39th year  -  N° 316                 Monday, 11 November 2024         Antwerpen		
Out in the Real World
BirthFactDeath (x)
Monday 22nd of September 1975

49 years ago She Missed and Shot Ludwig in the Groin

45-year-old attempted assassin of President Gerald Ford Sara Jane Moore fires two shots aimed at President Gerald Ford with a .38 Special revolver from a distance of 40 feet away in St. Francis Hotel, 335 Powell Street, San Francisco, California, United States.

Moore's first shot narrowly missed Ford’s head by five inches, going through the wall above the doorway. Upon hearing the gunfire bystander Oliver Sipple dove towards Moore and grabbed her shooting arm. That action redirected her second shot away from Ford and instead struck 42-year-old taxi driver John Ludwig standing inside the hotel in the groin.

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