BirthFactDeath (-) Tuesday 12th of May 1987 38 years ago |
Spree killer Michel Van Wijnendaele aka The Mad Cyclist commits suicide by a shot in the head at the age of 28 in Sirault, Hainaut, Belgium. Van Wijnendaele killed himself after he was closed in by state police. Earlier that day he killed seven people; 90-year-old Jean Baptiste and 84-year-old Margriet Nechelput, 54-year-old Edgard, 46-year-old Liliane and 20-year-old Christian De Crem and the German Shepherd Tibo on a farm in Bogaarden, and 37-year-old Marie-Therese Walraevens and 3-year-old Ludovic De Rijck on another farm. In Denderwindeke he shot is parents-in-law, both survived. |