40th year  -  N° 20                 Monday, 20 January 2025         Antwerpen		
Our Young Life was Like a Flower in Bloom

Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Related events:

  1. Monday 11th of August 2003 The Eyes Had it: A weird roadside shack on the outskirts of town

  2. Wednesday 13th of August 2003 The Eyes Had it: A local bus in an outskirt district

  3. Thursday 14th of August 2003 The Eyes Had it: The Nayada Kanca Studio Musik where I had a rehearsal with Henry Foundation aka Batman for a music performance at the BB's Club, organized by Pink Girl Go Wild EuNice Nuh

  4. Friday 15th of August 2003 The Eyes Had it: A night-ride

  5. Saturday 16th of August 2003 The Eyes Had it: Passengers in the back of a crowded pick-up truck aka public transport staring at a weird white guy

  6. Monday 18th of August 2003 The Eyes Had it: A devoted fan with a dubious t-shirt at Ruangrupa