40th year  -  N° 46                 Saturday, 15 February 2025         Antwerpen		
Bleu, Bleu, l'Amour est Bleu

Denver, Colorado, United States.

Related events:

  1. Tuesday 1st of August 1876 (x) Colorado is admitted as 38th of the United States

  2. Wednesday 23rd of May 1883 (+) Actor Douglas Fairbanks is born

  3. Tuesday 9th of January 1894 (x) Serial killer Henry Howard Holmes marries Georgiana Yoke posing as Henry Mansfield Howard
    At the time Holmes was still married to Clara Lovering and Myrta Belknap.

  4. Wednesday 10th of January 1917 (-) Bison hunter and showman William Frederick Cody dies of kidney failure

  5. Saturday 23rd of January 1932 (+) Mass murderer Jack Graham is born

  6. Thursday 3rd of April 1958 (+) Photographer Francesca Woodman is born

  7. Monday 14th of August 1961 (-) Actor Edwin Cooper dies of unknown causes

  8. Friday 27th of December 1963 (+) Mass murderer Dennis Bagwell is born

  9. Monday 22nd of April 2002 (-) Porn actress Linda Lovelace dies of massive trauma and internal injuries after a car accident on 3 April

  10. Friday 25th of December 2009 (x) Terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempts to detonate PETN and TAPN plastic explosives hidden in his underwear aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 253 from Amsterdam
    Abdulmutallab spent about 20 minutes in the toilet as the flight approached Detroit and then covered himself with a blanket after returning to his seat. Other passengers then heard popping noises, smelled a foul odour and some saw Abdulmutallab's trouser leg and the wall of the plane on fire. Fellow passenger Jasper Schuringa jumped on Abdulmutallab and subdued him as flight attendants used fire extinguishers to douse the flames. Two days after the attack Abdulmutallab was released from a hospital where he had been treated for first and second degree burns to his hands, and second degree burns to his right inner thigh and genitalia.