40th year  -  N° 38                 Friday, 7 February 2025         Antwerpen		
I'm Beginning to See the Light

34 events for 8 November:

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    369 Years Ago Today

    Wednesday 8th of November 1656

    Astronomer, geophysicist, mathematician and meteorologist Edmond Halley known for Halley’s Comet is born in Haggerston, London, Hackney, Greater London, United Kingdom.

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    351 Years Ago Today He Found His Paradise

    Thursday 8th of November 1674

    Poet, polemicist, man of letters and civil servant John Milton known for Paradise Lost dies of kidney failure at the age of 66 in London, Greater London, United Kingdom.

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    178 Years Ago Today

    Monday 8th of November 1847

    Writer Bram Abraham Stoker known for his novel Dracula is born in 15 Marino Crescent, Dublin, Clontarf, Leinster, Ireland.

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    177 Years Ago Today

    Wednesday 8th of November 1848

    Philosopher, logician and mathematician Gottlob Friedrich Ludwig Frege aka The Father of Analytic Philosophy is born in Wismar, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.

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    141 Years Ago Today

    Saturday 8th of November 1884

    Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Hermann Rorschach known for the Rorschach inkblot test is born in Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland.

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    130 Years Ago Today He Wore His X-Ray Specs

    Friday 8th of November 1895

    50-year-old Physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovers the 'X-rays' in Röntgenring 8, Würzburg, Bayern, Germany.

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    117 Years Ago Today

    Sunday 8th of November 1908

    Playwright Victorien Sardou dies of pulmonary congestion at the age of 77 in Paris, Île-de-France, France.

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    116 Years Ago Today

    Monday 8th of November 1909

    Stunt actress Mary Wiggins aka Lucky known for doubling actress Ann Sothern is born in Tampa, Florida, United States.

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    110 Years Ago Today

    Monday 8th of November 1915

    272 die in SS Ancona passenger steamer shipwreck in The Mediterranean Sea, Italy.

    The Ancona was torpedoed and sunk without warning by the SM U-38 U-Boot, under the command of Kapitänleutnant Max Valentiner.

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    103 Years Ago Today

    Wednesday 8th of November 1922

    Cardiac surgeon Christian Neethling Barnard is born in Beaufort West, Cape Province, South Africa.

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    102 Years Ago Today

    Thursday 8th of November 1923

    34-year-old Führer and Reichskanzler of Germany Adolf Hitler along with Generalquartiermeister Erich Ludendorff and other Kampfbund leaders try to seize power in Bürgerbräukeller, München, Haidhausen, Bayern, Germany.

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    102 Years Ago Today

    Thursday 8th of November 1923

    30-year-old Reichsmarschall and Nazi leader Hermann Wilhelm Göring is shot in the hip by the Bayrische Landespolizei while parading with Adolf Hitler in Odeonsplatz, München, Bayern, Germany.

    Göring was smuggled to Innsbruck where he received surgery and was given morphine for the pain. He remained in hospital until 24 December. This was the beginning of his morphine addiction which lasted until his imprisonment at Nuremberg

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    90 Years Ago Today

    Friday 8th of November 1935

    Actor Alain Fabien Maurice Marcel Delon is born in Sceaux, Île-de-France, France.

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    86 Years Ago Today

    Wednesday 8th of November 1939

    50-year-old Führer and Reichskanzler of Germany Adolf Hitler escapes a deadly bomb-attack by Georg Elser in Bürgerbräukeller, München, Haidhausen, Bayern, Germany.

    The bomb exploded killing eight people and injuring 57, but Hitler had cut short his speech and had already left.

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    76 Years Ago Today

    Tuesday 8th of November 1949

    Spiritual leader of Flemish nationalism Cyriel Charles Marie Joseph Verschaeve dies of a heart attack at the age of 75 in Sollbad Hall, Tirol, Austria.

    Verschaeve was buried in Sollbad Hall, although in 1973 members of the Vlaamse Militanten Orde dug up his remains and reburied them in Flanders.

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    76 Years Ago Today

    Tuesday 8th of November 1949

    20-year-old Beryl Evans is gassed and strangled by serial killer John Christie aka The Strangler of 10 Rillington Place in 10 Rillington Place, London, Greater London, United Kingdom.

    Beryl and Timothy Evans' 1-year-old daughter Geraldine was also strangled. Timothy confessed to the murder and was executed by hanging on 9 March 1950. Before Christie's execution by hanging on 15 July 1953 he confessed to murdering Beryl Evans. An official inquiry concluded in 1966 that Christie had also murdered Geraldine, and Timothy Evans was granted a posthumous pardon.

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    71 Years Ago Today

    Monday 8th of November 1954

    28-year-old Murderess Denise Labbe ritually drowns her two-year-old daughter Catherine in a wash basin to prove her love to 24-year-old Jacques Algarron in Vendôme, Centre-Val de Loire, France.

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    66 Years Ago Today

    Sunday 8th of November 1959

    Murderer Anthony Charles Williams is born in Leon County, Texas, United States.

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    64 Years Ago Today

    Wednesday 8th of November 1961

    77 die in Imperial Airlines Flight 201/8 Lockheed Constellation L-049 crash in Richmond, Virginia, United States.

    The captain and flight engineer survived the crash.

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    62 Years Ago Today

    Friday 8th of November 1963

    22-year-old Gwynneth Rees aka Tina Smart Dawson is found naked and choked to death by unidentified serial killer Jack the Stripper in Townmead Road, Richmond upon Thames, Mortlake, Surrey, United Kingdom.

    Rees had been decapitated by a shovel workmen had been using to level the refuse.

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    56 Years Ago Today He Got Awfully Lonely

    Saturday 8th of November 1969

    Unidentified serial killer the Zodiac Killer sends a new cipher and greeting-card to the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper in San Francisco, California, United States.

    This is the Zodiac speaking I though you would need a good laugh before you hear - the bad news you won't get the news for a while yet - PS could you print this new cipher on your frunt page? I get awfully lonely - when I am ignored, so lonely I could do my Thing!!!!!! - Des July Aug Sept Oct = 7

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    55 Years Ago Today

    Sunday 8th of November 1970

    45-year-old Wiener Aktionist Otto Muehl performs 'Manopsychotisches Ballett 1' in Kunsthalle, Cäcilienstraße, Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany.

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    55 Years Ago Today

    Sunday 8th of November 1970

    32-year-old Wiener Aktionist Hermann Nitsch performs his 36. Aktion in Kunstverein Köln, Josef Haubrich-Hof 1, Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany.

    Nitsch36. Aktion lasted two hours.

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    52 Years Ago Today It Was Paul's First Ear

    Thursday 8th of November 1973

    An envelope containing a lock of hair, a human ear, and a threat from the kidnappers of 17-year-old Playboy John Paul Getty arrives at the daily newspaper Il Messagero in Rome, Lazio, Italy.

    The letter read "This is Paul's first ear. If within ten days the family still believes that this is a joke mounted by him, then the other ear will arrive. In other words, he will arrive in little bits." Getty's health began to decline rapidly as his wound became infected, combined with pneumonia caused by the cold winter temperatures which were descending. His captors were alarmed at this sudden decline and gave him large doses of penicillin to treat the infection which caused him to develop an allergy to the antibiotic and further affected his health.

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    51 Years Ago Today

    Friday 8th of November 1974

    18-year-old Carol DaRonch is attacked with a crowbar by serial killer Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness in Fashion Place Mall, 6191 S State Street, Murray, Utah, United States.

    DaRonch managed to escape and survived.

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    51 Years Ago Today

    Friday 8th of November 1974

    17-year-old Debra Jean Kent is abducted and killed by serial killer Ted Bundy aka The Only Living Witness in Viewmont High School, 120 W 1000 N, Bountiful, Utah, United States.

    Kent's body was never found.

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    41 Years Ago Today

    Thursday 8th of November 1984

    84-year-old Marise Choy is tortured and killed by serial killer Thierry Paulin aka Le Tueur de la Pleine Lune in 77 rue Pajol, Paris, XVIIIe, Île-de-France, France.

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    39 Years Ago Today

    Saturday 8th of November 1986

    Politician and diplomat Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov dies of natural causes at the age of 96 in Moscow, Central Federal District, Russia.

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    37 Years Ago Today He Was a Sacrificial Lamb

    Tuesday 8th of November 1988

    Serial killer Jeffrey Joseph Dougherty is executed by Old Sparky at the age of 33 in Florida State Prison, 23916 NW 83rd Ave., Raiford, Florida, United States.

    Dougherty's last words were: "I hope with all my heart I will be the last sacrificial lamb of a system that is not just, and all these people know it is not just. The executions serve no purpose."

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    37 Years Ago Today

    Tuesday 8th of November 1988

    35-year-old Serial killer Bobby Joe Long aka The Adman Rapist is sentenced to death for the Virginia Johnson murder in Fort Myers, Florida, United States.

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    31 Years Ago Today

    Tuesday 8th of November 1994

    22-year-old Elsa Bénady is raped, tortured and stabbed to death by serial killer Guy Georges aka Le Tueur de la Bastille in Paris, XIIIe, Île-de-France, France.

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    27 Years Ago Today The Beauty and the Beast Became One

    Sunday 8th of November 1998

    Actor Jean Marais dies of cardiovascular disease at the age of 85 in Cannes, Alpes-Maritimes, France.

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    25 Years Ago Today

    Wednesday 8th of November 2000

    Murderer Donald Jay Miller is executed by lethal injection at the age of 37 in Arizona State Prison Complex, 1305 E Butte Avenue, Florence, Arizona, United States.

    Miller's last meal request was for two guacamole tostadas, two tacos, one strawberry malt, one Dr. Pepper, one lemon meringue pie, five whole jalapenos, one lemon, one lime, one quart of strawberry ice cream.

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    19 Years Ago Today

    Wednesday 8th of November 2006

    Murderer Willie Marcel Shannon is executed by lethal injection at the age of 33 in Huntsville Prison, 815 12th Street, Huntsville, Texas, United States.

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