Poisoner, doctor and murderer
- Lancaster, Burt, actor
- Lancaster, Thomas, mass murderer
- Lancaume, Karen, actress
- Lance, Donnie, double murderer
- Landau, Martin, actor
- Landauer, Gustav aka Commissioner of Enlightenment and Public Instruction of the Bavarian Soviet Republic, anarchism theorist
- Landingin, Frank, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Landis, Carole aka The Actress Who Could Have Been but never Was, actress
- Landon, Michael, actor
- Landru, Henri Désiré aka Le Barbe-Bleue de Gambais, serial killer
- Landry, Raymond, murderer
- Lane, Harold, murderer
- Lane, Vanessa, porn actress
- Lang, Fritz, film director
- Lange, Jessica, actress
- Lange, Thomas, art vandal
- Languille, Henri, murderer
- Lanker, Ray, mass murderer
- Lansky, Meyer aka The Mob's Accountant, mobster
- Lantz, Harold, murderer
- Lantz, Walter, cartoonist, animator and film director
- Lanza, Adam, school shooter
- Lanza, Mario, tenor and actor
- LaPorte, Roger Allen, anti-war protester
- Larber, Jack,
- LaRette, Anthony, multiple murderer
- Larocque, William, murderer
- Larsson, Arne, heart patient
- Lassiter, Robert, arsonist and mass murderer
- Last, James, bandleader and composer
- Latham, James, spree killer
- Lauda, Niki, Formula One racer
- Lauer, Norene, victim of Harvey Glatman aka The Pin-Up Killer
- Laughner, Peter, musician
- Laumann, Sarah, victim of The Axeman of New Orleans
- Launer, Ida, victim of Karl Denke aka Papa Denke
- Lauper, Cyndi, singer-songwriter
- Laurel, Stan, actor
- Laurent, Jean-Pierre, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Laurent, Jeanne, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Lauria, Donna, victim of David Berkowitz aka Son of Sam
- Lausche, Frau, victim of Paul Ogorzow aka Der Schnell-Bahn Mörder
- Lauterbach, Sylvia, victim of Bernd Bopp aka Der Hammermörder
- Lauterio, Ricardo, murderer
- Lauth, George, murderer
- Lauti, Aua, child killer
- Laval, Pierre, French politician and collaborator
- LaVey, Anton, Founder of the Church of Satan
- LaVey, Zeena, spiritual leader of the Sethian Liberation Movement
- Lavictoire, Emmanuel, murderer
- Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent aka The Father of Modern Chemistry, nobleman and chemist
- Lawrence, D. H., writer and playwright
- Lawrence, Richard, would-be assassin
- Lawrence, Thomas Edward aka Lawrence of Arabia, Man of Action
- Lawrence, William, murderer
- Lawrence, William Ray, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Lawrie, David, mass murderer
- Lawson, David, murderer
- Lawson, Eric, Marlboro Man
- Lawson, Lesley aka Twiggy, fashion model, actress and singer
- Lawton, Stacey, murderer
- Laycock, Joseph, mass murderer
- Laysiepen, Frank Uwe aka Ulay, performance artist
- Layton, Richard, murderer
- le Carré, John, writer
- Le Corbusier, urban planner and pioneer of modern architecture
- Le Dépeceur de Mons aka The Trash Bag Killer, unidentified serial killer
- Le Pen, Jean-Marie, Président d'honneur du Front National
- Lea, Maureen, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Leach, Barbara, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Leach, Kimberly, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Leander, Zarah, actress
- Leary, Timothy, psychologist and writer
- LeBlond, Roger, victim of Eugen Weidmann aka The Handsome Devil
- LeBoeuf, Ada, murderess
- Leclerc, Philippe, Maréchal de France
- Leclercq, Jacqueline, victim of Le Dépeceur de Mons aka The Trash Bag Killer
- Lecron, Françoise, victim of Marcel Barbeault aka Le Tueur de l’Ombre
- Ledger, Heath, actor
- Lee, Bruce, martial artist and actor
- Lee, Christopher, actor
- Lee, Daniel, triple murderer
- Lee, Jean, murderess
- Lee, Joe, murderer
- Lee, John aka Babbacombe Lee aka The Man They Couldn't Hang, murderer
- Lee, John Doyle, perpetrator of the Mountain Meadows massacre
- Lee, Kase, victim of Gary Ridgway aka The Green River Killer
- Lee, Peggy, singer-songwriter
- Lee, Thomas, victim of Randy Kraft aka The Scorecard Killer
- Lefebvre, Eugène, aviation pioneer
- Lefley, Mary, murderess
- Léger, Fernand, artist
- Léger, Lucien aka L'étrangleur nº 1, child killer
- Lehár, Franz, composer
- Lehmann, Christa aka The Mass Poisoner of Worms, serial poisoner
- Lehmann, Karl Franz, victim of Christa Lehmann aka The Mass Poisoner of Worms
- Lehmann, Valentin, victim of Christa Lehmann aka The Mass Poisoner of Worms
- Lehmbruck, Wilhelm, sculptor
- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, philosopher and polymath
- Leigh, Janet, actress
- Leigh, Vivien, actress
- Lelouche, Claude, film director
- Leloy-Godefroy, Germaine, axe murderess
- Lem, Stanisław, science fiction writer
- Lemesheva, Anna, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Lemmon, Jack, actor
- Leni, Paul aka The Forgotten Master, expressionist film director
- Lenin, Vladimir, political theorist and communist revolutionary
- Lennon, John, musician
- Lennon, Julia, mother of John Lennon
- Lennon, Julian, musician
- Lennon, Sean, musician
- Leno, Jay, television host
- Lenya, Lotte, singer, diseuse and actress
- Lenz, Joni aka Karen Sparks or Sharon Clarke, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Lenzen, Louise, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Leo I aka Saint Leo Magnus, 45th Pope
- Leo III, 96th Pope
- Leo IX, 152nd Pope
- Leo VII, 126th Pope
- Leo X, 217th Pope
- Leo XI aka Papa Lampo, 232nd Pope
- Leo XII, 252nd Pope
- Leo XIII, 256th Pope
- Leonov, Alexei, cosmonaut
- Leonski, Edward aka The Singing Strangler, serial killer
- Leopold, Nathan aka The Perfect Murderer, kidnapper and murderer
- Leopold I, 1st King of Belgium
- Leopold II, 2nd King of Belgium
- Leopold III, King of Belgium
- Lépine, Marc aka The Women-Hating Rambo, mass murderer
- Lerma, Florencio aka Martin Flores, cop killer
- Les Cellules Communistes Combattantes aka CCC, terrorist organisation
- Lesobre, Raymond, victim of Eugen Weidmann aka The Handsome Devil
- Lessing, Theodor, philosopher
- Lesurques, Joseph, robber
- Lévi-Strauss, Claude, anthropologist and ethnologist
- Levice, J. C., murderer
- Levin, Ira, writer
- Levy, Lisa, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Lewinsky, Monica aka The Woman with Whom President Bill Clinton Did not Have Sexual Relations, White House intern
- Lewis, Benjamin, murderer
- Lagrone, Edward, triple murderer
- Lewis, Harry, murderer
- Lewis, Herschell Gordon aka The Godfather of Gore, film director
- Lewis, Jerry, actor, comedian, singer and film director
- Lewis, Jerry Lee aka The Killer, singer-songwriter and musician
- Lewis, Teresa, double murderess
- LeWitt, Sol, conceptual artist
- Lhermitte, Geneviève, mass murderess
- Li, Yuhui, multiple murderer
- Lianrong, Zhao, mass murderer
- Liberace aka The Glitter Man aka The King of Bling, pianist and entertainer
- Liberman, Ludmilla, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Lichachevski, Hélène, victim of Freddy Horion aka De Zonnebril
- Lichtenberg, Clemens, victim of Kurt-Friedhelm Steinwegs aka Die Bestie vom Niederrhein
- Lichtenstein, Roy, pop artist
- Liebehenschel, Arthur, Lagerkommandant in KZ Auschwitz and Majdanek
- Liebknecht, Karl, revolutionary socialist and founder of the Spartacist Rote Fahne
- Ligeti, György, composer
- Lightbourne, Wendell aka The Cannibalist Golf Caddy, serial killer
- Ligotino, Janine, victim of Gerald Stano aka Blind Fury
- Likens, Sylvia, victim of Gertrude Baniszewski
- Lilienthal, Otto aka The Glider King, aviation pioneer
- Lincecum, Kavin, double murderer
- Lincoln, Abraham, 16th President of the United States
- Lindbergh, Charles aka The Lone Eagle, aviation pioneer
- Lindbergh Jr, Charles Augustus, kidnap victim
- Lindgren, Astrid, writer
- Lindsay, Sandra, victim of Gary Heidnik aka The Cellar of Horror Murderer
- Lindsey, Errol, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Linus, 2nd Pope
- Lipchitz, Jacques, artist
- Lisenba, Raymond aka Rattlesnake James, multiple murderer
- Lissitzky, El, artist, designer, photographer and architect
- List, John aka The Bogeyman of Westfield, mass murderer
- Liston, Sonny, boxer
- Liszt, Franz, composer
- Lithman, Philip aka Snakefinger, musician
- Little, Ethel,
- Little, Florence, victim of Harold Jones aka Desire to Kill
- Little, Malcolm Eugene, victim of Randy Kraft aka The Scorecard Killer
- Little, William, black soldier
- Little, William, murderer and necrophiliac
- Little Richard, musician
- Littlejohn, Emmanuel, murderer
- Liu, Alice, victim of Edmund Kemper aka The Co-ed Killer
- Livelsberger, Matthew Alan, suicide bomber
- Livingston, Charlie, murderer
- Livingstone, David, explorer and pioneer medical missionary
- Lizène, Jacques aka L’Artiste de la Médiocrité, artist
- Lloyd, Harold, actor, film director and stunt performer
- Lloyd, Margaret, victim of George Joseph Smith aka The Brides in the Bath Murderer
- Lloyd, William, murderer
- Locci, Barbara, victim of Il Mostro di Firenze
- Lockett, Clayton, kidnapper and murderer
- Lockhart, Michael, serial killer
- Lockwood, Irene aka Sandra Russell, victim of Jack the Stripper
- Loeb, Richard aka The Perfect Murderer, kidnapper and murderer
- Loel, Otto, murderer
- Loewy, Raymond, industrial designer
- Logan, Suzanne, victim of Christopher Wilder aka The Beauty Queen Killer
- Lollobrigida, Gina, actress
- Lombroso, Cesare, criminologist
- London, Jack, writer, journalist and social activist
- Long, Bobby Joe aka The Adman Rapist, serial killer
- Long, David, multiple murderer
- Long, Gee, murderer
- Long, Maureen, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Long, Ngeun Thi, victim of Bobby Joe Long aka The Adman Rapist
- Long, Sherri Ann aka Peggy Beth, victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet
- Long, Wayne, murderer
- Longet, Claudine, singer, actress and murderess
- Lookingbill, Robert, multiple murderer
- Lopatka, Sharon, consensual victim of Robert Frederick Glass
- Loper, James, victim of Louis Peoples
- Lopez, Jose, murderer
- López, Pedro aka The Monster of the Andes, serial killer
- Lopez, Trini, singer and actor
- Lorber, Jakob aka Der Schreibknecht Gottes, Christian mystic and visionary
- Lorca, Federico García, poet
- Lords, Traci, underage pornographic actress, model and singer
- Loren, Sophia, actress
- Lorenz, Peter, politician candidate for mayor of West Berlin
- Loret, Jean-Marie, presumed illegitimate son of Adolf Hitler
- Lorre, Peter, actor
- Losada, Davis, rapist and murderer
- Losey, Joseph, film director
- Lothaire IV, Carolingian king of West Francia
- Lott, George aka The Fort Worth Courthouse Gunman, double murderer
- Lotze, Werner, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Loudenback, Elizabeth, victim of Bobby Joe Long aka The Adman Rapist
- Louis IX aka Saint Louis, King of France
- Louis XIV aka Le Roi du Soleil, King of France and Navarre
- Louis XVI, King of France and Navarre
- Louvet, Michèle, victim of Marcel Barbeault aka Le Tueur de l’Ombre
- Lovecraft, H. P., horror fiction writer
- Lovelace, Linda, porn actress
- Lowe, Edward, coiner
- Lowe, Margaret aka Pearl, victim of Gordon Cummins aka The Blackout Ripper
- Lowry, James aka The Captain, pirate
- Lowry, Malcolm, poet and writer
- Lu, Gang, mass murderer
- Lucas, George, film director
- Lucas, Henry Lee aka The Hand of Death, serial killer
- Luchessa, Anita, victim of Edmund Kemper aka The Co-ed Killer
- Luchinskaya, Irina, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Luciano, Charles aka Lucky Luciano, mobster and father of modern organized crime in the United States
- Lucier, Alvin, composer
- Lüdke, Bruno, serial killer
- Ludlum, Robert, writer
- Ludwig II aka Der Märchenkönig, King of Bavaria
- Luetgert, Adolph aka The Sausage King, murderer and cannibal
- Lugosi, Bela, actor
- Lukács, György, Marxist philosopher
- Lumet, Sidney, film director
- Lumière, Auguste, film pioneer
- Lumière, Louis, film pioneer
- Luna, Sue, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
- Lunch, Lydia, musician
- Lundgren, Jeffrey aka The Volunteer, self-proclaimed prophet and cult leader
- Lundon, Ruffie, murderer
- Lustig, Victor aka The Count, con artist
- Luther, Helga, victim of Manfred Wittmann aka The Beast of Oberfranken
- Luther, Martin, theologian and church reformer
- Lutosławski, Witold, composer
- Luttrell, Charles, murderer
- Luxemburg, Rosa aka Rote Rosa, revolutionary socialist and founder of the Spartacist Rote Fahne
- Lydon, John aka Johnny Rotten, musician
- Lynch, David, film director
- Lynch, Kevin, Irish republican hunger striker
- Lynn, Loretta aka The Coal Miner's Daughter aka The Decca Doll aka The Queen of Country Music, singer-songwriter
- Lynn, Vera aka the Forces' Sweetheart, singer and entertainer
- Lyon, Sue, actress
- Lyons, Lewis, murderer
- Lyons, Robbie, murderer
- Lyotard, Jean-François, philosopher, sociologist and literary theorist
- M'Gowan, James, murderer
- M'Naughton, John, murderer
- M., Geneviève, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- M., Margot, victim of Rudolf Pleil aka Der Großsten Todmacher
- Maas, Maria, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- MacArthur, Douglas, Chief of Staff of the United States Army
- MacDonald, Edna, victim of Mike DeBardeleben aka The Lethal Shadow
- MacDonald, Jayne, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- MacDonald, Jeffrey, presumed murderer
- MacGraw, Ali, actress
- Mach, Ernst, physicist and philosopher
- Machiavelli, Niccolò aka The Prince, political philosopher and poet
- Macias, Elisandro, murderer
- Macias, Refugio, double murderer
- Maciejowicz, Danuta, victim of Łucjan Staniak aka The Red Spider of Katowice
- Mackay, Patrick aka Franklin Bollvolt the First, serial killer
- MacLaine, Shirley, actress
- MacLennan, Hectorina, victim of John Christie aka The Strangler of 10 Rillington Place
- MacLise, Angus, musician, poet and occultist
- Macnee, Patrick aka John Steed, actor
- MacSwiney, Terence, Irish republican hunger striker
- Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run aka Cleveland Torso Murderer, unidentified serial killer
- Madden, Robert, double murderer
- Madison, James, 4th President of the United States
- Madrill, Constance, victim of Eric Edgar Cooke aka The Australian Nightmare
- Madson, David, victim of Andrew Cunanan aka American Gigolo/American Psycho
- Maeno, Mitsuyasu, pornographic actor and suicide pilot
- Maeterlinck, Maurice, poet and writer
- Maffay, Peter, musician
- Magd, Estelle, victim of Guy Georges aka Le Tueur de la Bastille
- Magellan, Ferdinand, explorer
- Maggio, Joseph, victim of The Axeman of New Orleans
- Magritte, René, surrealist painter
- Mahaffy, Leslie, victim of Paul Bernardo aka The Scarborough Rapist aka The Schoolgirl Killer and Karla Homolka
- Maher, Mary, victim of Gerald Stano aka Blind Fury
- Mahler, Gustav, romantic composer
- Mahler, Horst, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Mahon, Patrick aka the Man of Prey, murderer
- Maier-Witt, Silke, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Maigys, Bronius, art vandal
- Mailer, Norman, writer
- Majer, Marie-Therese, victim of Bernd Bopp aka Der Hammermörder
- Major, Ethel, murderess
- Makarenkov, Oleg, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Makarov, Yaroslav, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Makart, Hans, artist
- Malcolm X aka El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, revolutionary black activist
- Malden, Karl, actor
- Malevich, Kazimir, abstract art pioneer
- Mallarmé, Stéphane, symbolist poet
- Malle, Anna aka Anna Hotop, pornographic actress
- Malle, Louis, film director
- Mallon, Mary aka Typhoid Mary, asymptomatic carrier of the pathogen associated with typhoid fever
- Malone, Kelvin Shelby, triple murderer
- Maloney, Kathleen, victim of John Christie aka The Strangler of 10 Rillington Place
- Malraux, André, writer, art theorist and Minister of Cultural Affairs
- Malvar, Marie, victim of Gary Ridgway aka The Green River Killer
- Mancini, Henry, composer
- Mandic, Karen, victim of Kenneth Bianchi aka The Hillside Strangler
- Mandl, Maria aka The Beast, SS-Helferin and prison guard
- Manet, Édouard, painter
- Manilow, Barry, singer-songwriter
- Mankiller, Wilma, first female chief of the Cherokee Nation
- Mann, Fletcher, double murderer
- Mann, Thomas, writer, social critic and philanthropist
- Manning, Marie aka The Bermondsey Horror, murderess
- Månsdotter, Anna aka The Yngsjö Murderess, murderess
- Mansfield, Jayne aka The Working Man's Monroe, actress
- Manson, Charles, Family leader
- Manson, Donna, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Manson, Valentine Michael aka Pooh Bear, son of Charles Manson and Mary Therese Brunner
- Mantani, Yoshiyuki, murderer
- Mantel, Olga, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Manuel, Peter aka The Monster in Human Shape aka The Beast of Birkenshaw, serial killer
- Mapleton, Percy, murderer
- Mapplethorpe, Robert, photographer
- Marais, Jean, actor
- Marat, Jean-Paul, activist during the French Revolution
- Marceau, Marcel aka Bip the Clown, mime artist
- Marcel, Louise, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Marcellus II, 222nd Pope
- March, Henry, double murderer
- March, Peggy, pop singer
- Marchadier, Marie-Thérèse aka La Belle Mytèse, victim of Henri Désiré Landru aka Le Barbe-Bleue de Gambais
- Marchwicki, Zdzisław aka The Zagłębie Vampire, serial killer
- Marconi, Guglielmo, inventor and electrical engineer
- Marcos, Ferdinand, Dictator of the Philippines
- Marcos, Imelda aka The Steel Butterfly,
- Marcus, 34th Pope
- Marcus Antonius, Roman politician
- Marcuse, Herbert aka The Father of the New Left, philosopher, sociologist and political theorist
- Marek, Martha, serial poisoner
- Marie Antoinette, excessive Queen consort of France and Navarre
- Marin, Cheech, stand-up comedian and actor
- Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso, founder of the Futurist movement
- Markov, Georgi, dissident writer
- Markov, Sergey, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Markovčič, Vida, victim of Metod Trobec aka The Monster of Dolenja Vas
- Marks, Angela, victim of Thomas Rath aka Der Moormörder
- Marks, Cyrano, mass murderer
- Markus, Edward, murderer
- Marley, Bob, musician
- Marlow, Lotte, victim of Paul Ogorzow aka Der Schnell-Bahn Mörder
- Marquez, Lauren, victim of Joel Rifkin aka The Long Island Ripper
- Marquez, Mario, double murderer
- Marriott, Steve, musician
- Marro, Luciano, Victim of Donato Bilancia aka Il Mostro della Liguria
- Marschall, Elisabeth, Oberschwester in Ravensbrück KZ
- Marsh, Maud, victim of George Chapman aka The Borough Poisoner
- Marsh, Ngaio, crime writer
- Marshall, Doreen, victim of Neville Heath aka The Sadistic Romeo
- Marshall, Jim aka The Father of Loud, guitar amplification pioneer
- Martin, Dean aka The King of Cool, singer and actor
- Martin, Ernest, murderer
- Martin, Heinz, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Martin, Jill, victim of Randall Woodfield aka the I-5 Killer
- Martin, Kimberly, victim of Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono aka The Hillside Stranglers
- Martin, Merle, cop killer
- Martin, Nichan, murderer
- Martinez, Alexander, murderer
- Martinez, David, rapist and murderer
- Martinez, Gilbert, victim of Charles Ray Hatcher aka Evil Incarnate
- Martinez, Johnny, murderer
- Martinez, Manuel, outlaw and murderer
- Martinović, Aco, spree killer
- Martinus V, 206th Pope
- Marvin, Lee, actor
- Marwood, Ronald, cop killer
- Marx, Groucho, comedian and actor
- Marx, Gummo, vaudeville performer
- Marx, Harpo, comedian and actor
- Marx, Karl, economist and revolutionary communist
- Mary of Teck, Queen
- Maslow, Abraham, psychologist
- Mason, David, serial killer
- Mason, James, actor
- Mason, Morris aka The Killer for the Eastern Shore, psychotic murderer
- Mason, Shirley aka Sybil Isabel Dorsett, psychiatric patient and artist
- Mason, Thomas, double murderer
- Massenet, Jules, composer
- Masser, Brunhilde, victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet
- Masset, Louise, murderess
- Masset, Manfred, victim of Louise Masset
- Massey, Jason, double murderer
- Massie, Robert, double murderer
- Masson, André, surrealist artist
- Massot-Pelé, Pierre, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Mastroianni, Marcello, actor
- Mata, Luis, rapist and murderer
- Mătăsăreanu, Emil, bank robber
- Matchett, Farley, double murderer
- Mateen, Omar, mass murderer
- Mathurin, Jean-Thierry, serial killer
- Matisse, Henri, artist
- Matsubara, Masahiko, double murderer
- Matsunaga, Futoshi, serial killer
- Matta-Clark, Gordon, artist
- Matthau, Walter, actor
- Matthews, Ynobe, multiple murderer
- Matuska, Szilveszter aka The Orient-Express Wrecker, mass murderer
- Maude, Patrick, murderer
- Maudsley, Robert aka The Brain Eater, serial killer
- Maugham, William Somerset, writer and playwright
- Mauriac, François, writer, dramatist, critic, poet and journalist
- Mauriot, Nadine, victim of Il Mostro di Firenze
- Mauser, Paul, weapon designer
- Maxwell, Robert aka Captain Bob, media tycoon
- May, Justin, multiple murderer
- May, Karl, writer
- May, Minnie, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Mayakovsky, Vladimir, futurist poet
- Mayer, Johann aka Stumpfarm, serial killer
- Mays, Noble, murderer
- Mays, Rex, double murderer
- McAfee, John, computer programmer and businessman
- McAulay, Hilda, victim of the Bible John Killer
- McAuliffe, Christa, teacher and astronaut
- McBride, Michael, double murderer
- McBride, Preston, murderer
- McCabe, James, victim of William Bonin aka The Freeway Killer
- McCall, Franklin, kidnapper and child murderer
- McCallum, David, actor
- McCann, Joe, Irish Republican Army volunteer
- McCann, Wilma, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- McCarthy, Joseph, anti-Communist and anti-homosexual witch-hunter
- McCarthy, LeRoy, murderer
- McCartney, Paul, singer-songwriter and musician
- McCleskey, Warren, cop killer
- McCollum, John, Ozzy Osbourne fan
- McConaghy, Robert, multiple murderer
- McConnell, Mary, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- McCoy, Stephen, murderer
- McCoy, Timothy Jack, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- McCreesh, Raymond, Irish republican hunger striker
- McCullum, Demarco, murderer
- McDonald, Jemima, victim of the Bible John Killer
- McDonald, John, murderer
- McDonnel, Joe, Irish republican hunger striker
- McDonnell, Francis, victim of Albert Fish aka The Cannibal
- McDougall, Michael, murderer
- McDowall, Roddy, actor
- McDowell, Malcolm, actor
- McDuff, Kenneth aka The Broomstick Murderer, serial killer
- McElwee, Thomas, Irish republican hunger striker
- McFadden, Jerry aka Animal, serial killer
- McFarland, Frank, murderer
- McGahuey, LeRoy, double murderer
- McGarrigle, Kate, singer-songwriter
- McGee, Patrick, murderer
- McGinn, Ricky, rapist and murderer
- McGinnis, Glen, murderer
- McGowan, Margaret aka Frances Brown aka Ann Sutherland aka Susan Edwards aka Frances Quinn, victim of Jack the Stripper
- McGuire, Dennis, murderer
- McIlherron, Jim, black
- McKay, Muriel, deputy to Rupert Murdoch
- McKinley, William, 25th President of the United States
- McKoy, Millie and Christine aka The Carolina Twins aka The Two-Headed Nightingale aka The Eighth Wonder of the World, Siamese twins
- McLaren, Bruce, Formula One racer
- McLaren, Malcolm, impresario, clothes designer and boutique owner
- McLaughlin, Samuel, murderer
- McLeod, Ivy, victim of Edward Leonski aka The Singing Strangler
- McLeod, Shirley, victim of Eric Edgar Cooke aka The Australian Nightmare
- McLuhan, Marshall, philosopher
- McMahon, Henry, victim of Carl Panzram aka A Journal of Murder
- McMiller, John, murderer
- McNeely, Wylie, black
- McNieve, Daniel Scott, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- McPhaul, Jean, victim of Mike DeBardeleben aka The Lethal Shadow
- McPherson, Aimee Semple aka Sister Aimee, the world’s most pulchritudinous evangelist
- McQuate, Tellie aka Thomas Jones, murderer
- McQueen, Harold, murderer
- McQueen, Steve aka The King of Cool, actor
- McSwan, Donald, victim of John George Haigh aka The Acid Bath Murderer
- McSwann, William, victim of John George Haigh aka The Acid Bath Murderer
- McVeigh, Timothy aka The Oklahoma City Bomber, terrorist
- McVey, Lisa, victim of Bobby Joe Long aka The Adman Rapist
- McVitie, Jack aka Jack the Hat, enforcer and hitman for the Kray Twins
- McWilliams, Frederick, murderer
- Meacham, Jeremiah, double murderer
- Mead, Margaret, anthropologist
- Meade, Thomas, murderer
- Meaker, Emeline, murderess
- Meanes, James, murderer
- Medina, Javier, cop killer
- Medina, Lina, youngest confirmed mother in medical history
- Medina, Pedro, murderer
- Meeus, Lutgarde, victim of Michel Bellen aka The Strangler of the Left Bank
- Megorden, Holliver, murderer
- Mei, Yulan, Falun Gong practicer
- Meinhof, Ulrike, journalist and leader of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Meins, Holger, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Meir, Golda, teacher, kibbutznik and politician
- Meiwes, Armin aka Der Metzgermeister, murderer and cannibal
- Melcher, Terry, musician and record producer
- Méliès, Georges, illusionist and film pioneer
- Mellish, Joy, victim of Edward Paisnel aka The Beast of Jersey
- Melville, Herman, writer
- Mendel, Gregor, biologist and Augustinian friar
- Mendeleev, Dmitri, chemist
- Mendelssohn, Felix, composer
- Mengele, Josef aka Der Todesengel, Nazi doctor and anthropologist
- Menninger, Karl, psychiatrist
- Menten, Pieter, war criminal and art collector
- Menuhin, Yehudi, violinist and conductor
- Menzl, Walter, art vandal
- Mercader, Ramón aka Jacques Mornard aka Frank Jacson, Catalan communist and assassin
- Mercado, Ruth aka Angela Rojas, victim of Harvey Glatman aka The Pin-Up Killer
- Mercer, George aka Tiny, rapist and murderer
- Mercier Descloux, Lizzy, musician
- Mercury, Freddie, singer-songwriter and musician
- Meredith, James, American Civil Rights Movement figure
- Merienne, Suzanne, victim of Marcel Barbeault aka Le Tueur de l’Ombre
- Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, phenomenological philosopher
- Merrett, John aka Ronald Chesney, triple murderer
- Merrick, Joseph aka The Elephant Man,
- Merrick, Laurence, film director
- Merrifield, Louisa, murderess
- Merten, Henry, murderer
- Mesmer, Franz, physician and inventor of animal magnetism
- Mesrine, Jacques aka Public Enemy No. 1, gangster
- Messerschmitt, Willy, aircraft designer and manufacturer
- Messiaen, Olivier, composer, organist and ornithologist
- Mestas, Vincent, victim of Randy Kraft aka The Scorecard Killer
- Metaxas, Ioannis, general and dictator
- Metesky, George aka The Mad Bomber, electrician
- Meuffels, Willibrordus, tour bus driver
- Meurer, Hubertine, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Meyer, August, victim of Charles Starkweather aka Little Red
- Meyer, Horst, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Meyer, Paul, US Air Force mechanic
- Meyer, Russ aka The King of the Nudies, film director
- Meyer, Wilhelm, victim of Il Mostro di Firenze
- Meyerholz, Anna, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Miao, Chung-yi, murderer
- Michaux, Henri, poet, writer and painter
- Michel, Anneliese, Catholic exorcism victim
- Michelangelo, Renaissance sculptor, painter, architect and poet
- Mico-Diaz, Maria, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Middleton, Edith,
- Middleton, George, murderer
- Midgley, Thomas aka the One-Man Environmental Disaster, engineer and chemist
- Midler, Bette aka The Divine Miss M, singer-songwriter and actress
- Miglin, Lee, victim of Andrew Cunanan aka American Gigolo/American Psycho
- Migliorini, Antonella, victim of Il Mostro di Firenze
- Miles, Thomas, black business owner
- Miles, Vera, actress
- Mileto, Giuseppe, Victim of Donato Bilancia aka Il Mostro della Liguria
- Miley, Gregory, accomplice of serial killer William Bonin aka The Freeway Killer
- Milk, Harvey, public supervisor and gay rights activist
- Miller, Alan Eugene, spree killer
- Miller, Arthur, playwright
- Miller, Clark, rapist and murderer
- Miller, Donald, double murderer
- Miller, Donald Jay, murderer
- Miller, Ernest, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Miller, Frank, cop killer
- Miller, Garry, murderer
- Miller, George, cop killer
- Miller, Glenn, trombonist, arranger, composer and bandleader
- Miller, Henry, writer
- Miller, Judy, victim of Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono aka The Hillside Stranglers
- Miller, Julius, murderer
- Miller, Kathy Sue, victim of Harvey Louis Carignan aka The Want-Ad Killer
- Miller, Lee aka Lady Penrose, photographer
- Miller, Patrick aka Minimal Man, musician
- Millet, Leonce, victim of Daniel Blank aka The Parish River Killer
- Millet, Mme, innkeeper
- Milligan, Terri, victim of Gary Ridgway aka The Green River Killer
- Mills, Herbert, murderer
- Mills, Opal, victim of Gary Ridgway aka The Green River Killer
- Millward, Vera aka Anne Brown aka Mary Barton, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Milsom, Albert, murderer
- Milstead, Harris Glenn aka Divine aka The Dirtiest Man in the World, actor, singer and drag queen
- Miltenberg, Adelheid, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Miltenberg, Heinrich, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Miltenberg, Johann, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Miltenberg, Johanna, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Milton, Charles, murderer
- Milton, John, poet, polemicist, man of letters and civil servant
- Mimms, Zerelda, cousin and first wife of Jesse James
- Mingus, Charles, musician, bandleader and composer
- Miniel, Peter, murderer
- Minnelli, Liza, actress and singer
- Minnoch, Jon Brower aka the Heaviest Human Ever Recorded,
- Minsheng, Zheng, mass murderer
- Miranda, Charles, victim of William Bonin aka The Freeway Killer
- Mirbeau, Octave, writer
- Miró, Joan, artist
- Miroth, Evelyn, victim of Richard Chase aka The Vampire of Sacramento
- Mishima, Yukio, poet, writer and actor
- Mitchell, Aaron, cop killer
- Mitchell, Gerald, double murderer
- Mitchell, Joni, singer-songwriter
- Mitchell, Lezmond, double murderer
- Mitchell, Steve, murderer
- Mitchum, Robert, actor
- Mitford, Unity, aristocratic socialite and devotee of Adolf Hitler
- Mitterand, François, President of the French Republic
- Mitterhofer, Peter, carpenter and inventor
- Miyamoto, Kiyoharo, cult leader of the Church of the Friends
- Miyazaki, Tsutomu aka The Little Girl Murderer, serial killer, cannibal and necrophile
- Möbius, August Ferdinand, mathematician and astronomer
- Mochida, Takashi, murderer
- Mock, Jerrie, aviation pioneer
- Modigliani, Amedeo, artist
- Mogoerane, Thelle, African National Congress member
- Mohammad, Nazar, murderer
- Mohnhaupt, Brigitte, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion and Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv
- Moholy-Nagy, László, artist
- Moiseev, Alexey, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Moitzi, Sabine, victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet
- Molière, playwright and actor
- Molineux, Roland, chemist, murderer and playwright
- Molinier, Pierre, artist
- Möller, Irmgard, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Molnár, Csilla, Miss Hungary 1985
- Molotov, Vyacheslav, politician and diplomat
- Monahan, Eugene, murderer
- Moncla, Felix, United States Air Force pilot
- Mondriaan, Piet, painter
- Monet, Claude, impressionist painter
- Monicelli, Mario, film director
- Monks, Florence, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Monroe, James, 5th President of the United States
- Monroe, Marilyn, actress
- Montagu, John, 4th Earl of Sandwich
- Montand, Yves, actor
- Montenesdro, Germaine, victim of Heriberto Seda aka The New York Zodiac Killer
- Monteverdi, Claudio, composer
- Montgomery, Bernard aka 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, war leader
- Montgomery, Lisa, murderess
- Montgomery, Thomas, police officer and murderer
- Montoya, Irineo, murderer
- Montoya Facundo, Ramon, cop killer
- Moog, Robert, electronic music pioneer
- Moolenbeek, Edward, fictitious Robol scientist
- Moon, Keith, drummer
- Moon, Sun Myung, religious leader
- Mooney, Allan aka The Saranac Lake Murderer, multiple murderer
- Moore, Alfred, cop killer
- Moore, Eddie, victim of Randy Kraft aka The Scorecard Killer
- Moore, Harry Charles, double murderer
- Moore, Henry, sculptor
- Moore, Johnathan, cop killer
- Moore, Lawrence, mass murderer
- Moore, Marilyn, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Moore, Mary Tyler, actress
- Moore, Roger, actor
- Moore, Sara Jane, attempted assassin of President Gerald Ford
- Moore, Winfred, murderer
- Morand, Dame, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Moravia, Alberto aka Il Conformista, writer
- Moré, Benny aka El Bárbaro del Ritmo aka El Sonero Mayor, singer and band leader
- More, Thomas, social philosopher, statesman and humanist
- Moreau, Jeanne, actress
- Moreau, Pierre-Désiré, double murderer
- Moreland, James, double murderer
- Moreno, Eliseo, spree killer
- Morgan, Samuel, murderer
- Morin, Stephen aka Ray Constantine, serial killer
- Morley, Joseph, murderer
- Moro, Aldo, Italian Christian Democratic politician
- Morricone, Ennio, composer
- Morris, J. J., murderer
- Morris, Leland, child killer
- Morris, Lorenzo, murderer
- Morris, Raymond Leslie aka The Monster of Cannock Chase, multiple murderer
- Morrison, Jim aka The Lizard King aka Mr. Mojo Risin', singer-songwriter and poet
- Morrison, Norman, Quaker and anti-war protester
- Morrison, Steinie, presumed murderer
- Morrison, Sterling, musician
- Morrissey, Paul, cult film director
- Morrow, Ricky, murderer
- Morrow, Robert, murderer
- Morrow, Sherry, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
- Morse, Samuel, painter and inventor
- Mortureux, Adèle, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Moscone, George, major of San Francisco
- Mosees, Johann, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Moser, Leon, triple murderer
- Mosier, Lee, murderer
- Moskowitz, Stacy, victim of David Berkowitz aka Son of Sam
- Mosley, Oswald aka The British Führer, founder of the British Union of Fascists
- Mosololi, Jerry, African National Congress member
- Moss, Marlow, artist and radical lesbian
- Moss, Sterling, Formula One racer
- Motaung, Marcus, African National Congress member
- Mother Teresa, nun and missionary
- Motley, Jeffrey, murderer
- Mott, John, leader of the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA)
- Mottry, Johnny aka Le Tueur à la Lada, gangster and cop killer
- Moulin, Jean aka Joseph Jean Mercier, hero of the French Résistance
- Mountbatten, Louis, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma
- Moussier-Lorut, Marie, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Moustaki, Georges, singer-songwriter
- Mowery, John, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, composer
- Mrugowsky, Joachim, Nazi doctor
- Mu'Min, Dawud, double murderer
- Muehl, Otto, Wiener Aktionist
- Muhammad, prophet and founder of Islam
- Muhammad, John Allen aka The Beltway Sniper, serial killer
- Muldoon, Mary, victim of Gerald Stano aka Blind Fury
- Mulhare, Ross aka Mule, test pilot
- Mullen, Mary, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Müller, Franz, murderer
- Mullin, Herbert aka The Hippie Killer, serial killer
- Mullins, James, murderer
- Mullis, Travis James, child killer
- Munch, Edvard, artist
- Mundy, Beatrice aka Bessie, victim of George Joseph Smith aka The Brides in the Bath Murderer
- Muniz, Pedro, rapist and murderer
- Muratov, Yevgeny, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Murdoch, Iris, writer
- Murdoch, Rupert, media tycoon
- Murillo, Dave, victim of William Bonin aka The Freeway Killer
- Murnau, Friedrich Wilhelm, expressionist film director
- Murphy, Audie, most decorated American soldier of WWII
- Murphy, Catherine, counterfeiter
- Murphy, Ivan, murderer
- Murphy, John aka Krank, drummer, percussionist and multi-instrumental musician
- Musica, Phillip aka F. Donald Coster, swindler
- Musil, Robert, modernist writer
- Mussert, Anton, Leider van het Nederlandse Volk
- Mussolini, Benito aka Il Duce, leader of the Italian National Fascist Party
- Mussorgsky, Modest, composer
- Mutsuda, Shinji, multiple murderer
- Muybridge, Eadweard, photographer
- Mycek, Anna, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Myers, Blanche, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Mysliwiec, Yvonne, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Myszka, Stanislaw, murderer
- Nabokov, Vladimir aka Vladimir Sirin, writer
- Nagayama, Norio, spree killer and writer
- Nago, Keishi, double murderer
- Naidu, Gopalswamy Doraiswamy aka The Edison of India, inventor and engineer
- Nakamoto, Katsuyoshi, double murderer
- Nakamura, Masaharu, murderer
- Namba, Erika, victim of Tsutomu Miyazaki aka The Little Girl Murderer
- Narvaiz, Leopoldo, mass murderer
- Nash, Joseph aka Joseph Nesce, murderer
- Nash, Leroy, multiple murderer
- Naslund, Denise, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 2nd President of Egypt
- Nata, Kosaku, double murderer
- Nauman, Bruce, artist
- Navalny, Alexei, Russian opposition leader, lawyer, anti-corruption activist and political prisoner
- Neal, Tom, actor and murderer
- Neilson, Donald aka The Black Panther, multiple murderer
- Nelson, Baby Face, gangster
- Nelson, Dale, mass murderer
- Nelson, Earle Leonard aka The Gorilla Murderer, serial killer
- Nelson, Horatio aka 1st Viscount Nelson, admiral
- Nelson, Joyce, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Nelson, Keith, child rapist and murderer
- Nelson, Ricky, teen idol
- Nelson, Rita, victim of John Christie aka The Strangler of 10 Rillington Place
- Nelson, Russell, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Nelson, William, murderer
- Nero, 5th Emperor of the Roman Empire
- Nervi, Pier Luigi, structural engineer and architect
- Nesbitt, Mary, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Ness, Eliot, American Prohibition agent
- Nesset, Arnfinn, serial killer
- Nestlé, Henri,
- Nethery, Stephen, cop killer
- Neu, Kenneth, double murderer
- Neumann, Sabine, victim of Egidius Schiffer aka Der Würger von Aachen
- Neville, Robert, murderer
- Newell, Susan, murderess
- Newin, Simone, victim of Michael Wolpert aka Der Neu-Isenburger Frauenmörder
- Newington, William, forger
- Newman, Barnett, artist
- Newman, Clara, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Newman, Oliver, murderer
- Newman, Paul, actor
- Newman, Randy, singer-songwriter
- Newton, Christopher, murderer
- Newton, Frances, triple murderess
- Newton, Helmut, photographer
- Newton, Huey, founder of the Black Panther Party
- Newton, Isaac, mathematician, physicist, astronomer and theologian
- Ng, Charles, serial killer
- Nicholaus I aka Saint Nicholas the Great, 105th Pope
- Nicholaus III, 188th Pope
- Nicholaus V, 208th Pope
- Nichols, Joseph, murderer
- Nichols, Luke, murderer
- Nichols, Mary Ann aka Polly, victim of Jack the Ripper
- Nichols, Mike, film and theatre director
- Nichols, Nina, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Nicholson, Jack, actor
- Nicholson, William, murderer
- Nico aka Das Einsame Mädchen,
- Nielsen, Asta aka Die Asta, actress
- Niemasz, Henryk, murderer
- Nieswandt, Gertrud, victim of Paul Ogorzow aka Der Schnell-Bahn Mörder
- Nietzsche, Friedrich, philosopher and philologist
- Nightingale, Florence aka The Lady with the Lamp, social reformer, statistician and modern nursing pioneer
- Nijinsky, Vaslav, ballet dancer and choreographer
- Nijkamp, Agnes, victim of Guy Georges aka Le Tueur de la Bastille
- Nikolai II aka Nikolai the Bloody, Emperor of Russia
- Nikolayev, Vladimir aka The Novocheboksarsk Cannibal aka The Ogre, multiple murderer and cannibal
- Nilissen, Johanna aka Angelique, stripper
- Nilsen, Dennis aka Killing For Company, serial killer
- Nimoy, Leonard aka Mr. Spock, actor
- Nin, Anaïs, writer
- Nitribitt, Rosemarie, luxury call girl
- Nitsch, Hermann, Wiener Aktionist
- Nitsche, Marie, victim of Karl Großmann aka Die Bestie vom Schlesischen Bahnhof
- Niven, David, actor
- Nixon, John, murderer
- Nixon, Richard, 37th President of the United States
- Nobbs, Paul, victim of Dennis Nilsen aka Killing for Company
- Nobel, Alfred aka The Merchant of Death, chemist, engineer, innovator and armaments manufacturer
- Nobles, Jonathan, double murderer
- Nodder, Frederick aka Uncle Fred Hudson, child killer
- Noel, Riley Dobi, triple murderer
- Noland, John, double murderer
- Nolde, Emil, expressionist painter
- Nomi, Klaus, countertenor
- Nomoto, Ayako, victim of Tsutomu Miyazaki aka The Little Girl Murderer
- Nonas, Richard, post-minimalist sculptor
- Nono, Luigi, composer
- Nordlund, John aka Mälarmördaren aka Mordlund aka Svarte Filip, mass murderer
- Nordstrom, Adolph, murderer
- Norgay, Tenzing, Sherpa mountaineer
- Norry, August, victim of Penny Bjorkland
- Northcott, Gordon aka The Wineville Chicken Coop Murderer, multiple child murderer
- Nostradamus, apothecary and seer
- Novak, Kim, actress
- Novalis, romantic poet and writer
- Novarro, Ramon aka Latin Lover, actor
- Nowacka, Lidia, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Nowak, Lisa, victim of Paul Ogorzow aka Der Schnell-Bahn Mörder
- Nugent, Ted aka The Atrocious Theodocious aka Motor City Madman, musician
- Numan, Gary, pioneer of commercial electronic music
- Nuncio, Paul, murderer
- Nunes, Alexander, murderer
- Nunn, George, murderer
- Nureyev, Rudolf, ballet dancer and choreographer
- O'Brien, Bernard, murderer
- O'Bryan, Ronald aka The Pixy Stix Killer aka The Man Who Killed Halloween, murderer
- O'Connor, Sinéad, singer-songwriter
- O'Dell, Leslie, victim of Richard Cottingham aka The Torso Killer
- O'Dwyer, Michael, Lieutenant Governor of the Punjab
- O'Hara, Patsy, Irish republican hunger striker
- O'Keeffe, Georgia aka The Mother of American Modernism, painter
- O'Neal, Robert, Neo-Nazi and double murderer
- O'Sullivan, Joseph, Irish Republican Army volunteer
- O'Toole, Peter, actor
- Oatley, Evelyn, victim of Gordon Cummins aka The Blackout Ripper
- Obama, Barack, 44th President of the United States
- Oberheuser, Herta, physician at the Ravensbrück concentration camp
- Oberholtzer, Madge, victim of D. C. Stephenson aka The Grand Dragon of the Realm of the Indiana Ku-Klux-Klan
- Obrecht, André, chief executioner
- Ocaña, Luis, cyclist
- Ocasek, Ric, singer-songwriter and musician
- Ochoa, Abel, mass murderer
- Ockendon, Kenneth, victim of Dennis Nilsen aka Killing for Company
- Octavia, Claudia, Empress of Rome
- Ocuish, Hannah, murderess
- Oda, Yoshikatsu, murderer
- Barnes, Odell, murderer
- Odom, Elvin, murderer
- Oetker, Rudolf-August, food entrepreneur
- Offenbach, Jacques, composer
- Ogan, Craig, cop killer
- Ogata, Hidenori, double murderer
- Ogorzow, Paul aka Der Schnell-Bahn Mörder, serial killer
- Ohliger, Rosa, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Ohm, Georg, physicist and mathematician
- Ohnesorg, Benno, student
- Okada, Yukiko aka Yukko, pop idol
- Okashita, Kaoru, double murderer
- Okazaki, Dayle, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Oldenburg, Claes, pop artist
- Olds, Ransom, automobile manufacturing pioneer
- Oliverson, Denise, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Olivier, Jean-Laurent, child killer
- Olivier, Laurence, actor and film director
- Olson, Clifford aka The Vancouver Butcher, serial killer
- Olson, Sara Jane, member of the Symbionese Liberation Army
- Onassis, Aristotelis, shipping magnate and businessman
- Ōnishi, Takijirō aka The Father of the Kamikaze, admiral
- Ono, Yoko, artist
- Onogawa, Mitsunori, double murderer
- Onoprienko, Anatoly aka The Terminator aka Citizen O, serial killer
- Opel, Adam, automobile manufacturing pioneer
- Ophüls, Max, film director
- Oppenheim, Méret, surrealist artist
- Oppenheimer, Robert aka The Father of the Atomic Bomb, theoretical physicist
- Orbison, Roy aka Big O, singer-songwriter
- Orff, Carl, composer
- Orfila, Mathieu, chemist
- Orlan, artist
- Orosco, Mario, victim of Heriberto Seda aka The New York Zodiac Killer
- Orrock, Thomas, cop killer
- Orsborn, Colleen, victim of Christopher Wilder aka The Beauty Queen Killer
- Ortiz, Ignacio, murderer
- Ortiz, Luis, victim of Charlie Chop-off
- Ortner, Aloïs, victim of Kurt Tetzner aka Der Mann der Zweimal Starb
- Orwell, George, writer
- Osborne, George, cop killer
- Osbourne, Ozzy, musician and television personality
- Oshichi, Yaoya, arsonist
- Osmond, Donny, teen idol
- Oswald, Lee Harvey, assassin
- Otey, Harold aka Walkin' Willie, murderer
- Othman, Abdul Kahar, drug trafficker
- Ott, Janice, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Otto, Horst,
- Ottoson, Dennis, mass murderer
- Ouspensky, Peter, mathematician and esotericist
- Owens, Douglas, victim of Charlie Chop-off
- Owens, Freddie Eugene, double murderer
- Owens, Jesse, black Olympic legend
- Owens, Shirley, lead singer of the Shirelles
- Ozawa, Toshimitsu, victim of Dennis Nilsen aka Killing for Company
- O’Brien, Derrick, double murderer
- O’Connor, Mary Ellen, victim of Albert Fish aka The Cannibal
- O’Dell, Joseph, murderer
- O’Donnell, Leo, murderer
- O’Hara, Bridget aka Bridget Moore, victim of Jack the Stripper
- O’Neil, Jack, presumed murderer
- P-Orridge, Genesis, musician, performance artist and occultist
- Pacciani, Pietro aka Il Mostro di Firenze, suspected serial killer
- Pace, Bonnie, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Pacino, Al, actor
- Packer, Alferd, notorious cannibal
- Pacque, Philippe aka L'Épervier d'Amiens, serial killer
- Paddock, Stephen, mass murderer
- Paganini, Niccolò, composer
- Page, Bettie aka The Queen of Pinups, pin-up model
- Pahlavi, Leila, Princess of Iran
- Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza, Shah of Iran
- Paik, Nam June, video artist
- Paisnel, Edward aka The Beast of Jersey, Satan worshipper and serial rapist
- Palach, Jan aka Pochodeň č. 1, revolutionary student
- Palance, Jack, actor and boxer
- Pallenberg, Anita, actress, artist, model and muse of the Rolling Stones
- Palme, Olof, 26th Prime Minister of Sweden
- Palmer, Annie, wife and victim of William Palmer aka The Prince of Poisoners
- Palmer, Edward, murderer
- Palmer, Elizabeth, daughter and victim of William Palmer aka The Prince of Poisoners
- Palmer, Frank, son and victim of William Palmer aka The Prince of Poisoners
- Palmer, Henry, son and victim of William Palmer aka The Prince of Poisoners
- Palmer, John, son and victim of William Palmer aka The Prince of Poisoners
- Palmer, Laura, fictional character
- Palmer, William aka The Prince of Poisoners, serial poisoner
- Pan, Peter, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Pándy, András aka Father Bluebeard, serial killer
- Pándy, Daniël, victim of András Pándy aka Father Bluebeard
- Pane, Gina, performance artist
- Pankejeff, Sergei aka Der Wolfsmann, aristocrat and patient of Sigmund Freud
- Pankhurst, Emmeline, political activist and suffragette
- Panzram, Carl aka A Journal of Murder, serial killer, rapist, arsonist and burglar
- Papin, Christine, double murderess
- Papin, Léa, murderess
- Papon, Maurice, prefect of Paris and Nazi collaborator
- Paracelsus, physician, botanist, alchemist, astrologer and occultist
- Paradis, Vanessa, singer, model and actress
- Parenti, Maurizio, Victim of Donato Bilancia aka Il Mostro della Liguria
- Parham, Larry, victim of Heriberto Seda aka The New York Zodiac Killer
- Paris, Richard, mass murderer
- Parker, Bonnie, gangster
- Parker, Charlie aka Bird, musician
- Parker, Frederick, murderer
- Parker, George, cop killer
- Parker, Gerald aka The Bedroom Basher, serial killer
- Parker, Janet, medical photographer
- Parker, Pauline aka Heavenly Creature, murderess
- Parker, Tom aka Colonel Parker, entertainment impresario
- Parkes, Wilfred, victim of Kenneth Erskine aka The Stockwell Strangler
- Parks, Roberta, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Parks, Robyn, murderer
- Parr, Catherine, sixth wife of Henry VIII
- Parr, Thomas aka Old Tom Parr, celebrity
- Parsons, Alan, musician and audio engineer
- Parsons, Jack, rocket propulsion researcher and Thelemite occultist
- Parton, Dolly, singer-songwriter, actress and philanthropist
- Pascal, Anne-Marie, victim of Henri Désiré Landru aka Le Barbe-Bleue de Gambais
- Pascal, Blaise, mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer and philosopher
- Pascoe, Russel, murderer
- Pasolini, Pier Paolo, writer and film director
- Paster, James aka Skip, triple murderer
- Pasternak, Boris, writer
- Pasteur, Louis, chemist and microbiologist
- Pathé, Charles, film pioneer
- Patrick, Jessie, murderer
- Patterson, Emily, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Patterson, Jim, murderer
- Patterson, Kelsey, double murderer
- Patterson, Toronto, triple murderer
- Patton, Ernest, murderer
- Patton, George aka Old Blood and Guts, war leader
- Paulin, Thierry aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune, serial killer
- Paulson, Cindy, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
- Paulus II, 211th Pope
- Paulus III, 220th Pope
- Paulus IV, 223rd Pope
- Paulus V, 233rd Pope
- Paulus VI aka The Pilgrim Pope, 262nd Pope
- Pavarotti, Luciano, tenor
- Pavlick, Richard, postal worker and would-be assassin
- Pavlov, Ivan, physiologist
- Pavlova, Anna, prima ballerina
- Payne, Frank, murderer
- Peace, Charles aka The Murderous Musician, burglar and murderer
- Peano, Giuseppe, mathematician and glottologist
- Pearce, Dorothy, victim of Wendell Lightbourne aka The Cannibalist Golf Caddy
- Pearce, Kathie, victim of Paul John Knowles aka Killing Time
- Pearcey, Mary, double murderess
- Peare, Llewellyn Wilson, double murderer
- Pearson, Larry, victim of Robert Berdella aka The Kansas City Butcher
- Pearson, Moses aka Pickle Daddy, spree killer
- Pearson, Yvonne, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Pease, Alfred, composer
- Peck, Gregory, actor
- Peckinpah, Sam aka The Picasso of Violence, film director
- Peel, John, disc jockey, radio presenter and journalist
- Peete, Louise, prostitute cum serial killer
- Peiper, Joachim aka Jochen, Standartenführer der Waffen-SS
- Pelletier, Nicolas Jacques, highwayman
- Pemberton, John, pharmacist
- Penderecki, Krzysztof, composer
- Penn, Arthur, film director
- Penney, William aka The Father of the British Atomic Bomb, mathematician
- Pennington, John, black
- Peoples, Louis, serial killer
- Pepitone, Mike, victim of The Axeman of New Orleans
- Peppard, George, actor
- Peralta, Miguel, murderer
- Peres, Aline, victim of Francis Heaulme aka The Emmaus Murderer
- Perez, David, victim of Vaughn Greenwood aka The Skid Row Slasher
- Perez, Fred aka Freddie Bell, victim of Herbert Mullin aka The Hippie Killer
- Perez, Robert, double murderer
- Pérignon, Dom, Benedictine monk
- Perkins, Anthony, actor
- Perkins, Carl, singer-songwriter
- Perón, Eva aka Evita, Spiritual Leader of the Nation of Argentina
- Perrera, Paula, victim of Michael Ross aka The Roadside Strangler
- Perry, Arlis, cult victim
- Perry, Arthur, murderer
- Perry, Henry aka Beckett, the Lodger from Hell, multiple murderer
- Perry, Nancy Ling aka Nancy Devoto aka Lynn Ledworth aka Fahizah, member of the Symbionese Liberation Army
- Peruggia, Vincenzo, thief
- Pesce, Mary Ann, victim of Edmund Kemper aka The Co-ed Killer
- Pesquet, Bernard aka Le Landru du Val d’Oise, serial killer
- Petacci, Clara, mistress of Benito Mussolini
- Pétain, Philippe, general
- Peter the Great, ruler of the Tsardom of Russia
- Peterson, Billy,
- Peterson, Derick, murderer
- Peterson, Evelyn, victim of William Heirens aka Catch Me Before I Kill More
- Peterson, Kim, victim of Arthur Gary Bishop aka The Mormon Murderer
- Petiot, Marcel aka The Triangular Chamber of Death Murderer, doctor and serial killer
- Petrarca, Francesco aka The Father of Humanism, poet
- Petrov, Viktor, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Petrus I, first Pope
- Pett, Grace, wife of a fishmonger
- Pettersson, Elon, victim of Sigvard Thurneman aka The Doctor
- Pettini, Stefania, victim of Il Mostro di Firenze
- Peugeot, Armand, automobile designer and manufacturer
- Pfeifer, Monika, victim of Bernd Bopp aka Der Hammermörder
- Pfeiffer, Michelle, actress
- Philippe, Lillian, victim of Daniel Blank aka The Parish River Killer
- Phillips, Clifford, double murderer
- Phillips, Larry, bank robber
- Phillips, Roxie, victim of Norman John Collins aka The Michigan Coed Killer
- Phillips, Willard, rapist and murderer
- Phoenix, River, actor and musician
- Piaf, Édith aka La Môme Piaf, singer
- Piaget, Jean, developmental psychologist and philosopher
- Piazza, Rhoda, victim of Mike DeBardeleben aka The Lethal Shadow
- Piazzolla, Ástor aka El Gran, composer and bandoneon player
- Picabia, Francis, cubist painter, poet and typographist
- Picasso, Pablo, artist
- Picasso, Paloma, fashion designer
- Pichushkin, Alexander aka The Chessboard Killer aka The Bitsa Park Maniac, serial killer
- Pickens, Mary, victim of George Putt aka The Memphis Murderer
- Pickett, Bobby, singer
- Pickett, Wilson aka The Wicked Pickett, singer-songwriter
- Pickford, Mary aka The Girl with the Curls, actress
- Pickton, Robert aka The Pig Farmer Killer, serial killer
- Pierce, Franklin, 14th President of the United States
- Pierce, Mary, victim of Richard Speck aka Born To Raise Hell
- Pierrepoint, Albert, chief executioner
- Piest, Robert, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Pingley, George, cop killer
- Pinkerton, Allan, detective and spy
- Pinkerton, Jay Kelly, double murderer
- Pinochet, Augusto, dictatorial president
- Pinter, Harold, writer and playwright
- Pio da Pietrelcina, stigmatised monk
- Pippin, Roy, double murderer
- Pirotte, Nestor aka Le Tueur Fou, serial killer
- Pitezel, Benjamin, victim of Henry Howard Holmes aka The Torture Doctor
- Pitezel, Howard, victim of Henry Howard Holmes aka The Torture Doctor
- Pitt, Brad, actor
- Pius II, 210th Pope
- Pius III, 215th Pope
- Pius IV, 224th Pope
- Pius IX, 255th Pope
- Pius V, 225th Pope
- Pius VI, 250th Pope
- Pius VII, 251st Pope
- Pius VIII, 253rd Pope
- Pius X, 257th Pope
- Pius XI, 259th Pope
- Pius XII, 260th Pope
- Pizer, John aka Leather Apron, Polish Jewish bootmaker
- Place, Martha, murderess
- Planck, Max, theoretical physicist
- Plank, Conny, sound engineer and producer
- Plant, Robert, musician
- Pleasence, Donald, actor
- Pleil, Rudolf aka Der Großten Todmacher, serial killer
- Podgorny, Nikolai, Soviet Ukrainian statesman during the Cold War
- Podmore, William aka William F. Thomas, murderer
- Podola, Günther aka Mike Colato, cop killer
- Poe, Edgar Allan, writer of mystery and the macabre
- Poeltz, Sigrid, victim of Thomas Rath aka Der Moormörder
- Pohl, Oswald, SS-Obergruppenführer
- Poirot, Marcel, victim of Jeanne Weber aka l’Ogresse de la Goutte d’Or
- Poisson, Jeanne-Antoinette aka Madame de Pompadour, courtisane and official chief mistress of King Louis XV
- Poitier, Sidney, actor
- Pol Pot, Cambodian socialist revolutionary and leader of the Khmer Rouge
- Poland, Michael, double murderer
- Poland, Patrick, double murderer
- Polanski, Roman, film director
- Polillo, Florence, victim of the Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run
- Polk, James, 11th President of the United States
- Polke, Sigmar, painter
- Pollack, Sydney, actor and film director
- Pollock, Jackson, abstract expressionist painter
- Polnareff, Michel, singer-songwriter
- Polo, Marco, merchant traveller
- Pomeroy, Jesse aka The Teenage Monster, murderer
- Pommerenke, Heinrich aka The Beast of the Black Forest, serial killer
- Pompidou, Georges, President of the French Republic
- Ponti, Carlo, film director
- Pontianus, 18th Pope
- Ponto, Jürgen, director of the Dresdner bank
- Pontormo, Jacopo, painter
- Pool, Charlie, rapist and murderer
- Pop, Iggy, musician
- Popielska, Janina, victim of Łucjan Staniak aka The Red Spider of Katowice
- Popiełuszko, Jerzy, Catholic priest and martyr
- Popkov, Mikhail aka The Angarsk Werewolf, serial killer
- Popper, Karl, philosopher
- Porsche, Ferdinand, automobile designer and manufacturer
- Porta, Ercole, composer
- Portalier, Victor, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Porteous, Elizabeth, victim of Wayne Boden aka The Vampire Rapist
- Porter, Alice,
- Porter, Cole, composer and songwriter
- Porter, Henry, cop killer
- Porter, James, double murderer
- Post, Wiley, aviation pioneer
- Postalnyi, Schipka, victim of Metod Trobec aka The Monster of Dolenja Vas
- Potemkin, Grigory, Russian military leader and statesman
- Potterton, Sally, nurse
- Pough, James aka Pop, spree killer
- Poulidor, Raymond aka Poupou aka L'Éternel Second, cyclist
- Poulin, Frederick, murderer
- Poulin, Robert, school shooter
- Pound, Ezra, modernist poet
- Powell, James, child rapist and murderer
- Powell, John, thief
- Power, Tyrone, actor
- Powers, Francis Gary, United States Air Force pilot
- Powers, Harry aka Cornelius O. Pierson aka A. R. Weaver, serial killer
- Pozhidaev, Oleg, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Prado, Pérez aka King of the Mambo, bandleader and composer
- Praelisauer, Andreas, composer and choir master
- Prem, Regina, victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet
- Preminger, Otto, film director
- Prentice, Frederick, victim of Kenneth Erskine aka The Stockwell Strangler
- Presley, Deborah, actress claiming to be the illegitimate daughter of Elvis
- Presley, Elvis aka The King of Rock and Roll, singer and actor
- Presley, Lisa Marie, singer-songwriter
- Presley, Priscilla,
- Prestidge, Jon, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Prévert, Jacques, poet
- Price, Adele, victim of Patrick Mackay aka Franklin Bollvolt the First
- Price, Vincent, actor
- Priebke, Erich, SS-Hauptsturmführer
- Prigogine, Ilya, theoretical chemist
- Přiklopil, Wolfgang, kidnapper
- Primo de Rivera, José Antonio, founder of the Falange Española
- Prince, musician
- Princip, Gavrilo aka The Teenager who Changed the World, assassin
- Pritchard, Edward William, doctor and murderer
- Pritchard, Mary, wife and victim of Edward William Pritchard
- Privacky, Seth, mass murderer
- Probert, Albert, murderer
- Proce, Joseph, victim of Heriberto Seda aka The New York Zodiac Killer
- Pröhl, Ilse, wife of Rudolf Hess
- Prokofiev, Sergei, composer, pianist and conductor
- Proust, Marcel, writer
- Prudom, Barry aka The Phantom in the Forest, cop killer
- Pruett, David, double murderer
- Pruett, Marion aka The Mad Dog Killer, spree killer
- Ptashnikov, Dmitry, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Puccini, Giacomo, composer
- Puetman, Gabrielle, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Pulitzer, Joseph, newspaper publisher
- Pullman, George, engineer and industrialist
- Purcell, Henry, composer
- Purdy, Patrick aka The Stockton Schoolyard Shooter, school shooter
- Purkey, Wesley, kidnapper and murderer
- Purrington, James, mass murderer
- Pursley, Lonnie, murderer
- Purvis, Melvin aka Little Mel, FBI Special Agent
- Pushkin, Alexander aka the founder of modern Russian literature, romantic poet and writer
- Putt, George aka The Memphis Murderer, serial killer
- Puttock, Helen, victim of the Bible John Killer
- Puyi, Aisin-Gioro, last Emperor of China
- Puzo, Mario, writer
- Pyles, Johnny, cop killer
- Qashash, Sa'eed, mass murderer
- Qing, Jiang aka Lan Ping aka Madame Mao, actress and wife of Mao Zedong
- Qingyou, Jia, school attacker
- Quarell, Charles, victim of Kenneth Erskine aka The Stockwell Strangler
- Quarles, Frank, murderer
- Quatro, Suzi, musician
- Quicker, Walter, murder suspect
- Quinionis, Mateo, murderer
- Quinlan, Karen Ann aka The Coma Girl,
- Quinn, Anthony, actor
- Quintanilla-Pérez, Selena aka The Queen of Tejano music, singer-songwriter
- Rabin, Yitzhak, 5th Prime Minister of Israel
- Rachmaninoff, Sergei, romantic composer
- Racine, Jean, dramatist
- Racine, Louis, poet
- Rackham, John aka Calico Jack, pirate captain
- Raczkiewicz, Bozena, victim of Łucjan Staniak aka The Red Spider of Katowice
- Rader, Dennis aka The BTK Killer, serial killer
- Radusch, Maria, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Rahn, Jutta, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Rainwater, Thomas, victim of the Black Zebra Killers
- Ralph, John, murderer
- Rama V aka The Royal Buddha, King of Siam
- Rama VI aka Vajiravudh, King of Siam
- Rama VIII aka Ananda Mahidol, King of Thailand
- Rambla, Marie-Dolorès, victim of Christian Ranucci aka Le Pull-Over Rouge
- Ramdohr, Ludwig, Kriminalsekretär
- Ramirez, Luis, murder plotter
- Ramirez, Richard aka The Night Stalker, serial killer
- Ramone, C. J., musician
- Ramone, Dee Dee, musician
- Ramone, Joey, musician
- Ramone, Johnny, musician
- Ramone, Marky, musician
- Ramone, Tommy, musician
- Ramos, Eliana, fashion model
- Ramos, Luisel, fashion model
- Ramos, Salvador, school shooter
- Rampling, Charlotte, actress
- Ramsey, JonBenét, child beauty queen
- Rancourt, Susan, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Randolph, Jenny, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Rann, John aka Sixteen String Jack, highwayman
- Ransom, Cedric, murderer
- Ransom, John, murderer
- Ransom, Kenneth, mass murderer
- Ranson, Ernest, murderer
- Ranucci, Christian aka Le Pull-Over Rouge, child killer
- Raphael, painter
- Rapin, Georges aka Monsieur Bill, murderer
- Rapini, Joe, victim of Mike DeBardeleben aka The Lethal Shadow
- Rappe, Virginia, model and actress
- Rascher, Sigmund, Nazi doctor
- Rascon, Frank, murderer
- Raspe, Jan-Carl, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Rasputin, Grigori aka The Mad Monk, mystic and self-proclaimed holy man
- Rath, Thomas aka Der Moormörder, serial killer
- Rathé, Xavier, musician
- Rathie, John, cop killer
- Raubal, Geli, Adolf Hitler's half-niece and supposed lover
- Rauff, Walter, SS Standartenführer
- Raulerson, James, cop killer
- Rault, Sterling, rapist and murderer
- Rauschenberg, Robert, artist
- Ravachol, French anarchist
- Ravel, Maurice, composer, pianist and conductor
- Raven, Daniel, double murderer
- Rawlins, James, rapist and murderer
- Rawlinson, Dorothy, victim of Wendell Lightbourne aka The Cannibalist Golf Caddy
- Ray, James Earl aka The Man Who Shot Martin Luther King, assassin
- Ray, Man, artist
- Read, James Canham aka The Southend Murderer, murderer
- Reade, Pauline, victim of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley aka The Moors Murderers
- Reagan, Ronald, actor and 40th president of the United States
- Rector, Charles, double murderer
- Rector, Ricky Ray, cop killer
- Redding, Otis, singer-songwriter
- Reder, Walter aka The Butcher of Marzabotto, SS-Sturmbannführer
- Redford, Robert aka The Godfather of Indie Film, actor and film director
- Redgrave, Vanessa, actress and political activist
- Redmond, Patrick, murderer
- Redon, Odilon, symbolist painter
- Rée, Paul, 'Brother' of Lou Salomé and rival of Friedrich Nietzsche
- Reed, Lou, musician
- Reed, Oliver, actor
- Rees, Gwynneth aka Tina Smart Dawson, victim of Jack the Stripper
- Rees, Melvin aka The Sex Beast, serial killer
- Reese, Lamont, triple murderer
- Reese, William, victim of Andrew Cunanan aka American Gigolo/American Psycho
- Reeser, Mary aka The Cinder Lady, motherly widow
- Reeve, Christopher, actor
- Reeves, George, actor
- Reeves, Jim, singer-songwriter
- Reeves, Martha, singer
- Reeves, Reginald, rapist and murderer
- Reffett, Randall, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Reger, Max, pianist and composer
- Regnault, César-Joseph, ex-convict turned prospering businessman
- Reich, Steve, minimal composer
- Reich, Wilhelm, psychoanalist and pioneer of sexual freedom
- Reichelt, Franz aka The Birdman aka The Flying Tailor, tailor, inventor and parachuting pioneer
- Reid, Richard aka The Shoe Bomber aka Abdel Rahim aka Abdul Rof, terrorist
- Reinhardt, Ad, abstract expressionist painter
- Reiser, Rio, musician
- Reitz, Julie, victim of Randall Woodfield aka the I-5 Killer
- Rembrandt, painter and printmaker
- Remeta, Daniel, spree killer
- Remi, Georges aka Hergé, cartoonist
- Remick, Lee, actress
- Remón Cantera, José, President of Panama
- Renault, Louis, automobile manufacturing pioneer
- Reneau, Daniel, murderer
- Renfro, Steven, triple murderer
- Renoir, Jean, film director
- Renoir, Pierre-Auguste, impressionist painter
- Reséndiz, Ángel aka The Railroad Killer, serial killer
- Resnais, Alain, film director
- Reston, Ana Carolina, fashion model
- Reuter, Ida, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Reuter, Paul, journalist, entrepreneur and pioneer of telegraphy and news reporting
- Reve, Gerard, writer
- Revere, Paul, silversmith, engraver, early industrialist and Patriot
- Reyner, Jean, victim of Richard Cottingham aka The Torso Killer
- Reynolds, Bruce, Great Train Robber
- Reynolds, Burt, actor
- Reynolds, James, murderer
- Reynolds, Thomas, traitor
- Rhoades, Jason, installation artist
- Rhoades, Rick, double murderer
- Rice, Louis, black
- Rich, Darrell aka The Hilltop Rapist, serial rapist and murderer
- Rich, James, double murderer
- Richard I aka Richard the Lionheart aka Richard Coeur de Lion, King of England
- Richards, Keith, musician
- Richards, Thomas, murderer
- Richardson, Herbert, murderer
- Richardson, Irene, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Richardson, James, murderer
- Richardson, Jiles Perry aka The Big Bopper, musician, singer and songwriter
- Richardson, Leslie, victim of Donald Neilson aka The Black Panther
- Richardson, Miguel, double murderer
- Richetti, Adam, bank robber
- Richman, Jonathan, singer-songwriter
- Richter, Charles, seismologist and physicist
- Richter, Gerhard, painter
- Ricœur, Paul, philosopher
- Riddle, Granville, murderer
- Ridgway, Gary aka The Green River Killer, serial killer
- Riefenstahl, Leni, dancer, actress, film director and photographer
- Rieper, Honorah, victim of Pauline Parker and Juliet Hume aka Heavenly Creatures
- Rietveld, Gerrit, furniture designer and architect
- Rifkin, Joel aka The Long Island Ripper, serial killer
- Rigg, Diana, actress
- Riggins, James, murderer
- Rignall, Jeffrey, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Riley, Georges, murderer
- Riley, Terry, minimal composer
- Riley, Thomas, murderer
- Rilke, Rainer Maria, poet and writer
- Rimbaud, Arthur, poet
- Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai, composer
- Rin Tin Tin, German Shepherd dog movie star
- Rindt, Jochen, Formula One racer
- Risico, Tina, victim of Christopher Wilder aka The Beauty Queen Killer
- Ritschel, Magda aka Engelchen, wife of Joseph Goebbels
- Ritz, César, hotelier
- Rivera, Josefina, victim of Gary Heidnik aka The Cellar of Horror Murderer
- Roach, James, rapist and double murderer
- Roach, John, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Robbe-Grillet, Alain, film director
- Robbins, Harold, writer
- Roberson, Brian, double murderer
- Roberts, Charles Carl aka The Amish School Shooter, school shooter
- Roberts, Douglas, murderer
- Roberts, Jimmy, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Roberts, Julia, actress
- Roberts, William, victim of Robert Maudsley aka The Brain Eater
- Robertson, Shelly, possible victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Robespierre, Maximilien, leader of the French Revolution
- Robinson, Andrew, victim of Kurt-Friedhelm Steinwegs aka Die Bestie vom Niederrhein
- Robinson, Gertrude, victim of Wendell Lightbourne aka The Cannibalist Golf Caddy
- Robinson, Honor, murderer
- Robinson, John, murderer
- Robinson, Peter, murderer
- Robison, Larry, paranoid schizophrenic mass murderer
- Rocher, Catherine, victim of Guy Georges aka Le Tueur de la Bastille
- Rockefeller, John, business magnate and philanthropist
- Rockefeller, Nelson, businessman, philanthropist, public servant and politician
- Rockwell, George Lincoln, Founder of the American Nazi Party
- Rodchenko, Alexander, constructivist and productivist artist
- Roddenberry, Gene, television screenwriter and producer
- Rodier, Rosine, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Rodin, Auguste, artist
- Rodriguez, Francisco, murderer
- Rodriguez, Irene, victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet
- Roe, John, murderer
- Roesner, Gabriele, victim of Michael Wolpert aka Der Neu-Isenburger Frauenmörder
- Rogers, Ginger, dancer, singer and actress
- Rogers, Patrick, cop killer
- Rogulskyj, Anna, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Rohling, Ursula, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Rohwedder, Detlev, Präsident der Treuhandanstalt
- Rojas, Leonard, double murderer
- Rojas Varón, Teófilo aka Chispas, bandit
- Rojem, Richard, child rapist and murderer
- Rolle, Reuben, spree killer
- Rolling, Danny aka The Gainesville Ripper, serial killer
- Roman, Thomas, murderer
- Romano, Joseph, victim of The Axeman of New Orleans
- Romero, George aka The Grandfather of the Zombie, film director
- Romero, Jesus, murderer
- Romero, Óscar, prelate of the Catholic Church
- Rommel, Erwin aka Wüstenfuchs, Generalfeldmarschall
- Rongxian, Li, Falun Gong practicer
- Ronson, Mick, guitarist, songwriter, arranger and producer
- Röntgen, Wilhelm, physicist
- Rontini, Pia, victim of Il Mostro di Firenze
- Rook, John, rapist and murderer
- Rooney, Ann, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Rooney, Mickey, vaudeville performer and actor
- Rooney, Mrs. Patrick,
- Roosevelt, Franklin, 32nd President of the United States
- Roosevelt, Theodore aka Teddy, 26th President of the United States
- Rops, Félicien aka The Satanic Eroticist, artist
- Roque, Jacqueline, muse and second wife of Pablo Picasso
- Rorschach, Hermann, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst
- Rorty, Richard, philosopher
- Rose, John, murderer
- Rosenberg, Julius, American Communist and Soviet spy
- Rosenquist, James, pop artist
- Rosenthal, Rolf, SS-Obersturmführer and gynaecologist
- Rößner, Bernard, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Ross, Arthur, murderer
- Ross, Colin Campbell aka the Gun Alley Murderer, presumed murderer
- Ross, Diana, singer and actress
- Ross, Josephine, victim of William Heirens aka Catch Me Before I Kill More
- Ross, Michael aka The Roadside Strangler, serial killer
- Rosseel, Marie-Thérèse, victim of Gustaaf Van Eyken aka De Vampier van Muizen
- Rosselini, Roberto, film director
- Rossellini, Isabella, actress and philantropist
- Rossi, Sylvie, victim of Francis Heaulme aka The Emmaus Murderer
- Rossi, Tino, singer and actor
- Rossi, Victor, victim of Daniel Blank aka The Parish River Killer
- Rossini, Gioachino, composer
- Rossouw, Marthinus, murderer
- Rota, Nino, composer
- Roth, Dieter, artist
- Roth, Philip, writer
- Rothe, Friedel, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Rothko, Mark, abstract expressionist painter
- Rothschild, Mayer Amschel aka The Founding Father of International Finance, Jewish banker
- Rottman, Arthur aka The Ruahine Axe Murderer, multiple murderer
- Rougeau, Paul, murderer
- Rourke, Mickey, actor and retired boxer
- Rouse, Alfred aka the Blazing Car Murderer, murderer
- Rousseau, Henri aka Le Douanier, post-impressionist painter
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, philosopher, writer and composer
- Roussos, Demis, singer-songwriter
- Routier, Josette, victim of Marcel Barbeault aka Le Tueur de l’Ombre
- Routledge, Patricia, actress
- Rouvray, Francine, victim of Joseph Vacher aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est
- Rowe, Truett, FBI Special Agent
- Rowell, Robert, triple murderer
- Rowland, Walter, double murderer
- Rowlands, Edward, murderer
- Rowlands, Gena, actress
- Rowsey, Raymond, murderer
- Royce, Henry, automobile designer and manufacturer
- Roymans, Mario aka Tijl van Limburg, revolutionary thief
- Ruan, Lingyu, silent film actress
- Rubens, Alma aka Silent Snowbird, actress and stage performer
- Rubens, Peter Paul, painter
- Rubik, Ernő, inventor and architect
- Rubino, Maria Angela, Victim of Donato Bilancia aka Il Mostro della Liguria
- Rubinstein, Arthur, pianist
- Rubinstein, Helena, cosmetics entrepreneur
- Ruby, Jack, nightclub operator
- Ruck, Sofie, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Rudd, Emerson, murderer
- Rudolf von Österreich-Ungarn, Crown Prince of Austria
- Rudolph, Mary, victim of Joseph Kallinger aka The Shoemaker
- Rudolph, William aka The Missouri Kid, bank robber
- Rumbaugh, Charles, murderer
- Rumpff, Wilhelmine, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Ruppert, James, mass murderer
- Rush, James aka The Killer in the Fog, double murderer
- Rushdie, Salman, writer
- Russel, Anna, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Russell, Bertrand, philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, writer, social critic and political activist
- Russell, Clifton, murderer
- Russell, David, victim of Vaughn Greenwood aka The Skid Row Slasher
- Russell, George, murderer
- Russell, James, murderer
- Russell, Ken, film director
- Russell, Richard aka Beeboo, suicide pilot
- Russo, Carmelina, victim of Le Dépeceur de Mons aka The Trash Bag Killer
- Ruth, George aka Babe Ruth aka The Sultan of Swat, baseball player
- Rutkowski, Hugh aka The Mad Bomber of Milwaukee, serial bomber
- Rutsch, Ulrike, victim of Michael Wolpert aka Der Neu-Isenburger Frauenmörder
- Ruxton, Buck, physician and murderer
- Ryabenko, Marta, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Ryakhovsky, Sergei aka The Hippopotamus aka The Balashikha Ripper, serial killer
- Ryan, Michael aka The Rambo Killer, spree killer and mass murderer
- Ryan, Ronald, murderer
- Rytka, Elena, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- S., Lucie, victim of Rudolf Pleil aka Der Großsten Todmacher
- Saari, Matti, school shooter
- Sabich, Vladimir aka Spider, alpine ski racer
- Sabine, Thierry, founder and main organizer of the Paris-Dakar rally
- Sacco, Nicola, anarchist
- Sach, Amelia aka the Finchley Baby Farmers (with Annie Walters), baby farm murderess
- Sadat, Anwar, 3rd President of Egypt
- Sagan, Carl, astronomer, astrophysicist, cosmologist and futurologist
- Sagan, Françoise, writer
- Sagastegui, Jeremy, triple murderer
- Sagawa, Issei aka The Loving Cannibal, murderer, cannibal and writer
- Sailer, Wilhelmina, victim of Leslie Irvin aka The Mad Dog Killer
- Saint Laurent, Yves, fashion designer
- Sakamoto, Masahito, murderer
- Sakharov, Andrei, nuclear physicist, Soviet dissident and human rights activist
- Salazar, António, dictator and Prime Minister of Portugal
- Salazar, Robert, child killer
- Salcido, Ramón, mass murderer
- Salee, Linda, victim of Jerry Brudos aka The Lust Killer
- Salem, Robert, designer
- Salemi, Leonardo, murderer
- Salim, Ahmed, murderer
- Salinger, J. D., writer
- Sam, B. W., murderer
- Samans, Beverly, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Samson, Darrell, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Samuelson, Hedvig aka Sammy, victim of Winnie Ruth Judd aka The Trunk Murderess
- Samul, Stanisława, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- San Francesco d'Assisi, Catholic friar
- San Lorenzo, martyr
- San Miguel, Jessy aka The Taco Bell Killer, mass murderer
- Sanchez, Cesario, murderer
- Sánchez, Ilich aka Carlos the Jackal, terrorist
- Sanders, Charles, murderer
- Sanders, James, black
- Sanders, Lindbergh aka The Black Jesus, cult leader
- Sanderson, Ricky, murderer
- Sands, Bobby, Irish republican hunger striker
- Sanger, George, showman and circus proprietor
- Sangret, August aka The Wigwam Murderer, murderer
- Sankofa, Shaka, murderer
- Santana, Sandoval, murderer
- Santellan, Jose, murderer
- Santore, Carmine, murderer
- Sardou, Victorien, playwright
- Djamani, Saridewi, drug trafficker
- Sarrazin, Michael, actor
- Sartre, Jean-Paul, writer, philosopher, political activist and critic
- Sąsiek, Jadwiga, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Sasportas, Howard, astrologer
- Sassoon, Vidal, hair stylist
- Satchell, James, murderer
- Satie, Erik, pianist and composer
- Satlow, Betty, bar owner
- Satterwhite, John, murderer
- Sattiewhite, Vernon, murderer
- Savalas, Telly, actor
- Savinkov, Boris, writer and revolutionary
- Sawyers, John, murderer
- Sax, Adolphe, musician and musical instrument designer
- Scarlatti, Domenico, Baroque composer
- Schaefer, Gerard, serial killer
- Schaeffer, Pierre, composer, musicologist and acoustician
- Schaeffer, Rebecca, model and actress
- Schäfer, Margret, victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet
- Schaible, Yvonne, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Schall, Cynthia, victim of Edmund Kemper aka The Co-ed Killer
- Scharf, Cathy, victim of Gerald Stano aka Blind Fury
- Scheer, Rudolf, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Scheider, Roy, actor
- Schell, Joan, victim of Norman John Collins aka The Michigan Coed Killer
- Schell, Maximilian, actor
- Schelm, Petra, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Schickel, Adolf, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Schiedlausky, Gerhard, SS-Hauptsturmführer
- Schiele, Egon, artist
- Schiffer, Claudia, fashion model
- Schiffer, Egidius aka Der Würger von Aachen, serial killer
- Schild, John, axe murderer
- Schiller, Friedrich, poet, philosopher, historian and playwright
- Schilling, Britta, victim of Thomas Rath aka Der Moormörder
- Schilt, Karen, victim of Richard Cottingham aka The Torso Killer
- Schlemmer, Oskar, painter, sculptor, designer and choreographer
- Schlesinger, John, film and stage director
- Schleyer, Hanns Martin, Vorsitzender des Bundesverbandes der Deutschen Industrie
- Schmid, Norbert, polizeimeister
- Schmidt, Beta, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Schmidt, David Hans aka The Sultan of Sleaze, broker and reporter
- Schmidt, Elise, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Schmitt, Érick aka Human Bomb, mass murderer
- Schmitt, Philipp, SS-Sturmbannführer and commandant of Fort Breendonk
- Schmitz, Hermann, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Schneemann, Carolee, performance artist
- Schneider, Mrs. Edward, victim of The Axeman of New Orleans
- Schneider, Romy, actress
- Schnick, James, mass murderer
- Schnizer, Franz Xaver, composer
- Schock, Rudolf aka Der Czárdás-König, tenor
- Schoeffler, Anna, wife of Bruno Richard Hauptmann
- Schoepen, Bobbejaan, entertainer, entrepreneur, singer-songwriter and professional whistler
- Scholeer, Daniel aka Het Monster van Elverdinge, mass murderer
- Scholl, Sophie, founding member of the Weiße Rose resistant group
- Scholte, Marie-Else, victim of Bernd Bopp aka Der Hammermörder
- Scholtz-Klink, Gertrud aka Maria Stuckebrock, Reichsfrauenführerin
- Schönberg, Arnold, composer
- Schopenhauer, Arthur, philosopher
- Schraenen, Guy, artist and pioneer independent artist's book publisher
- Schrank, John, would-be assassin
- Schreiner, Anneliese, victim of Thomas Rath aka Der Moormörder
- Schrempf, Elfriede, victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet
- Schroeder, Irene aka Trigger Woman aka Iron Irene aka Animal Woman aka Tiger Girl, cop killer
- Schubert, Franz, composer
- Schubert, Ingrid, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Schuck, Arthur, murderer
- Schuhmacher, Julie, victim of Paul Ogorzow aka Der Schnell-Bahn Mörder
- Schultz, Christine, victim of Laurie Bambenek aka Run, Bambi, Run
- Schultz, John, multiple murderer
- Schultz, Kathy, victim of Harvey Louis Carignan aka The Want-Ad Killer
- Schulze, Klaus aka Richard Wahnfried, electronic music pioneer
- Schulze, Wilhelm, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Schumann, Conrad aka The First Man to Jump the Berlin Wall, soldier
- Schumann, Friedrich aka Der Massenmörder vom Falkenhager See, serial killer
- Schumann, Robert, romantic composer
- Schwartz, Delmore aka The European Son, poet
- Schwarzenegger, Arnold, actor, producer, businessman, politician and former professional bodybuilder
- Schwarzhuber, Johann, Schutzhaftlagerführer in Ravensbrück KZ
- Schwarzkogler, Rudolf, Wiener Aktionist
- Schweitzer, Albert, theologican, physician, musician and moralist
- Schwitters, Kurt, Dada artist
- Scieri, Antoinette aka La Goule de Saint-Gilles, serial poisoner
- Scioni, Adalgiso, hijacker
- Scorsese, Martin, film director
- Scott, Bon, musician
- Scott, Charles, murderer
- Scott, Henry, black train porter
- Scott, Jay, murderer
- Scott, Ridley, film director
- Scott, Robert, arctic explorer
- Scott, Walter, historical novelist, playwright and poet
- Scriabin, Alexander, pianist and composer
- Scrutton, Hugh, victim of Theodore Kaczynski aka The Unabomber
- Seabrook, William aka The White Cannibal of New York, occultist, explorer, traveller, cannibal and journalist
- Seale, Bobby, founder of the Black Panther Party
- Sears, Anthony, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Seaton, Peter,
- Seberg, Jean, actress
- Sebring, Jay, hair stylist and victim of the Manson Family
- Seda, Heriberto aka The New York Zodiac Killer, serial killer
- Sedaka, Neil, musician
- Seddon, Frederick, murderer
- Sedgwick, Edie aka The Girl of the Year, heiress, socialite, actress, and fashion model
- Seefeldt, Adolf aka Onkel Tick Tack, serial killer
- Seegrist, Sylvia, mass murderess
- Segal, Erich, writer
- Segal, George, pop artist
- Segawa, Kozo, murderer
- Segret, Fernande, mistress of Henri Désiré Landru aka Le Barbe-Bleue de Gambais
- Sehl, Angelika, victim of Egidius Schiffer aka Der Würger von Aachen
- Seicaresco, Iona, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Seidaliyev, Akmaral, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Seidel, Oskar, victim of Klaus Gosmann aka Der Mittagsmörder
- Seifert, Willi aka Der Neue Hitler, mass murderer
- Selassie, Haile aka The Lion of Juda, Emperor of Ethiopia
- Selby, Hubert, writer
- Selby, Norman aka Kid McCoy, boxer
- Selleck, Tom, actor
- Sellers, Peter, actor
- Sellers, Sean aka The Schoolboy Night Stalker aka The Night Roomer, triple murderer
- Senger, Willi, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Seress, Rezső, composer
- Sergius I, 84th Pope
- Sergius IV, 142nd Pope
- Serling, Rod, screenwriter, television producer and narrator
- Serna, Angel, murderer
- Serra, Richard, sculptor
- Seungseob, Lee, game addict
- Seurat, Georges, painter
- Sevillano, José, member of the Grupos de Resistencia Antifascista Primero de Octubre
- Sexton, Michael, rapist and murderer
- Seymour, Frank, murderer
- Seymour, Henry, murderer
- Seymour, Jane, third wife of Henry VIII
- Shachko, Oksana, artist and activist with Femen
- Shafrazi, Tony, art gallery owner and art vandal
- Shaikh, Akmal, Pakistani-British businessman and drug trafficker
- Shakespeare, William, poet and playwright
- Shakur, Tupac aka 2Pac, rapper
- Shalapinina, Natalya, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Shamburger, Ron, murderer
- Shankar, Ravi, musician
- Shannahan, Robert, victim of Vaughn Greenwood aka The Skid Row Slasher
- Shannon, Del, singer-songwriter and musician
- Shannon, Willie, murderer
- Sharif, Omar, actor
- Sharp, Michael, multiple murderer
- Shatner, William aka Captain Kirk, actor
- Shaughnessy, George, murderer
- Shaw, George Bernard, playwright
- Shaw, Irwin, writer and playwright
- Shawcross, Arthur aka The Genesee River Killer, serial killer
- Shea, Donald aka Shorty, victim of The Manson Family
- Shea, Frances, bride of gangster Ronnie Kray
- Sheen, Martin, actor
- Sheffield, Caesar, black meat thief
- Sheldon, Alice aka James Tiptree Jr., science fiction writer
- Sheldon, Robert, victim of Robert Berdella aka The Kansas City Butcher
- Shelley, Leslie, victim of Michael Ross aka The Roadside Strangler
- Shelley, Mary, writer
- Shelley, Percy Bysshe, romantic poet
- Shelley, William, murderer
- Shepard, Cecelia, victim of the Zodiac Killer
- Sheppard, Jack aka Gentleman Jack aka Jack the Lad, thief and gaol-breaker
- Sheppard, Marilyn, murder victim
- Sheppard, Mark, double murderer
- Sheppard, Sam, presumed murderer
- Sherman, Cindy, photographer
- Sherman, Lydia aka The Derby Poisoner, serial poisoner
- Sherrill, Patrick, mass murderer
- Shields, Brooke, actress and child star
- Shields, Robert, murderer
- Shinozawa, Kazuo, mass murderer
- Shipman, Harold aka Dr Death, general practitioner and serial killer
- Shirley, John, murderer
- Shobek, Michaiah aka The Angels of Lucifer Killer, serial killer
- Shockley, Leonard, murderer
- Short, Archie aka James Bailey, murderer
- Short, Elizabeth aka The Black Dahlia, murder victim
- Shostakovich, Dmitri, composer
- Showalter, Laura, victim of Harvey Louis Carignan aka The Want-Ad Killer
- Shute, Nevil, writer and aeronautical engineer
- Sibelius, Jean, composer
- Sidebottom, Robert, murderer
- Siegel, Bugsy, mobster
- Sietsema, Mary, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Sigl, Peter, victim of Peter Hößl aka Der Wochenendmörder
- Signoret, Simone, actress
- Sikorsky, Igor, aviation pioneer
- Silkwood, Karen, chemical technician and labor union activist
- Silvas, Manuel, murderer
- Silverius, 58th Pope
- Silvester I, 33rd Pope
- Silvester II, 139th Pope
- Simenon, Georges, writer
- Simmons, Isaac, black reverend
- Simmons, Ronald Gene, mass murderer
- Simms, Henry aka Young Gentlemen Harry, highwayman
- Simms, Michelle, victim of Bobby Joe Long aka The Adman Rapist
- Simon, Carly, singer-songwriter
- Simon, J.C.X., Black Zebra killer
- Simon, Paul, singer-songwriter and musician
- Simone, Nina aka The High Priestess of Soul, singer, songwriter, musician and civil rights activist
- Simoneaux, Wally, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Simplicius, 47th Pope
- Simpson, Ethel, wife and victim of John Christie aka The Strangler of 10 Rillington Place
- Simpson, John, murderer
- Simpson, Tom, cyclist
- Simpson, Trevor, victim of Dennis Nilsen aka Killing for Company
- Sinatra, Frank aka Ol’ Blue Eyes aka The Voice, singer and actor
- Sinatra, Nancy, singer and actress
- Sinclair, Angus aka The World's End Murderer, serial killer
- Sinclair Guild, Stephen, victim of Dennis Nilsen aka Killing for Company
- Singer, Isaac, inventor and entrepreneur
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis, writer
- Singh, Dalip, doctor and murderer
- Singh, Udham aka Shaheed-i-Azam, Punjabi revolutionary
- Singleton, Charles, murderer
- Singleton, Lawrence, presumed multiple murderer
- Sinthasomphone, Keison, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Sinthasomphone, Konerak, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Sirhan Sirhan, assassin
- Siripongs, Jaturun, double murderer
- Sirotti, Magali, victim of Guy Georges aka Le Tueur de la Bastille
- Sisinnius, 87th Pope
- Sithole, Moses aka The ABC Killer, serial killer
- Siwiec, Ryszard, accountant and Home Army resistance member
- Sixtus II, 24th Pope
- Sixtus III, 44th Pope
- Sixtus IV, 212th Pope
- Sixtus V aka Xystus V, 227th Pope
- Skelton, Maralynn, victim of Norman John Collins aka The Michigan Coed Killer
- Skepper, Donald, victim of Donald Neilson aka The Black Panther
- Skillern, Doyle, cop killer
- Slawson, Linda, victim of Jerry Brudos aka The Lust Killer
- Sledge, Percy, R&B and soul performer
- Slesers, Anna, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Small, Allen,
- Small, Frederick, murderer
- Smarovas, Ljuba, victim of Metod Trobec aka The Monster of Dolenja Vas
- Smelt, Olive, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Smetana, Bedřich, composer
- Smith, Bessie aka aka the Empress of the Blues, blues singer
- Smith, Charles, cop killer
- Smith, Charles, highwayman
- Smith, Clyde, double murderer
- Smith, Eddy, victim of Wayne Williams aka The Atlanta Child Murderer
- Smith, Edward aka The Sheik, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Smith, Edward Charles, murderer
- Smith, Elmo, murderer
- Smith, Emma, possible victim of Jack the Ripper
- Smith, George Joseph aka The Brides in the Bath Murderer, serial killer
- Smith, James, murderer
- Smith, James, murderer
- Smith, Jim, boxer and small-time criminal
- Smith, Joseph, founder of the Latter Day Saint movement aka Mormonism
- Smith, Kenneth Eugene, murderer
- Smith, Kermit, rapist and murderer
- Smith, Larry, murderer
- Smith, Lee, murderer
- Smith, Mark E., musician
- Smith, Melissa, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Smith, Michael Dewayne aka The Hoover Killer, triple murderer
- Smith, Patti aka The Godmother of Punk, poet and musician
- Smith, Perry aka In Cold Blood, mass murderer
- Smith, Raymond aka Ricky Beeks, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Smith, Richard, murderer
- Smith, Robert, pirate
- Smith, Robert, mass murderer
- Smith, Robert Weston aka Wolfman Jack, disc jockey and radio presenter
- Smith, Russell Lee, spree killer
- Smith, Tommie aka Ziyon Yisrayah, cop killer
- Smith, William, lieutenant-colonel and pilot
- Smith III, Willie, murderer
- Smithson, Robert, Land Art artist
- Snuppy, the world's first cloned dog
- Snyder, Ruth aka The Granite Woman, murderess
- Snyder, Tom, television personality
- Sobhraj, Charles aka Bad Blood, serial killer
- Solanas, Valerie, radical feminist writer
- Solari, Bruno, Victim of Donato Bilancia aka Il Mostro della Liguria
- Soliz, Mark, double murderer
- Solomon, Jean-Luc, victim of Charles Sobhraj aka Bad Blood
- Soltysik, Patricia aka Mizmoon, founding member of the Symbionese Liberation Army
- Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, writer
- Sommer, Elke, actress and pin-up model
- Somoza Debayle, Luis, Dictator of Nicaragua
- Somville, Yvan, gangster
- Sonnemann, Emma aka Die Hohe Frau des Deutschen Reiches, second wife of Hermann Göring
- Sonnenberg, Fatima, victim of Michael Wolpert aka Der Neu-Isenburger Frauenmörder
- Sonnenfeld, Hans, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Sontag, Susan, writer, filmmaker, philosopher, teacher and political activist
- Soon-ja, Park aka Benevolent Mother, leader of the Evangelical Baptist Church
- Soria, Juan, murderer
- Sorokin, Aleksei, physician and cosmonout
- Sosnowski, Johanna, victim of Karl Großmann aka Die Bestie vom Schlesischen Bahnhof
- Soto, John, triple murderer
- Soyplai, Somkliang, child rapist and murderer
- Spacek, Sissy, actress
- Spanos, Mike, murderer
- Spare, Austin Osman, artist and occultist
- Spears, Britney, singer
- Speck, Richard aka Born to Raise Hell, mass murderer
- Spector, Phil, record producer and songwriter
- Spector, Ronnie aka The Bad Girl of Rock and Roll, lead singer of the Ronettes
- Speer, Albert, Nazi architect
- Speichert, Hermann, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Spelling, Aaron, television producer
- Spence, David, triple murderer
- Spencer, Brenda, murderess
- Spencer, Bud, actor
- Spencer, Diana aka Lady Di, Princess of Wales
- Spencer, Timothy, serial killer
- Spengler, Oswald, historian and philosopher
- Spenkelink, John, murderer
- Spesivtsev, Alexander aka The Siberian Tiger, serial killer, child rapist and cannibal
- Spiecker, Ernst, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Spielberg, Steven, film director
- Spielman, Regina, victim of Michael Wolpert aka Der Neu-Isenburger Frauenmörder
- Spillane, Mickey, writer
- Spilsbury, Bernard, pathologist
- Spinelli, Juanita aka The Duchess, gangster and ex-wrestler
- Spink, Mary, victim of George Chapman aka The Borough Poisoner
- Spinoza, Baruch, philosopher
- Spitteri, Emanuel, victim of Colin Ireland aka The Gay Slayer
- Spock, Benjamin, pediatrician
- Spoerri, Daniel, artist
- Spooner, William, Oxford don
- Sprinker, Karen, victim of Jerry Brudos aka The Lust Killer
- Sprinkle, Annie, writer, sex educator, former prostitute, feminist stripper and pornographic actress
- Spungen, Nancy aka Nauseating Nancy, Punk icon
- St. Mary, Lilian, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Stack, Robert, actor
- Stalin, Joseph, General secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
- Stallone, Sylvester, actor and film director
- Stalmachenok, Olga, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Stamboliyski, Aleksandar, Prime Minister of Bulgaria
- Stamp, Terence, actor
- Stangl, Franz aka Der Weiße Tod, SS commandant of the Sobibór and Treblinka extermination camps
- Staniak, Łucjan aka The Red Spider of Katowice, serial killer
- Stanley, Henry Morton aka Bula Matari (Breaker of Rocks), journalist and explorer
- Stano, Gerald aka Blind Fury, serial killer
- Stanshall, Vivian, singer-songwriter, musician and poet
- Stanton, Harry Dean, actor
- Stapleton, Samuel, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Stapleton, Steven aka Nurse With Wound, musician
- Stardust, Alvin, musician
- Starkweather, Charles aka Little Red, spree killer
- Starr, Myra aka Belle Star, outlaw
- Starr, Ringo, drummer, musician and songwriter
- Starvaggi, Joseph, cop killer
- Stavinsky, Robin, victim of Michael Ross aka The Roadside Strangler
- Steele, Michelle, victim of Charles Ray Hatcher aka Evil Incarnate
- Steenburgh, Samu, murderer
- Steers, Jennie, black murderess
- Stefanacci, Claudio, victim of Il Mostro di Firenze
- Stefani, Gwen, singer-songwriter
- Steffen, Anna, victim of Arthur Shawcross aka The Genesee River Killer
- Steiger, Rod, actor
- Stein, Edith aka St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, martyr and saint of the Catholic Church
- Stein, Gertrude, writer
- Steinbeck, John, writer
- Steiner, Rudolf aka The Father of Anthroposophy, philosopher, social reformer, architect and esotericist
- Steinhäuser, Robert, school shooter
- Steinheil, Marguerite aka Lady Abinger aka Mme de Serignac, presumed murderess
- Steinwegs, Kurt-Friedhelm aka Die Bestie vom Niederrhein, serial killer
- Stekel, Wilhelm, physician and psychologist
- Stella, Frank, minimalist painter
- Stendhal, writer
- Stephan, Eugène, victim of Marcel Barbeault aka Le Tueur de l’Ombre
- Stephens, Alpha, murderer
- Stephens, Felicia, victim of Arthur Shawcross aka The Genesee River Killer
- Stepinski, Waldemar aka The Doorbell Killer, serial killer
- Sterling, Gary, triple murderer
- Sternebeck, Sigrid, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Stevenson, Cordella, black
- Stevenson, Robert Louis, writer
- Steward, Earl, murderer
- Stewart, Darryl, murderer
- Stewart, Douglas, victim of Dennis Nilsen aka Killing for Company
- Stewart, James, actor
- Stewart, Kenneth, double murderer
- Stewart, Raymond, spree killer
- Stewart, Rod aka Rod the Mod, singer-songwriter and musician
- Stieglitz, Charlotte, poet
- Stillman, Mitya, composer
- Stine, Paul, victim of the Zodiac Killer
- Stöbich, Franz, victim of Peter Hößl aka Der Wochenendmörder
- Stockhausen, Karlheinz, composer
- Stockwell, Dean, actor
- Stoker, Bram, writer
- Stoker, David, murderer
- Stone, Benjamin, double murderer
- Stone, Bryant, murderer
- Stone, Lucy, abolitionist and suffragette
- Stone, Oliver, film director
- Stone, Sharon, actress
- Stoops, Todd, victim of Robert Berdella aka The Kansas City Butcher
- Stott, Daniel, victim of Thomas Neill Cream aka The Strychnine Specialist
- Stott, June, victim of Arthur Shawcross aka The Genesee River Killer
- Stradivari, Antonio, stringed instruments crafter
- Strandberg-Kemper, Clarnell, mother and victim of Ed Kemper aka The Co-ed Killer
- Stratten, Dorothy, Playmate of the Year 1980
- Stratton, Charles aka General Tom Thumb,
- Straughter, Curtis, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Strauß, Franz Josef, Bayerischer Ministerpräsident
- Strauss, Levi, clothing manufacturer
- Strauss, Richard, composer
- Stravinsky, Igor, composer
- Strawinski, Casimir, victim of Vaughn Greenwood aka The Skid Row Slasher
- Strée, Michel aka Chevalier de Wallonie, hijacker
- Streep, Meryl, actress
- Street, Valerie Ann aka Shelley Dudley, victim of Richard Cottingham aka The Torso Killer
- Streetman, Robert, murderer
- Strehl, Irmgard, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Streisand, Barbra, singer-songwriter and actress
- Stride, Elizabeth aka Long Liz, victim of Jack the Ripper
- Strindberg, August, writer
- Stroman, Mark aka The 9/11 Revenge Killer, double murderer
- Stroud, Robert aka The Birdman of Alcatraz, double murderer
- Struß, Heinrich, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Strydom, Barend aka Wit Wolf, spree killer
- Stuart, Anne, Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland
- Stuart, Mary, Queen of Scots
- Stubbe, Peter, victim of Ludwig Tessnow aka The Mad Carpenter
- Studebaker, Clement, wagon and carriage manufacturer
- Sturgeon, William aka The Electrician, physicist and inventor
- Sturkey, John, victim of Eric Edgar Cooke aka The Australian Nightmare
- Styron, Ronford, child killer
- Succo, Roberto aka L'Assassino della Luna Piena aka Il Mostro di Mestre aka Roberto il Folle, serial killer
- Suff, William aka The Lake Elsinore Killer, serial killer
- Sugden, Mollie, actress
- Sugerman, Danny, manager of The Doors
- Suhay, Robert, cop killer
- Sullivan, Jack, murderer
- Sullivan, Jane, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Sullivan, Mary, victim of Albert Desalvo aka The Boston Strangler
- Sullivan, Stephen aka The Colleen Bawn Murderer, murderer
- Summer, Donna aka The Queen of Disco, singer-songwriter
- Summers, Gregory,
- Sumner, Richard, artist
- Sun, Yat-sen aka The Father of the Nation, revolutionary leader and medical practitioner
- Sun Ra, musician
- Suradji, Ahmad aka The Sorcerer, serial killer
- Suriani, Valentina, victim of David Berkowitz aka Son of Sam
- Sutch, David aka Screaming Lord Sutch aka 3rd Earl of Harrow, musician
- Sutcliffe, Peter aka The Yorkshire Ripper, serial killer
- Sutcliffe, Stuart aka The Fifth Beatle, musician
- Sutherland, Donald, actor
- Suttles, Louis, murderer
- Sutton, Nicholas, multiple murderer
- Svoboda, Ludvík, 8th President of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic
- Swaggart, Jimmy, evangelist
- Swan, Emily, murderess
- Swanenburg, Catharina, victim of Maria Swanenburg aka Goeie Mie
- Swanenburg, Clement, victim of Maria Swanenburg aka Goeie Mie
- Swanenburg, Johanna, victim of Maria Swanenburg aka Goeie Mie
- Swanenburg, Johannes, victim of Maria Swanenburg aka Goeie Mie
- Swanenburg, Maria aka Goeie Mie, serial poisoner
- Swanenburg, Pieternella, victim of Maria Swanenburg aka Goeie Mie
- Swann, Kim, victim of Bobby Joe Long aka The Adman Rapist
- Swanson, Gloria, actress
- Sweeting, Whiting, cop killer
- Swift, Christopher, double murderer
- Swift, John, murderer
- Swift, Jonathan, satirist, essayist, political pamphleteer, poet, cleric and Dean of St Patrick's Cathedral
- Swindells, Harry, murderer
- Swint, John, victim of Ottis Toole aka The Hand of Death
- Swit, Loretta, actress
- Sykes, Teresa, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Symonds, John aka The Picasso of the Occult, writer and biographer of Aleister Crowley
- Szrek, Irena, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Szurma, Sonia, wife of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Szyc, John, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Szymańska, Irena, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Sørensen, Palle, cop killer
- Tabei, Junko, mountaineer
- Tabit, Mustapha,
- Tabram, Martha, victim of Jack the Ripper
- Tafel, Monika, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Tafero, Jesse, alleged cop killer
- Taft, William Howard, 27th President of the United States
- Tailford, Hannah, victim of Jack the Stripper
- Takanezawa, Tomoaki, double murderer
- Takashio, Masahiro, double murderer
- Takezawa, Hifumi, triple murderer
- Tall, Régis, student
- Talović, Sulejman, mass murderer
- Talsma, David, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Tamez, Patricia, victim of Wayne Ford aka The Breast Severer
- Tanaka, Masahiro aka Miyashita, multiple murderer
- Tann, Georgia, child trafficker
- Tappert, Horst, actor
- Tarantino, Quentin, film director
- Tarkovsky, Andrei, film director
- Tarnower, Herman aka The Scarsdale Diëtist, cardiologist
- Tasso, Torquato, poet
- Tate, Cecil, double murderer
- Tate, Sharon, actress
- Tati, Jacques, actor and film director
- Tatlin, Vladimir, artist
- Taufer, Lutz, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Tauza, Frank, murderer
- Taylor, Bessie, victim of George Chapman aka The Borough Poisoner
- Taylor, Chester, murderer
- Taylor, David, murderer
- Taylor, Debra, victim of Michael Ross aka The Roadside Strangler
- Taylor, Elizabeth, actress
- Taylor, Jane,
- Taylor, John, rapist and murderer
- Taylor, Ronald, mass murderer
- Taylor, William, actor and film director
- Taylor, Zachary, 12th President of the United States
- Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich, composer
- Tchou-Li, Fou, murderer
- Teague, Delbert, murderer
- Teleki, Pál, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Hungary
- Telemann, Georg Philipp, composer
- Tell, Wilhelm, folk hero
- Temple, Shirley, actress
- Tennyson, Alfred, poet
- Tereshkova, Valentina, cosmonaut
- Tereshonok, Yuri, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Terre'Blanche, Eugène, founder and leader of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging
- Terry, Victor John, murderer
- Tesla, Nikola aka The Man who Invented the Twentieth Century, inventor, electrical engineer, physicist and futurist
- Tesmer, Klara, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Tessnow, Ludwig aka The Mad Carpenter, serial killer
- Tetzner, Kurt aka Der Mann der Zweimal Starb, murderer
- Thacker, Charles, murderer
- Thanos, John, triple murderer
- Tharrington, Jerry, victim of Charles Ray Hatcher aka Evil Incarnate
- Thatcher, Margaret aka The Iron Lady, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
- The Angry Brigade, anarchist group
- The Axeman of New Orleans, serial killer
- The Beatles, pop group
- The Bible John Killer, serial killer
- the Black Panther Party, revolutionary black nationalist and socialist organization
- The Black Zebra Killers aka The Death Angels, murder gang
- the Geoffrey Hammond Gang,
- The Hillside Stranglers, serial killers
- the Irish Republican Army,
- the Japanese Red Army, communist militant group
- the Ku Klux Klan,
- The Lady of the Lake, victim of the Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run
- the Manson Family, criminal hippy gang
- the Moors Murderers aka Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, serial killers
- the Rote Armee Fraktion aka Baader-Meinhof Gruppe, left-wing militant group
- the Weather Underground, radical left organisation
- Zodiac, unidentified serial killer
- Theremin, Léon, inventor
- Theroux, Paul, writer
- Thích Quảng Đức, buddhist monk
- Thill, Mary, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
- Thimme, Johannes, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Thio, David, boxer
- Thomas, Abraham, mass murderer
- Thomas, Arthur, murderer
- Thomas, Christopher aka The Palm Sunday murderer, mass murderer
- Thomas, Daniel, murderer
- Thomas, David, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Thomas, David, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Thomas, Dylan, poet and writer
- Thomas, James Harvey, murderer
- Thomas, JoAnn, victim of Alfred Gaynor aka The Springfield Strangler
- Thomas, Lisa, victim of Gary Heidnik aka The Cellar of Horror Murderer
- Thomas, Olive, actress and model
- Thomas, Shannon, triple murderer
- Grey, Thomas, murderer
- Thomas, Trevor, victim of Kenneth Erskine aka The Stockwell Strangler
- Thomma, Jakrapanth, spree killer
- Thompson, Edith, murderess
- Thompson, Gerald, murderer
- Thompson, Harry, murderer
- Thompson, Henry, murderer
- Thompson, Hunter, journalist and writer
- Thompson, John, murderer
- Thompson, Pauline, victim of Edward Leonski aka The Singing Strangler
- Thompson, Robert, juvenile child killer
- Thompson, Thomas, rapist and murderer
- Thoreau, Henry David, writer, philosopher, abolitionist, naturalist, tax resister and transcendentalist
- Thorne, John aka The Chicken Run Murderer, murderer
- Thorpe, Rosalind, victim of Edmund Kemper aka The Co-ed Killer
- Thunders, Johnny, musician
- Thurman, Uma, actress
- Thurmond, Thomas, kidnapper and murderer
- Thurneman, Sigvard aka The Doctor, serial killer and leader of the so called 'Salaligan'
- Thwala, Sipho aka The Phoenix Strangler aka The Phantom Sniper aka The Canefield Killer, serial killer
- Tigner, Gerald, double murderer
- Till, Emmett aka Bobo, black
- Tillmann, Emil, kidnapper and murderer
- Timm, Gesche, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Timm, Johann, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Timmons, Cyrus, murderer
- Ting Hao, Kitty aka Little Darling, actress
- Tinguely, Jean, artist
- Tintoretto aka Il Furioso, painter
- Tiny Tim, falsetto singer and ukulele player
- Tiquet, Angélique, murderess
- Tisdall, Florence, victim of Kenneth Erskine aka The Stockwell Strangler
- Tishchenko, Viktor, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Tisius, Michael, double murderer
- Tiso, Jozef, Slovak politician and Roman Catholic priest
- Tito, Josip Broz, Yugoslav statesman
- Titov, Gherman, cosmonaut
- Titsworth, Timothy, murderer
- Tkachenko, Larisa, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Toal, Gerard, murderer
- Tobin, James, economist
- Tobin, James, murderer
- Tobin, Peter, serial killer
- Tobin, Thomas, murderer
- Tobler, Jake, double murderer
- Todd, Thelma aka The Bohemian Girl, actress
- Todt, Fritz, SA-Obergruppenführer and Reichsminister für Bewaffnung und Munition
- Toepfer, Karin, victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter
- Toffler, Alvin, writer and futurist
- Tōjō, Hideki, general of the Imperial Japanese Army
- Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel, writer, poet, philologist and university professor
- Tolstoy, Leo, writer
- Tomei, Henri, victim of Herbert Mullin aka The Hippie Killer
- Toole, Ottis, serial killer and companion to Henry Lee Lucas
- Topor, Roland, artist, writer and filmmaker
- Torrez, Simplico, murderer
- Toscanini, Arturo, conductor
- Tosh, Peter, reggae musician
- Tosza, Teresa, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Tóth, László, geologist and art vandal
- Touvier, Paul, Nazi collaborator
- Tovey, Frank aka Fad Gadget, musician
- Townsend, Craig, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Townsend, Marlys, victim of Harvey Louis Carignan aka The Want-Ad Killer
- Townshend, Pete, guitarist and singer-songwriter
- Tracy, Spencer, actor
- Trail, Jeffrey, victim of Andrew Cunanan aka American Gigolo/American Psycho
- Trakl, Georg, expressionist poet
- Travis, John, kidnapper and murderer
- Travolta, John, actor, film producer, dancer and singer
- Trepper, Leopold, organizer of the Soviet spy ring Rote Kapelle
- Trevino, Joe, murderer
- Trevor, Harold, murderer
- Trippi, Darlene, victim of Arthur Shawcross aka The Genesee River Killer
- Trobec, Metod aka The Monster of Dolenja Vas, serial killer
- Troppmann, Jean-Baptiste aka Le Massacreur de Pantin, mass murderer
- Trotsky, Leon, Marxist revolutionary and theorist and founder and first leader of the Red Army
- Trueblood, Joseph, triple murderer
- Truffaut, François, film director
- Trujillo, Rafael aka El Jefe, politician, soldier and dictator
- Truman, Harry S., 33rd President of the United States
- Truya, Stela, Victim of Donato Bilancia aka Il Mostro della Liguria
- Tu, Dzung Ngoc, victim of Michael Ross aka The Roadside Strangler
- Tucholsky, Kurt aka Kaspar Hauser, Peter Panter, Theobald Tiger and Ignaz Wrobel, journalist, satirist and writer
- Tucker, Jeffery, murderer
- Tucker, Karla aka The Pick Axe Murderess, double murderess
- Tucker, Maureen, drummer
- Tucker, Richard, rapist and murderer
- Tucker, Susan, victim of Timothy Spencer aka The Southside Strangler
- Tucker, William, murderer
- Tudor, Mary aka Bloody Mary, Queen of England and Ireland
- Tuggle, Lem, multiple murderer
- Tuomi, Steven, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Túpac Amaru II, revolutionary leader
- Tupolev, Alexei, aircraft designer
- Tupolev, Andrei, aircraft designer
- Tupper, Earl, inventor
- Turing, Alan aka The Father of Computer Science, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst, computer scientist and philosopher
- Turner, Harry, victim of William Bonin aka The Freeway Killer
- Turner, Ike, singer-songwriter and musician
- Turner, Jessel, murderer
- Turner, Lana, actress
- Turner, Matt aka Donald Montrell, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Turner, Ted, media tycoon
- Turner, Tina, musician
- Turner, William, romantic landscape painter
- Tussaud, Marie, wax sculptor
- Tuttle, Charles, murderer
- Twain, Mark, writer
- Tyler, John, 10th President of the United States
- Fuller, Tyrone, rapist and murderer
- Tzara, Tristan, Dada artist
- Uematsu, Satoshi, mass murderer
- Ulbricht, Walter, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of East Germany
- Ullman, Tracey, actress and comedian
- Ulmann, Liv, actress
- Ullrich, Charlotte, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Umberto I, King of Italy
- Underkofler, Edgar, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Undset, Sigrid, writer
- Unruh, Howard aka The Walker of Death, spree killer
- Unterweger, Jack aka Jack the Writer aka Der Häfenpoet aka The Pug Dumper, serial killer
- Updike, John, writer
- Upton, John, murderer
- Urbani, Carlo, doctor and microbiologist
- Urbanus II, 159th Pope
- Urbanus III, 172nd Pope
- Urbanus IV, 182nd Pope
- Urbanus V, 200th Pope
- Urbanus VI, 202nd Pope
- Urbanus VII, 228th Pope
- Urbanus VIII, 235th Pope
- Uris, Leon, writer
- Ustinov, Peter, actor, writer, filmmaker, theatre and opera director
- Utrillo, Maurice, painter
- Vacher, Joseph aka L’Eventreur du Sud-Est, serial killer
- Vadim, Roger, film director
- Vaganov, Artur, mass murderer
- Vaillancourt, Norma, victim of Wayne Boden aka The Vampire Rapist
- Vakrinos, Dimitris, serial killer
- Valachi, Joseph aka Anthony Sorge aka Charles Charbano, gangster
- Valance, Ricky, pop singer
- Valencia, Bégonia, victim of Le Dépeceur de Mons aka The Trash Bag Killer
- Valens, Ritchie, singer-songwriter
- Valentich, Frederick, pilot
- Valentino, Rudolph aka Latin Lover, actor and sex symbol
- Valenzuela, Carol, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Valéry, Henri,
- Valéry, Paul, poet and philosopher
- Valla, Kristina, Victim of Donato Bilancia aka Il Mostro della Liguria
- Valli, Frankie, singer
- van Beethoven, Ludwig, composer
- Van Bever, Jean-Marc, victim of Marcel Petiot aka The Triangular Chamber of Death Murderer
- Van Buren, Martin, 8th President of the United States
- van Buuren, Clarence, murderer
- Van Cleef, Lee, actor
- Van Damme, Jean-Claude aka The Muscles from Brussels, actor
- Van de Velde, Henry, painter, architect and interior designer
- Van der Lubbe, Marinus, communist and presumed arsonist
- van der Rohe, Ludwig Mies, modernist architecture pioneer
- van der Voort, Coby, victim of Hans van Zon
- Van Der Wilt, Lutgarde, victim of Gustaaf Van Eyken aka De Vampier van Muizen
- Van Dijck, Arie, art vandal
- van Doesburg, Theo, artist and architect
- van Dyck, Anthony, Baroque painter
- Van Dyke, Dick, comedian, actor, singer and dancer
- Van Eyken, Gustaaf aka De Vampier van Muizen, serial killer
- van Gogh, Theo, film director
- van Gogh, Vincent, impressionist painter
- Van Halen, Eddie aka The Mozart of Rock, musician
- Van Houten, Leslie aka Lulu, Manson Family member
- Van Hyfte, Mauricette, victim of Marcel Barbeault aka Le Tueur de l’Ombre
- Van Isacker-Smeets, Ida, victim of Gustaaf Van Eyken aka De Vampier van Muizen
- Van Kerckhoven, Anne-Mie aka AMVK, artist
- van Meegeren, Han, art forger
- Van Niekerk, Andries, murderer
- Van Ostaijen, Paul aka Mister 1830, poet and writer
- Van Severen, Joris, leader of the Verdinaso
- Văn Trỗi, Nguyễn, Việt Cộng National Liberation Front patriot
- Van Valkenburgh, Elizabeth, double murderess
- Van Vliet, Don aka Captain Beefheart, singer-songwriter, musician and artist
- van Vogt, Alfred Elton, science fiction writer
- Van Wijnendaele, Michel aka The Mad Cyclist, spree killer
- van Zon, Hans, serial killer
- Vanderbilt III, George, yachtsman and scientific explorer
- Vandiver, William, murderer
- Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, anarchist
- Vaquier, Jean-Pierre, inventor and murderer
- Varèse, Edgard aka The Stratospheric Colossus of Sound, composer
- Varga, Elena, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Vargas, Dorángel aka El Comegente aka Hannibal Lecter of the Andes, serial killer and cannibal
- Vartan, Sylvie aka La Collégienne du Twist, singer-songwriter and actress
- Vasarely, Victor aka The Grandfather of Op Art, artist
- Vaughan, Samuel, murder plotter
- Vaughn, Robert, actor
- Vaughn, Roger, murderer
- Vautier, Ben aka Ben, Fluxus artist
- Veerappan, Tamil brigand and dacoit
- Vega, Alan, musician
- Vega, Martin, murderer
- Velázquez, Diego, painter
- Vélez, Lupe aka The Mexican Spitfire, actress
- Venables, Jon, juvenile child killer
- Vendôme, Françoise, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Ventura, Lino, actor
- Verdi, Giuseppe, composer
- Verfaille, Emile, murderer
- Vergès, Jacques, lawyer, writer and political activist
- Verhoeven-Bourlard, Lucienne, victim of Michel Bellen aka The Strangler of the Left Bank
- Verlaine, Paul, poet
- Verne, Jules, writer
- Versace, Gianni, fashion designer
- Verschaeve, Cyriel, spiritual leader of Flemish nationalism
- Vertov, Dziga, film director
- Verwoerd, Hendrik aka The Architect of Apartheid, Prime Minister of South Africa
- Vesalius, Andreas, anatomist and physician
- Vestdijk, Simon, writer
- Vetsera, Mary, baroness and mistress of Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria
- Vian, Boris aka Vernon Sullivan aka Bison Ravi aka Baron Visi aka Brisavion, writer, poet, musician, actor and engineer
- Vicious, Sid, musician
- Vickers, Billy, murderer
- Vickers, Robert aka Bonzai Bob, double murderer
- Victor, Paule, victim of Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune
- Victoria, Queen
- Vidal, Céline, victim of Philippe Pacque aka L'Épervier d'Amiens
- Vidal, Gore, writer
- Vidocq, Eugène François, criminal and criminalist
- Vidor, King, film director
- Viett, Inge, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Vigil, Lorraine, victim of Harvey Glatman aka The Pin-Up Killer
- Vigo, Jean, film director
- Villa, Pancho, revolutionary general
- Villafuerte, Jose, murderer
- Villalobo, Ramon, murderer
- Villegas, Hugo, art vandal
- Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, Auguste aka Le Comte, symbolist writer
- Vincent, Gene, musician
- Vincent, Mary, victim of Lawrence Singleton
- Vincow, Jennie, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Vinterberg, Thomas, film director
- Vinton, Bobby aka The Polish Prince of Poch, musician
- Visconti, Luchino, Count of Lonate Pozzolo and film director
- Vitale, Leonardo, Mafia pentito
- Vitkovic, Frank, mass murderer
- Vitti, Monica, actress
- Vivaldi, Antonio, composer
- Viville, Joris, victim of Francis Heaulme aka The Emmaus Murderer
- Vogel, Alfred, phytotherapist and nutritionist
- Voight, Jon, actor
- Voigt, Johanna, victim of Paul Ogorzow aka Der Schnell-Bahn Mörder
- Voisin, Louis, murderer
- Volckmann, Alfred, child killer
- Volkenrath, Elisabeth, Oberaufseherin im KZ Auschwitz
- Volkmann, Martina, victim of Thomas Rath aka Der Moormörder
- Volkov, Vladislav, cosmonaut
- Vollmer, August aka Gus, criminologist
- Vollmer, Joan, Beat Generation prominent
- Volobuyeva, Lyubov, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Volta, Alessandro, physicist, chemist and pioneer of electricity and power
- Voltaire, writer
- Volz, Günther, child killer
- vom Rath, Ernst, German ambassador in Paris
- von Bismarck, Otto, 1st Reichskanzler of Germany
- von Braun, Wernher, rocket engineer and space architect
- von Braunmühl, Gerold, German Diplomat
- von Däniken, Erich, writer and paleo-contact pioneer
- von Drenkmann, Günter, judge and President of Germany’s Superior Court of Justice
- von Dyck, Elisabeth, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion and Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv
- von Freytag-Loringhoven, Elsa aka The Dadaist Baroness, radical artist and poet
- von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, poet, writer and botanist
- von Haller, Albrecht aka The Father of Modern Physiology, anatomist, physiologist, naturalist and poet
- von Hindenburg, Paul, Generalfeldmarschall and politician
- von Hofmannsthal, Hugo, poet and writer
- von Karajan, Herbert, conductor
- von Ketteler, Clemens, German Diplomat
- von Kleist, Heinrich, poet and writer
- von Kleve, Anna, fourth wife of Henry VIII
- von Krafft-Ebing, Richard, psychiatrist
- von Münchhausen, Hieronymus, Baron
- von Rauch, Georg, member of Zentralrat der Umherschweifenden Haschrebellen and Bewegung 2. Juni
- von Ribbentrop, Joachim, Nazi Reichsminister des Auswärtigen
- von Richthofen, Manfred aka The Red Baron, fighter pilot and flying ace
- von Rundstedt, Gerd, war leader
- von Sacher-Masoch, Leopold, writer
- von Schirach, Baldur, Nazi leader and Reichsjugendführer
- von Schwarzburg, Günther, anti-king
- von Spreti, Karl, West German Ambassador to Guatemala
- von Stauffenberg, Claus, would-be assassin of Adolf Hitler
- von Sternberg, Josef, film director
- von Stroheim, Erich aka The Man You Love to Hate, film director
- von Sydow, Max, actor
- Von Trier, Lars, film director
- von Zeppelin, Ferdinand, aircraft designer and manufacturer
- Vonnegut, Kurt, writer
- Voorthuyzen, Louwrens aka Lou De Palingboer, cult leader
- Voronko, Aleksey, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Voronoff, Serge, surgeon and grafting pioneer
- Voskerichian, Virginia, victim of David Berkowitz aka Son of Sam
- Vostell, Wolf, Fluxus artist
- Voynikov, Dobri aka the Father of Modern Bulgarian theatre, teacher, playwright and journalist
- Vuong, Hai Hai, double murderer
- Wa-Tee-Cha, Ernest, murderer
- Waddingham, Dorothea aka The Murderous Nurse, double murderess
- Wade, Lawrence, murderer
- Wadley, Enoch, murderer
- Wagner, Lauren, victim of Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono aka The Hillside Stranglers
- Wagner, Louis aka The Smuttynose Axe Murderer, double murderer
- Wagner, Richard, composer
- Wagner, Suzanne, kidnap victim
- Wagner, Winifred, organiser of the Bayreuther Festspiele
- Wainwright, Henry, murderer
- Wainwright, John, composer
- Waite, Arthur aka The Playboy Poisoner, dentist and murderer
- Wajda, Andrzej, film and theatre director
- Walde, Karin, victim of Heinrich Pommerenke aka The Beast of the Black Forest
- Walden, Terry, victim of Christopher Wilder aka The Beauty Queen Killer
- Waldheim, Kurt, 9th President of Austria
- Waldrop, Billy, murderer
- Waldrop, Donald, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Waldrop, Jerry, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Walker, Charles, double murderer
- Walker, Peter, victim of Colin Ireland aka The Gay Slayer
- Walker, Tony, double murderer
- Wall, Joseph, colonial administrator
- Wallace, Dwain, psychotic
- Wallace, Edgar, writer
- Wallace, George aka the most influential loser in 20th-century U.S. politics, governor of Alabama
- Wallace, Henry Louis aka The Taco Bell Strangler, serial killer
- Wallace, Jimmy, victim of Charlie Chop-off
- Wallace, Mark, victim of Robert Berdella aka The Kansas City Butcher
- Wallace, Rose, victim of the Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run
- Wallace, William, murderer
- Wallert, Theodore, mass murderer
- Wallin, Teresa, victim of Richard Chase aka The Vampire of Sacramento
- Walls, Margo, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- Walters, Annie aka the Finchley Baby Farmers (with Amelia Sach), baby farm murderess
- Walters, Husted, cop killer
- Walters, Larry aka Lawnchair Larry aka The Lawn Chair Pilot, truck driver
- Walterspacher, Rita, victim of Heinrich Pommerenke aka The Beast of the Black Forest
- Wambaugh, Joseph, writer
- Wanderer, Carl, double murderer
- Wanders, Klara, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Wankel, Felix, inventor and mechanical engineer
- Ward, Chester, victim of Charles Starkweather aka Little Red
- Ward, David, murderer
- Ward, Troy, victim of Arthur Gary Bishop aka The Mormon Murderer
- Ward, William, murderer
- Warhol, Andy aka The Pope of Pop, pop artist
- Warnecke, Elsbet, victim of Thomas Rath aka Der Moormörder
- Warner, Anthony, suicide bomber
- Warnke, Robert, victim of Carl Panzram aka A Journal of Murder
- Warwick, Dionne, singer
- Washington, George, Founding Father and 1st President of the United States
- Washington, Terry, murderer
- Washington, Yolanda, victim of Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono aka The Hillside Stranglers
- Washkansky, Louis,
- Waters, John aka The Pope of Trash, film director
- Waters, Roger, singer-songwriter and musician
- Watson, Charles,
- Watson, Benjamin Charles, son of Manson Family member Tex Watson
- Watson, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Manson Family member Tex Watson
- Watson, Ruben, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Watson, Teresa aka Nicole, victim of Robert Hansen aka The Aviation Hunter
- Watson, Tex, leading member of the 'Manson Family'
- Watt, Marion, victim of Peter Manuel aka The Monster in Human Shape aka The Beast of Birkenshaw
- Watts, Edward, murderer
- Waugh, Evelyn, writer
- Way, Jean,
- Wayne, John, actor
- Wayne, Richard, victim of Larry Eyler aka The Leather Boy Killer
- Wałęsa, Lech, union leader
- Weaver, Dennis, actor
- Weaver, Melvin, spree killer
- Weaver, Sigourney aka The Sci-Fi Queen, actress
- Webb, Freddie, murderer
- Webb, Matthew, swimmer
- Weber, Germaine, victim of Jeanne Weber aka l’Ogresse de la Goutte d’Or
- Weber, James, victim of Heriberto Seda aka The New York Zodiac Killer
- Weber, Jeanne aka l’Ogresse de la Goutte d’Or, serial killer
- Webern, Anton, composer
- Webster, John White, professor of chemistry and geology and murderer
- Webster, Kate aka The Barnes Mystery Murderess, murderess
- Weckler, Kristina, victim of Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono aka The Hillside Stranglers
- Wedekind, Frank, playwright
- Weidmann, Eugen aka The Handsome Devil, kidnapper and multiple murderer
- Weil, Simone, philosopher, mystic and political activist
- Weill, Kurt, composer
- Weinberger, Jeremiah, victim of Jeffrey Dahmer aka The Milwaukee Cannibal
- Weir, Peter, film director
- Weisbecker, Thomas, member of Bewegung 2. Juni
- Weisenfeld, Pamela, victim of Richard Cottingham aka The Torso Killer
- Weissmuller, Johnny, competition swimmer and actor
- Weiter, Eduard, KZ-Kommandant in Dachau
- Welch, Raquel, actress
- Welles, Orson, actor and film director
- Wells, Brian Douglas aka The Human Pizza Delivery Bomb, pizza delivery man
- Wells, Herbert George aka H. G. Wells, science fiction writer
- Wells, Steven, victim of William Bonin aka The Freeway Killer
- Wenders, Wim, film director
- Wenliang, Li, ophthalmologist
- Wenzinger, Gerd aka The Havel Ripper, doctor and serial killer
- Wenzl, Nora, victim of Manfred Wittmann aka The Beast of Oberfranken
- Werfel, Franz, poet and writer
- Wernicke, Andrea, victim of Egidius Schiffer aka Der Würger von Aachen
- Wertham, Fredric, psychiatrist
- Wertmüller, Lina, film director
- Wessel, Horst, Sturmführer of the SA
- Wessel, Joseph, child killer
- Wessel, Ulrich, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Wesselmann, Tom, pop artist
- West, Adam, actor
- West, Fred aka The House of Horrors Murderer, serial killer
- West, Mae, actress, singer and sex symbol
- West, Robert, murderer
- West, Rosemary, serial killer
- West, Theodore, murderer
- Westley, Anthony, murderer
- Westwood, Vivienne, fashion designer
- Whale, James, film director
- Wheat, John, triple murderer
- Wheatfill, Edward, murderer
- Wheeler, Anthony, actor
- Wheeler, Thomas, murderer
- Whelan, Patrick, assassin
- Whitaker, Josephine, victim of Peter Sutcliffe aka The Yorkshire Ripper
- White, Alexander, murderer
- White, Barry aka The Walrus of Love, singer-songwriter
- White, Billy, murderer
- White, Clifton, murderer
- White, Dan, San Francisco supervisor and assassin
- White, Garcia Glen, multiple murderer
- White, George, presumed murderer
- White, Lanett, victim of Wayne Ford aka The Breast Severer
- White, Larry, double murderer
- White, Lawrence, victim of Herbert Mullin aka The Hippie Killer
- White, Melvin, child killer
- White, Robert aka Excell the Executioner, multiple murderer
- White, Thelma, actress
- Whitehead, James, murderer
- Whitehouse, Mary, moralist campaigner
- Whiteway, Alfred, double murderer
- Whitfield, Jerome, black
- Whitfield, John, cop killer
- Whitman, Charles aka The Man on the Tower, mass murderer
- Whitman, Walt aka The Father of Free Verse, poet and writer
- Whitney, Jan, victim of Jerry Brudos aka The Lust Killer
- Whittaker, Roger, singer-songwriter
- Whittle, Lesley, victim of Donald Neilson aka The Black Panther
- Whitty, Dennis, murderer
- Wick, Artiss, victim of Bobby Joe Long aka The Adman Rapist
- Wicker, Chester, murderer
- Wickline, William aka The Butcher, double murderer
- Wiese, Elisabeth aka Die Engelmacherin von St. Pauli, child killer
- Wiesenthal, Simon, Nazi hunter
- Wiggins, Mary aka Lucky, stunt actress
- Wijkstra, IJje, cop killer
- Wil, Sybilla, victim of Peter Kürten aka The Vampire of Düsseldorf
- Wilcox, Nancy, victim of Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness
- Wilde, Oscar, poet and writer
- Wilder, Billy, filmmaker
- Wilder, Christopher aka The Beauty Queen Killer, serial killer
- Wilder, Diane, victim of Kenneth Bianchi aka The Hillside Strangler
- Wilder, Gene, actor
- Wilkening, Pamela, victim of Richard Speck aka Born To Raise Hell
- Wilkens, James, double murderer
- Wilkerson, Ponchai, murderer
- Wilkerson, Richard aka The Grand Prix Killer, mass murderer
- Wilkins, Robert, murderer
- William the Conqueror aka William the Bastard, first Norman King of England
- Williams, Ada, baby farmer and murderess
- Williams, Alonzo, murderer
- Williams, Andy aka The Moon River Singer, singer
- Williams, Anthony, murderer
- Williams, Chanel, victim of Bobby Joe Long aka The Adman Rapist
- Williams, Christopher, victim of Randy Kraft aka The Scorecard Killer
- Williams, Dorothy, victim of Gerald Stano aka Blind Fury
- Williams, Griffith, murderer
- Williams, Hank aka Luke the Drifter aka The Hillbilly Shakespeare aka The Singing Kid, singer-songwriter
- Williams, Jeffery, murderer
- Williams, John aka The Ratcliffe Highway Murderer, highwayman
- Williams, Keith, triple murderer
- Williams, Lewis, murderer
- Williams, Marcel, murderer
- Williams, Marcellus, murderer
- Williams, Mary Catherine, victim of Joel Rifkin aka The Long Island Ripper
- Williams, Minnie, victim of Henry Howard Holmes aka The Torture Doctor
- Williams, Minnie Flora, victim of Theodore Durrant aka The Demon in the Belfry
- Williams, Richard, murderer
- Williams, Tammy, victim of Michael Ross aka The Roadside Strangler
- Williams, Tennessee, writer and playwright
- Williams, Tina, victim of Henry Lee Lucas aka The Hand of Death
- Williams, Walter, double murderer
- Williams, Wayne aka The Atlanta Child Murderer, serial killer
- Williams, Wendy O. aka The Queen of Shock Rock, musician
- Williams, William, double murderer
- Williams, Willie, mass murderer
- Williams, Willie Ray, murderer
- Willie, Robert Lee aka Dead Man Walking, multiple murderer
- Willingham, Cameron, presumed triple murderer
- Willis, Rhoda aka Leslie James, baby farmer and murderess
- Willos, James, murderer
- Willson, Brian, Vietnam veteran and peace activist
- Wilmot, Beth, victim of Randall Woodfield aka the I-5 Killer
- Wilson, Angus, writer
- Wilson, Boyd, double murderer
- Wilson, Brian, musician
- Wilson, Colin, Angry Young Writer
- Wilson, Dennis, musician
- Wilson, Jackie, child killer
- Wilson, Mallie, black
- Wilson, Robert Anton, writer, essayist, editor, playwright, poet, futurist and self-described agnostic mystic
- Wilson, Walter aka Walter Higgins, murderer
- Wilson, Woodrow, 28th President of the United States
- Wilt, Dawnette, victim of Christopher Wilder aka The Beauty Queen Killer
- Wilton, William, murderer
- Wimis, Oscar, murderer
- Winch, Robert, victim of John Wayne Gacy aka The Killer Clown
- Winchester, Oliver, weapon designer
- Winfrey, Oprah, talk show host
- Wingo, Jimmy, double murderer
- Wingrove, Richard, murderer
- Winkle, Gregory, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Winne, George, anti-war protester
- Winningham, Julie, victim of Keith Jesperson aka The Happy Face Killer
- Winter, Johnny, musician
- Wirths, Eduard, SS-Standortarzt at Auschwitz KZ
- Wise, Hastings Arthur, mass murderer
- Wiśniewska, Zofia, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Wisniewski, Stefan, member of the Rote Armee Fraktion
- Withers, Beata, victim of Earle Leonard Nelson aka The Gorilla Murderer
- Witte, Otto, circus acrobat and fantasist
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig, philosopher
- Wittig, Fritz, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Wittmann, Manfred aka The Beast of Oberfranken, serial killer
- Witzel, Robert, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Wobber, Harold, World War I veteran
- Wodehouse, Pelham Grenville aka Plum, writer
- Woen, Yen May aka Joelle Yen, drug trafficker
- Woessner, Liane, victim of Bernd Bopp aka Der Hammermörder
- Wolf, Elizabeth, victim of Henry Lee Lucas aka The Hand of Death
- Wolf, Hermann, victim of Fritz Haarmann aka Der Hannover Werwolf
- Wolfe, Bryan, murderer
- Wölfli, Adolf, outsider artist
- Wolfsteiner, Sandra, victim of Clifford Olson aka The Vancouver Butcher
- Wolkers, Jan, writer and artist
- Wolpert, Michael aka Der Neu-Isenburger Frauenmörder, serial killer
- Wonder, Stevie, singer-songwriter and musician
- Wong, Kar-wai, film director
- Woo, Seung-yeon, model and actress
- Wood, Ed aka The Worst Director of All Time, cult film director
- Wood, Frederick, triple murderer
- Wood, Joseph, double murderer
- Wood, Natalie aka Natasha Gurdin, actress
- Wood, Sharon, victim of Jerry Brudos aka The Lust Killer
- Wood, Steven, victim of William Bonin aka The Freeway Killer
- Wood, Waymon,
- Woodfield, Randall aka The I-5 Killer, serial killer
- Woodman, Francesca, photographer
- Woodruff, Deborah,
- Woods, Billy Joe, murderer
- Woods, David, murderer
- Woods, John, executioner
- Woods, Nathaniel, alleged cop killer
- Woodward, Joanne, actress and philanthropist
- Woolf, Virginia, writer
- Woolls, Randy, murderer
- Woortmeijer, Betje, victim of Hans van Zon
- Woratzeck, William, murderer
- Worden, Bernice, victim of Ed Gein aka America’s Most Bizarre Murderer
- Wordsworth, William, romantic poet
- Workman, Philip, cop killer
- Wortman, Gabriel, spree killer
- Wright, Douglas, multiple murderer
- Wright, Frank Lloyd, architect
- Wright, Orville, aviation pioneer
- Wright, Wilbur, aviation pioneer
- Wrigley, William, chewing gum industrialist
- Wuornos, Aileen aka The Florida Highway Killer, serial killer
- Wyatt, Robert, musician
- Wyatt, William, child killer
- Wynette, Tammy aka The First Lady of Country Music, singer-songwriter
- Wyszyński, Stefan aka The Primate of the Millennium, Cardinal Archbishop of Gniezno and Warsaw
- X, Michael aka Abdul Malik, revolutionary black activist
- Xenakis, Iannis, composer
- Xinhai, Yang aka The Monster Killer, serial killer
- Xuan, Zhou aka Beautiful Jade aka Golden Voice, actress and singer
- Yablonski, Joseph aka Jock, labor leader of the United Mine Workers
- Yakanac, Moses, victim of Vaughn Greenwood aka The Skid Row Slasher
- Yamamoto, Mineteru, double murderer
- Yamasaki, Yoshio, double murderer
- Yanes, Ali Ben aka l’Égorgeur de Gattières, child killer
- Yates, Danny, victim of Dean Corll aka The Candyman
- Yeats, William Butler aka W. B. Yeats, poet
- Yeltsin, Boris, first President of the Russian Federation
- Yick, Hong, Suey Sing Tong hatchet man
- Yılmaz, Cevdet, mass murderer
- Yinping, Li, Falun Gong practicer
- Yogi, Maharishi Mahesh, spiritual leader
- Yorick aka Albert VI, monkey astronaut
- York, George, spree killer
- Yoshimura, Wendy, member of the Symbionese Liberation Army
- Yoshizawa, Masami, victim of Tsutomu Miyazaki aka The Little Girl Murderer
- Young, Alse,
- Young, Brigham, 2nd President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- Young, Graham aka The St. Albans Poisoner, serial poisoner
- Young, Herbert, murderer
- Young, La Monte, minimal composer
- Young, Neil aka The Godfather of Grunge, singer-songwriter and musician
- Yusupov, Felix aka Count Sumarokov-Elston, Russian aristocrat
- Zadkine, Ossip, sculptor
- Zagler, Silvia, victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet
- Zajíc, Jan, revolutionary student
- Zakotnova, Yelena, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Zamboni, Anteo, Propaganda of the Deed anarchist
- Zangara, Giuseppe, assassin
- Zapata, Emiliano, revolutionary leader and founder of Zapatismo
- Zappa, Frank, musician and composer
- Zapruder, Abraham, amateur filmmaker
- Zazzara, Vincent, victim of Richard Ramirez aka The Night Stalker
- Zedong, Mao aka Mao Tse-Tung aka Chairman Mao, Communist revolutionary and father of the People's Republic of China
- Zeiss, Carl, optician
- Zelle, Margaretha aka Mata Hari, exotic dancer, courtesan and spy
- Zettlemoyer, Keith, murderer
- Zimbardo, Philip, psychologist
- Zimmer, Emma, KZ-Aufseherin
- Zimmerman, Kevin, murderer
- Zimmermann, Ernst, manager
- Zimmermann, Paul, victim of Gesche Gottfried aka Der Engel von Bremen
- Zimmermann, Rudi, serial killer
- Zinneman, Fred, film director
- Zola, Émile, writer
- Zoppetti, Elisabetta, Victim of Donato Bilancia aka Il Mostro della Liguria
- Zubskova, Ljudmyla, Victim of Donato Bilancia aka Il Mostro della Liguria
- Zuyeva, Lyubov, victim of Andrei Chikatilo aka The Rostov Ripper
- Zweig, Stefan, writer
- Zygmunt, Jadwiga, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire
- Æthelred the Unready, King of the English
- Łebek, Genowefa, victim of Zdzisław Marchwicki aka The Zagłębie Vampire