40th year  -  N° 42                 Tuesday, 11 February 2025         Antwerpen		
The Man with the Red Face

Liège, Liège, Belgium.

Related events:

  1. Sunday 2nd of March 1755 (+) Composer Antoine-Frédéric Gresnick is born

  2. Friday 5th of December 1930 (x)
    In the fatal cases an acute circulatory insufficiency set in, with rapid and poor pulse, face pale - more rarely cyanotic - and an extension of the cardiac dulness. Other symptoms were changes in the tone of the voice, increasing to hoarseness, nausea, occasional vomiting, and lachrymation.

  3. Saturday 11th of June 1955 (x) Serial killer Nestor Pirotte is sentenced to death by a military court for beating to death his aunt Celina Debonny

  4. Thursday 30th of September 2021 (-) Artist Jacques Lizène dies of unknown causes