39th year  -  N° 283                 Wednesday, 9 October 2024         Antwerpen		
I Wish I Could Die
BirthFactDeath (-)
Tuesday 30th of April 2002

22 years ago He Became the First Man to be Wheeled in

Multiple murderer Rodolfo Baiza Hernandez is executed by lethal injection at the age of 52 in Huntsville Prison, 815 12th Street, Huntsville, Texas, United States.

Hernandez' last meal request was for two double meat cheeseburgers all the way, french fries, three beef skirt tacos, guacamole salad, salt and two fried chicken breasts. Hernandez became the first amputee to die by lethal injection in Huntsville. Hernandez lost his left leg to complications from diabetes and had at one time hoped to be fitted with a prosthetic leg. Medical complications put an end to that possibility and Hernandez was wheeled into the room, denying him a request to be fitted with a prosthetic device so he could walk to his death "like a man".