In Heath's coat the police found a railway cloakroom ticket which led them to a suitcase containing a riding whip with a diamond pattern weave used in the murder of Margery Gardner. (6 July 1946)
There are 3363 births, 3916 deaths, 1121 murders, 495 disasters and 2074 other events about 5717 people in 6421 places until today.
Birth(+)Fact(x)Death(-) Calendar is an ongoing project since 1985 by DDV.
Tuesday 6th of February 1945 (-) — Writer and journalist Robert Brasillach is executed by the firing squad Many personalities including Jean Cocteau, Arthur Honegger, Paul Valéry, François Mauriac and Albert Camus petitioned for a reprieve for Brasillach. It was not granted by President De Gaulle.