39th year  -  N° 256                 Thursday, 12 September 2024         Antwerpen		
Are Friends Electric?
BirthFactDeath (-)
Sunday 19th of September 1869

155 years ago

6-month-pregnant Hortense Kinck, originally Hortense Juliette Roussel and her 2-year-old daughter Marie and four sons 5-year-old Alfred Louis, 7-year-old Achille Louis, 10-year-old Henry and 16-year-old Emile Louis  is stabbed to death and mutilated by mass murderer Jean-Baptiste Troppmann aka Le Massacreur de Pantin at the age of 42 in Chemin Vert, Pantin, Île-de-France, France.

Troppmann mutilated their bodies with cut faces, degauged eyes and ripped out intestins from Marie.