39th year  -  N° 348                 Friday, 13 December 2024         Antwerpen		
Paradise by the Dashboard Light
BirthFactDeath (x)
Thursday 24th of April 1975

49 years ago

die Rote Armee Fraktion aka Baader-Meinhof Gruppe Kommando Holger Meins featuring several members of the Sozialistisches Patienten Kollektiv take 13 hostages with the goal of forcing the release of other RAF members from prison in Germany in West German Embassy, Stockholm, Södermanland, Sweden.

The Kommando consisted of six members: Karl-Heinz DellwoSiegfried HausnerHanna-Elise KrabbeBernhard RössnerLutz Taufer and Ulrich Wessel. Hostage military attaché Andreas Baron von Mirbach was marched out on to the landing and shot dead. Economic attaché Hillegaart was made to stand at a window, and was then shot three times. Minutes before Swedish police were to storm the building Ulrich Wessel dropped a grenade which killed him and detonated a TNT cache. The remaining hostages as well as the other RAF members all suffered severe burns. Siegfried Hausner was flown back to Stammheim Prison in West Germany where he died of his wounds on 5 May.