40th year  -  N° 66                 Friday, 7 March 2025         Antwerpen		
Contort Yourself

Essen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany.

Related events:

  1. Friday 17th of February 1854 (+) Arms manufacturer Friedrich Alfred Krupp is born

  2. Wednesday 15th of July 1908 (+) Victim of Joachim Kroll aka The Ruhr Hunter Maria Hettgen is born

  3. Tuesday 28th of March 1922 (+) Entrepreneur Theodor Albrecht is born

  4. Thursday 30th of January 1930 (+) Vorstandssprecher der Deutschen Bank Alfred Herrhausen is born

  5. Wednesday 6th of November 1946 (+) Serial killer Jürgen Bartsch is born
    Bartsch was an illegitimate child whose birth mother died of tuberculosis soon afterward, and he spent the first months of his life being cared for by nurses. At 11 months he was adopted by a butcher and his wife in Langenberg, who gave him the name Jürgen Bartsch.

  6. Wednesday 1st of March 1961 (x) Horst Otto is sentenced to eight years imprisonment for the murder of Manuela Knodt
    Knodt was actually killed by Joachim Kroll aka Jockel aka Der Ruhrkannibale. Otto was released from prison on 3 April 1965.

  7. Friday 1st of December 1961 (+) Murderer and cannibal Armin Meiwes is born

  8. Saturday 31st of March 1962 (-) Victim of Jurgen Bartsch aka Der Kirmesmörder Klaus Jung is abducted and killed by Jürgen Bartsch aka Der Kirmesmörder

  9. Saturday 3rd of April 1965 (x) Horst Otto is released from prison after serving 5 years for the murder of Manuela Knodt
    Knodt was actually killed by Joachim Kroll aka Jockel aka Der Ruhrkannibale.

  10. Sunday 30th of July 1967 (-) Industrialist Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach dies of lung cancer

  11. Monday 29th of November 1971 (x) Entrepreneur Theodor Albrecht is kidnapped by lawyer Hans Joachim Ollenburg and his accomplice Paul Kron
    Albrecht was released 17 days later after paying a ransom of seven million Deutsche Mark. His kidnappers were eventually caught by authorities but only half of the money was recovered. Albrecht later successfully claimed the ransom as a tax deductible business expense in court.

  12. Saturday 4th of October 1980 (-) Victim of Kurt-Friedhelm Steinwegs aka Die Bestie vom Niederrhein Clemens Lichtenberg is beaten to death with a rock by Kurt-Friedhelm Steinwegs aka Die Bestie vom Niederrhein