40th year  -  N° 66                 Friday, 7 March 2025         Antwerpen		
10 Minutes Before the Worm

München, Bayern, Germany.

Related events:

  1. Thursday 6th of July 1854 (-) Physicist and mathematician Georg Ohm dies of unknown causes

  2. Saturday 11th of June 1864 (+) Composer Richard Strauss is born

  3. Wednesday 10th of July 1895 (+) Composer Carl Orff is born

  4. Wednesday 20th of March 1895 (+) Psychiatrist Fredric Wertham is born

  5. Sunday 7th of October 1900 (+) Reichsführer of the Schutzstaffel (SS) Heinrich Himmler is born

  6. Friday 12th of February 1909 (+) Nazi doctor Sigmund Rascher is born

  7. Tuesday 6th of February 1912 (+) Wife of Adolf Hitler for one day Eva Braun is born

  8. Saturday 9th of March 1918 (-) Playwright Frank Wedekind dies of complications from appendectomy surgery

  9. Tuesday 16th of March 1920 (+) Adolf Hitler's last private secretary Traudl Junge is born

  10. Saturday 10th of February 1923 (-) Physicist Wilhelm Röntgen dies of carcinoma of the intestine
    It is not believed Röntgen's carcinoma was a result of his work with ionizing radiation because of the brief time he spent on those investigations and because he was one of the few pioneers in the field who used protective lead shields routinely.

  11. Wednesday 3rd of January 1923 (x) Reichsmarschall and Nazi leader Hermann Göring marries Carin Fock

  12. Saturday 18th of July 1925 (x) — The first part of 'Mein Kampf' by Führer and Reichskanzler of Germany Adolf Hitler is published by Eher Verlag
    Hitler's title original title for the book was Viereinhalb Jahre (des Kampfes) gegen Lüge, Dummheit und Feigheit.

  13. Friday 23rd of December 1932 (x) Wife of Joseph Goebbels Magda Ritschel suffers a miscarriage

  14. Tuesday 1st of November 1932 (x) Wife of Adolf Hitler for one day Eva Braun shoots herself in the neck in her parents’ house
    Braun's wound was only superficial, and she recovered in a couple of days.

  15. Tuesday 28th of May 1935 (x) Wife of Adolf Hitler for one day Eva Braun is found unconscious after swallowing 35 tablets of Vanodorm in a suicide attempt

  16. Friday 8th of May 1936 (-) Historian and philosopher Oswald Spengler dies of a heart attack

  17. Saturday 5th of September 1942 (+) Film director Werner Herzog is born

  18. Thursday 6th of May 1943 (+) Leader of the Baader-Meinhof-Gruppe aka Rote Armee Fraktion Andreas Baader is born

  19. Wednesday 25th of April 1945 (x) Reichsmarschall and Nazi leader Hermann Göring is arrested and sentenced to death by the SS for treason

  20. Tuesday 15th of October 1946 (+) Member of the Rote Armee Fraktion Bernard Rößner is born

  21. Saturday 24th of November 1956 (-) Victim of Peter Hößl aka Der Wochenendmörder Franz Stöbich is shot dead by Peter Hößl aka Der Wochenendmörder

  22. Saturday 18th of January 1958 (x) Serial killer Peter Hößl is sentenced to four years youth imprisonment for the murder of Franz Stöbich on 24 November 1956.
    Hößl was released on 13 February 1959.

  23. Saturday 23rd of May 1959 (-) Victim of Peter Hößl aka Der Wochenendmörder Johann Huber is shot dead by Peter Hößl aka Der Wochenendmörder
    Hößl was released from a youth prison on 13 February 1959 after serving two years for the murder of Franz Stöbich in 1956.

  24. Saturday 25th of June 1960 (-) Victim of Peter Hößl aka Der Wochenendmörder Gerhard Habel is shot dead by Peter Hößl aka Der Wochenendmörder

  25. Wednesday 20th of January 1960 (x) SS-Oberscharführer and guard at Mauthausen KZ Richard Bugdalle is convicted to 16 terms of life imprisonment

  26. Saturday 14th of January 1961 (x) Serial killer Peter Hößl is arrested and charged with two murders
    Hößl had been released from prison on 13 February 1959 after serving two years for another murder.

  27. Monday 9th of July 1962 (x) Serial killer Peter Hößl is sentenced to 15 years for three murders committed in 1956, 1959 and 1960

  28. Monday 8th of December 1969 (x) Wiener Aktionist Hermann Nitsch performs his 31. Aktion 'Maria Empfängnis' with Hanel Köck in Atelier Zimmer
    Nitsch and Köck's 31. Aktion 'Maria Empfängnis' lasted ten hours.

  29. Friday 8th of June 1973 (-) Second wife of Hermann Göring Emma Sonnemann dies of unknown causes

  30. Friday 15th of September 1978 (-) Aircraft designer and manufacturer Willy Messerschmitt dies of unknown causes

  31. Thursday 10th of June 1982 (-) Film director Rainer Werner Fassbinder dies of heart failure resulting from a lethal interaction between sleeping pills and cocaine

  32. Thursday 26th of August 1982 (-) Victim of Peter Hößl aka Der Wochenendmörder Peter Sigl is shot dead by Peter Hößl aka Der Wochenendmörder
    Hößl was released from a mental hospital on 21 December 1981 after spending almost 20 years behind bars for three murders committed in 1956, 1959 and 1960.

  33. Monday 29th of March 1982 (-) Composer Carl Orff dies of cancer

  34. Friday 9th of June 1995 (x) Xenophobic serial bomber Franz Fuchs sends a bomb to TV host Arabella Kiesbauer

  35. Sunday 10th of February 2002 (-) Adolf Hitler's last private secretary Traudl Junge dies of cancer