40th year  -  N° 47                 Sunday, 16 February 2025         Antwerpen		
Here Comes the Ocean

Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany.

Related events:

  1. Saturday 19th of September 1812 (-) Jewish banker Mayer Amschel Rothschild dies of unknown causes

  2. Wednesday 10th of August 1814 (+) Henri Nestlé is born

  3. Friday 21st of September 1860 (-) Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer dies of pulmonary-respiratory failure

  4. Thursday 26th of March 1863 (+) Serial killer Karl Hopf is born

  5. Sunday 26th of June 1898 (+) Aircraft designer and manufacturer Willy Messerschmitt is born

  6. Friday 23rd of March 1900 (+) Social psychologist, psychoanalyst, sociologist and humanistic philosopher Erich Fromm is born

  7. Friday 11th of September 1903 (+) Philosopher Theodor Adorno is born

  8. Wednesday 5th of February 1908 (+) Kidnapper and multiple murderer Eugen Weidmann is born

  9. Thursday 3rd of June 1909 (+) German ambassador in Paris Ernst vom Rath is born

  10. Saturday 28th of December 1963 (-) Composer Paul Hindemith dies of pancreatitis

  11. Monday 14th of October 1968 (x) — Start of the trial against die Rote Armee Fraktion members Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin, Thorwald Proll and Horst Söhnlein for an arson-attack on Kaufhaus Schneider

  12. Thursday 4th of April 1968 (x) — Members of die Rote Armee Fraktion Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin, Thorwald Proll and Horst Sohnlein are arrested for an arson-attack on Kaufhaus Schneider

  13. Saturday 7th of February 1981 (-) Victim of Michael Wolpert aka Der Neu-Isenburger Frauenmörder Fatima Sonnenberg is raped and stabbed to death by Michael Wolpert aka Der Neu-Isenburger Frauenmörder

  14. Friday 24th of May 1985 (x) Serial killer Michael Wolpert is sentenced to life imprisonment for the murders of six young women

  15. Wednesday 10th of May 2006 (x) Murderer and cannibal Armin Meiwes is convicted of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole