The soldiers found 7.500 prisoners alive and over 600 corpses. Among items found by the Soviet soldiers were 370.000 men's suits, 837.000 women's garments, and 7.7 tonnes of human hair. (27 January 1945)
There are 3363 births, 3917 deaths, 1121 murders, 495 disasters and 2074 other events about 5717 people in 6421 places until today.
Birth(+)Fact(x)Death(-) Calendar is an ongoing project since 1985 by DDV.
Kinghorn Castle
Kinghorn, Scotland, United Kingdom.
Related events:
Tuesday 19th of March 1286 (-) — King of Scots Alexander III dies of a broken neck After a long council, albeit with plenty of alcohol Alexander was desperate to return to his queen. Although everyone advised him not to make the 8-mile journey at nightfall with a storm approaching he rode off into the night. The next morning he was found with a broken neck having been thrown off his horse.