40th year  -  N° 47                 Sunday, 16 February 2025         Antwerpen		
Out in the Real World
BirthFactDeath (x)
Friday 17th of March 2000

25 Years Ago

924 Die in Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God group suicide and mass murder in Kanungu, Western Region, Uganda.

530 cult members died in a church explosion and fire. The five principal cult leaders Joseph Kibweteere, Joseph Kasapurari, John Kamagara, Dominic Kataribabo and Credonia Mwerinde were assumed to have died in the fire. Four days after the church fire, police investigated Movement properties and discovered hundreds of bodies at sites across southern Uganda. Six bodies were discovered sealed in the latrine of the Kanungu compound, as well as 153 bodies at a compound in Buhunage, 155 bodies at Dominic Kataribabo's estate at Rugazi, where they had been poisoned and stabbed, and another 81 bodies lay at leader Joseph Nymurinda's farm. Police now believe that Joseph Kibweteere and Credonia Mwerinde may still be alive and have issued an international warrant for their arrest.

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