On demand of Meinhof's attorney Klaus Croissant and the International Committee for Political Prisoners an international investigation commission was created in order to examine the conditions surrounding Meinhof's death. The German authorities refused to give the complete (first) autopsy report to the commission, hindering their investigation. In 1978 the committee published its report, concluding that: "The formal claim that Ulrike Meinhof committed suicide by hanging is unfounded, given the fact that the investigation results reasonably converge to the conclusion that she could not hang herself. Most probably Ulrike Meinhof was already dead before she was hanged and there are warning signs indicating the involvement of a third party regarding her death." (9 May 1976)
There are 3363 births, 3916 deaths, 1121 murders, 495 disasters and 2074 other events about 5717 people in 6421 places until today.
Birth(+)Fact(x)Death(-) Calendar is an ongoing project since 1985 by DDV.