40th year  -  N° 47                 Sunday, 16 February 2025         Antwerpen		
Die Kleinen und die Bösen

Wien, Wien, Austria.

Related events:

  1. Friday 28th of July 1741 (-) Composer Antonio Vivaldi dies of an internal infection

  2. Friday 21st of January 1774 (-) Composer Florian Gassmann dies of long-term consequences of a carriage accident

  3. Wednesday 31st of May 1809 (-) Composer Franz Joseph Haydn dies of natural causes
    Haydn's last words were "My children, have no fear, for where Haydn is, no harm can fall".

  4. Monday 26th of March 1827 (-) Composer Ludwig van Beethoven dies of lead poisoning
    There is dispute about the cause of Beethoven's death: alcoholic cirrhosis, syphilis, infectious hepatitis, lead poisoning, sarcoidosis and Whipple's disease have all been proposed. Most probably Beethoven was accidentally poisoned to death by excessive doses of lead-based treatments administered under instruction from his doctor.

  5. Wednesday 19th of November 1828 (-) Composer Franz Schubert dies of typhoid fever
    Schubert was also suffering from a tertiary stage of syphilis.

  6. Wednesday 28th of March 1849 (-) Botanist, numismatist and Sinologist Stephan Endlicher dies of unknown causes

  7. Sunday 19th of March 1871 (+) Baroness and mistress of Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria Mary Vetsera is born

  8. Monday 28th of November 1881 (+) Writer Stefan Zweig is born

  9. Monday 3rd of December 1883 (+) Composer Anton Webern is born

  10. Friday 3rd of October 1884 (-) Artist Hans Makart dies of general paralysis of the insane due to syphilis

  11. Tuesday 22nd of September 1885 (+) Film director Erich von Stroheim is born

  12. Monday 9th of February 1885 (+) Composer Alban Berg is born

  13. Friday 5th of December 1890 (+) Film director Fritz Lang is born

  14. Tuesday 29th of May 1894 (+) Film director Josef von Sternberg is born

  15. Sunday 11th of October 1896 (-) Composer Anton Bruckner dies of unknown causes

  16. Saturday 3rd of April 1897 (-) Romantic composer Johannes Brahms dies of liver cancer

  17. Monday 28th of July 1902 (+) Philosopher Karl Popper is born

  18. Friday 28th of August 1903 (+) Psychologist and writer Bruno Bettelheim is born

  19. Wednesday 6th of February 1918 (-) Symbolist painter Gustav Klimt dies of a stroke and pneumonia due to the influenza epidemic of that year

  20. Wednesday 29th of March 1922 (+) Victim of John Christie aka The Strangler of 10 Rillington Place Ruth Fuerst is born

  21. Friday 7th of September 1923 (x) Foundation of the INTERnational POLice organization INTERPOL at the International Criminal Police Congress

  22. Friday 28th of March 1924 (+) Writer Gerhard Fritsch is born

  23. Friday 20th of September 1929 (+) Experimental filmmaker Kurt Kren is born

  24. Monday 15th of July 1929 (-) Poet and writer Hugo von Hofmannsthal dies of a stroke
    Hofmannsthal died shortly after attending the funeral of his son Franz who committed suicide two days before.

  25. Monday 8th of December 1930 (+) Actor Maximilian Schell is born

  26. Saturday 10th of October 1931 (x) Mass murderer Szilveszter Matuska is arrested

  27. Tuesday 20th of November 1934 (x) Mass murderer Szilveszter Matuska is sentenced to death

  28. Tuesday 24th of December 1935 (-) Composer Alban Berg dies from blood poisoning apparently caused by an insect-sting-induced carbuncle on his back

  29. Monday 29th of August 1938 (+) Wiener Aktionist Hermann Nitsch is born

  30. Friday 23rd of September 1938 (+) Actress Romy Schneider is born

  31. Wednesday 13th of November 1940 (+) Wiener Aktionist Rudolf Schwarzkogler is born

  32. Saturday 16th of January 1943 (+) Photographer and Wiener Aktionist model Heinz Cibulka is born

  33. Saturday 15th of September 1945 (-) Composer Anton Webern is shot and killed by an American Army soldier
    The incident occurred when three-quarters of an hour before a curfew was to have gone into effect Webern stepped outside the house so as not to disturb his sleeping grandchildren in order to enjoy a few draws on a cigar given him that evening by his son-in-law.

  34. Tuesday 22nd of February 1949 (+) Formula One racer Niki Lauda is born

  35. Wednesday 19th of December 1962 (x) Wiener Aktionist Hermann Nitsch performs his 1. Aktion in the house of Otto Muehl
    "Kreuzigung und beschüttung eines menschlichen körpers."

  36. Thursday 21st of November 1963 (x) Wiener Aktionist Hermann Nitsch performs his 4. Aktion in his studio

  37. Friday 28th of June 1963 (x) Wiener Aktionist Hermann Nitsch performs his 3. Aktion - 'Fest des Psychophysischen Naturalismus' in the studio of Otto Muehl

  38. Saturday 12th of June 1965 (x) Wiener Aktionist Hermann Nitsch performs his 9. Aktion in his studio and in the fields of Stammersdorf and Schottergrube

  39. Sunday 10th of October 1965 (x) Wiener Aktionist Hermann Nitsch performs his 13. Aktion in the house of Heinz Cibulka

  40. Friday 22nd of January 1965 (x) Wiener Aktionist Hermann Nitsch performs his 8. Aktion 'Penisbespülung' in his house

  41. Saturday 16th of January 1965 (x) Wiener Aktionist Hermann Nitsch performs his 7. Aktion 'für dr. Wolfgang Tunner' in his house and studio

  42. Saturday 6th of February 1965 (x) Wiener Aktionist Rudolf Schwarzkogler performs his first Aktion 'Hochzeit'
    'Hochzeit' took place in the apartment of his fellow student Heinz Cibulka, who played an active role, Günter Brus' wife Anni acted as bride, Schwarzkogler himself was the main actor. In addition to his closest circle of friends, including Otto Muehl, Hermann Nitsch and Günter Brus, three photographers were present to document the course of the action.

  43. Thursday 24th of June 1965 (x) Wiener Aktionist Hermann Nitsch performs his 10. Aktion in his studio

  44. Thursday 1st of July 1965 (x) Wiener Aktionist Hermann Nitsch performs his 11. Aktion in his studio

  45. Monday 6th of September 1965 (x) Wiener Aktionist Hermann Nitsch performs his 12. Aktion in the house of Heinz Cibulka

  46. Wednesday 29th of September 1965 (x) Wiener Aktionist Hermann Nitsch performs his 14. Aktion in the house of Heinz Cibulka

  47. Wednesday 15th of December 1965 (x) Wiener Aktionist Hermann Nitsch performs his 16. Aktion in his studio

  48. Monday 29th of August 1966 (x) Wiener Aktionist Hermann Nitsch performs his 20. Aktion in his studio
    Nitsch20. Aktion lasted two hours.

  49. Sunday 29th of May 1966 (x) Wiener Aktionist Hermann Nitsch performs his 18. Aktion in his house
    Nitsch' 18. Aktion lasted five hours.

  50. Tuesday 10th of May 1966 (x) Wiener Aktionist Hermann Nitsch performs his 17. Aktion in his studio
    Nitsch' 17. Aktion lasted three hours.

  51. Wednesday 20th of September 1967 (x) Experimental filmmaker Kurt Kren shoots his film '16/67:20. September' aka "the legendary eating, drinking, pissing, shitting film" with Wiener Aktionist Günter Brus

  52. Thursday 11th of January 1968 (x) Wiener Aktionist Hermann Nitsch performs his 24. Aktion in the house of Günter Brus
    Nitsch24. Aktion lasted three hours.

  53. Saturday 22nd of March 1969 (-) Writer Gerhard Fritsch dies of autoerotic asphyxiation
    Fritsch was found hanging in women's clothes, which had been a common practice for him to do.

  54. Wednesday 9th of November 1977 (x) — 74-year-old textile industrial Walter Michael Palmers is kidnapped by die Rote Armee Fraktion
    Palmers was released after 100 hours and payment of 31 million Schilling ransom.

  55. Monday 7th of May 1979 (-) Aristocrat and patient of Sigmund Freud Sergei Pankejeff dies of unknown causes

  56. Tuesday 21st of October 1980 (-) Pediatrician Hans Asperger dies of natural causes
    Asperger's Syndrome was named after Asperger and officially recognized in the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in 1994.

  57. Friday 26th of April 1991 (-) SS-Sturmbannführer Walter Reder dies of undisclosed causes

  58. Sunday 28th of April 1991 (-) Victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet Regina Prem is strangled by Jack Unterweger aka Jack the Writer aka Der Häfenpoet aka The Pug Dumper
    Prem's body was found on 16 April 1992.

  59. Thursday 4th of July 1991 (x) Victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet Silvia Zagler is found strangled by Jack Unterweger aka Jack the Writer aka Der Häfenpoet aka The Pug Dumper
    Zagler was abducted and strangled on 8 April 1991.

  60. Monday 8th of April 1991 (-) Victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet Silvia Zagler is strangled by Jack Unterweger aka Jack the Writer aka Der Häfenpoet aka The Pug Dumper
    Zagler's body was found on 4 July 1991.

  61. Thursday 23rd of May 1991 (x) Victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet Karin Eroglu-Sladky is found strangled by Jack Unterweger aka Jack the Writer aka Der Häfenpoet aka The Pug Dumper
    Eroglu-Sladky was strangled on 7 May 1991.

  62. Tuesday 7th of May 1991 (-) Victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet Karin Eroglu-Sladky is strangled by Jack Unterweger aka Jack the Writer aka Der Häfenpoet aka The Pug Dumper
    Eroglu-Sladky was found on 23 May 1991.

  63. Monday 20th of May 1991 (x) Victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet Sabine Moitzi is found strangled by Jack Unterweger aka Jack the Writer aka Der Häfenpoet aka The Pug Dumper
    Moitzi was strangled on 16 April 1991.

  64. Tuesday 16th of April 1991 (-) Victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet Sabine Moitzi is strangled by Jack Unterweger aka Jack the Writer aka Der Häfenpoet aka The Pug Dumper
    Moitzi was found on 20 May 1991.

  65. Thursday 16th of April 1992 (x) Victim of Jack Unterweger aka Der Häfenpoet Regina Prem is found strangled by Jack Unterweger aka Jack the Writer aka Der Häfenpoet aka The Pug Dumper
    Prem was abducted and strangled on 28 April 1991.

  66. Sunday 5th of December 1993 (x) — Third bomb attack by Xenophobic serial bomber Franz Fuchs
    Former Viennese Major Helmut Zilk lost a large part of his left hand in the explosion. Two other bomb-letters were detected before they explode.

  67. Monday 6th of December 1993 (x) — Four bomb-letters by Xenophobic serial bomber Franz Fuchs arrive at various locations
    Three of Fuchs' letters were detected before they explode on opening the fourth, one women got injured.

  68. Tuesday 23rd of June 1998 (-) Experimental filmmaker Kurt Kren dies of pneumonia

  69. Wednesday 15th of September 1999 (-) Member of the Rote Armee Fraktion Horst Meyer is shot dead by the police during his arrest
    Meyer's girlfriend Andrea Klump was arrested. Meyer was the last RAF member to die violently during the organisation's lifetime.

  70. Tuesday 20th of September 2005 (-) Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal dies of natural causes

  71. Monday 12th of June 2006 (-) Composer György Ligeti dies of unknown causes

  72. Thursday 14th of June 2007 (-) 9th President of Austria Kurt Waldheim dies of a heart attack

  73. Monday 20th of May 2019 (-) Formula One racer Niki Lauda dies of a long illness

  74. Wednesday 6th of November 2024 (-) Artist Daniel Spoerri dies of natural causes